The strongest soldier

Chapter 3889 Contact Headquarters

Under the gray night, the sky and the earth are vast, and the visibility is very low. The ice-covered land emits weak moonlight. The bright light rises like foggy steam, with a hint of cold air, as if there are many ghosts emerging from the ground. When I came out, it was extremely mysterious. In the gray night, several direwolves suddenly appeared, opening their mouths bloody and creating a stench.

Everyone was startled when they saw the sudden appearance of the direwolf. They had never seen such a tall and strong wolf before. It was as big as an adult calf. Its fangs were even more chilling in the faint moonlight, and it looked like a ferocious beast from the wild. , everyone's scalp was numb when they saw it, and they all took a few steps back. If in the heyday, everyone still had the confidence to fight, but now everyone is weak and injured, how can we fight? Everyone looked at Luo Zheng involuntarily.

Luo Zheng stared coldly at the direwolf that rushed towards him. Instead of retreating, he advanced instead. He held a black Japanese sword in his hand. A huge fighting spirit burst out. He fought with the direwolf not once. He had a psychological advantage. However, A strange scene happened. Everyone saw the direwolf rushing up suddenly stopped suddenly, looked at Luo Zheng in surprise, let out a low whimper, and then turned around and ran away, leaving everyone stunned.

"It's okay, let's move on." Luo Zheng secretly breathed a sigh of relief. As long as the black thing didn't fail, it would be easy. To be on the safe side, Luo Zheng took out the black thing and distributed it to everyone, one for each person. The direwolf was too fast. He is good at sneak attacks, but it will be troublesome if he drags one or two people from behind.

Everyone was holding the black stuff and didn't know why. After Luo Zheng distributed it, he explained: "Don't ask any more questions. This thing must not be lost. There are direwolves everywhere around. Their speed is more than twice as fast as everyone's, and their bite force is beyond imagination. It can bite off a thigh in one bite, and its agility is comparable to that of a civet cat, but it will not attack the person carrying this thing. Don't ask what this thing is, I don't know, it was snatched."

"Ah?" Everyone was shocked. They looked at the black thing in their hands and then at Luo Zheng. They suddenly understood that Luo Zheng's trip here was definitely not easy. They felt warm in their hearts, especially Tang Tiantian and the guards. They originally belonged to The Wild Wolf Mercenary Group was an old enemy. Although their hatred had been eliminated due to various reasons, the grudge still existed in their hearts. At this moment, everyone found that they could no longer hate them, but instead felt a little more grateful.

Humans are all high-level animals with emotions, not wild beasts. They have thoughts, feelings, and seven emotions and six desires. Luo Zheng's repaying evil with kindness has long made everyone hate him. Now, Luo Zheng risked a narrow escape to save him again, and alone. The danger can be imagined, and everyone is a little more grateful.

"Where did this thing come from? It must be difficult." Tang Tiantian asked gratefully, as if he didn't understand the regret in his heart.

"It's okay." Nothing happened, and Luo Zheng roughly recounted what happened after arriving in the town.

Luo Zheng said softly, but everyone was an experienced veteran. How could they not hear the danger involved? They were all grateful. Tang Tiantian even said solemnly: "Boss, thank you very much."

"Thank you for what you are doing. You should be one of us." Luo Zheng smiled casually, looked at Jackson and asked, "Your injury looks more serious, can you bear it?"

"No problem." Jackson said firmly.

But Luo Zheng could see that Jackson was seriously injured and must be treated as soon as possible, otherwise it would be very troublesome. He quickly turned on the signal and prepared to contact the headquarters. At this time, the think tank next to him smiled bitterly: "They know my identity, maybe they think My value is higher. I focused on interrogating Jackson. Therefore, Jackson suffered the most and was injured the most. It's my fault. It's too careless. From what you just said, there is indeed something weird in this town. That bar Sure enough, there is a problem, I can't spare them if I look back." As he said that, a cold light flashed in his weak eyes.

"Okay, take care of yourself and leave the rest to me." Luo Zheng waved his hand and pointed at the headset. Everyone knew they were connected to the online headquarters and fell silent. Luo Zheng heard the blue sound coming from the headset. Xue's familiar voice said quickly: "Xue'er, it's me. The person has been rescued. I need support."

"Ah? That's great, but Xu Gang and the others still need about twelve hours." Lan Xue said in surprise.

Luo Zheng estimated the distance and found that it would take about twelve hours to get to the iceberg from where he was, and the pursuers could come up at any time. He said helplessly: "No, it's too slow. We must speed up and let everyone think of a way. Yeah, where are they?"

"On the plane, getting ready to land." Lan Xue replied quickly.

"Airborne directly to my location, don't go to the iceberg." Luo Zheng warned quickly.

"Understood, I'll notify them right away." Lan Xue quickly agreed.

Luo Zheng knew that the speed of the plane could not be as fast as it wanted. After thinking about it, he said in a deep voice: "The location of the Holy Mountain is in the sea to the east of me. It is a huge iceberg, about five or six meters long. The satellite should be able to see it. The large ice floe is about ten minutes away by Zodiac, find it, and then arrange for surrounding countries to assist in the siege.”

"Understood." Lan Xue immediately agreed: "It can be done within two hours."

"Huh?" Luo Zheng heard this and was surprised.

Lan Xue explained: "There is a country about three hundred kilometers away from you. It has a normal relationship with us, but it has a very good relationship with a country called the Counter-Terrorism Alliance. It will not be a big problem for them to coordinate and arrange for fighter jets to go over. However, you need to wait for two days. About an hour.”

"Two hours?" Luo Zheng pondered for a moment in surprise, and said: "Okay, arrange it as soon as possible. We won't have any icebergs. We will defend on the coast. As long as we hold the coastline, they will not be able to come up, and we will be safe."

"I will immediately notify Xu Gang and the others to rush to your location." Lan Xue said knowingly.

After ending the call, Luo Zheng immediately looked at everyone and explained thoughtfully: "It takes more than ten hours to cross the iceberg from here. I'm afraid you won't be able to hold on with your physical strength. We won't leave. Let the reinforcements come to join us. In addition, coordinate with other surrounding countries. Help, destroy this iceberg and cut off the minions of the Dark Church, but only if we need to protect ourselves for about two hours, do you have any questions?"

"No problem, just no weapons." The think tank said in a deep voice.

"Yes, there are not many ninjas in the Holy Mountain. The combatants are probably all transferred to the virgin forest and the mountain eagles to fight hard. The remaining ones are non-combatants, and there are not many strong ones. We still have a chance to defend the coastline. The premise is that I have a weapon." Jackson also said solemnly.

"We definitely can't hold it for more than ten hours, and we are too passive. However, the surrounding area is flat and covered with hard ice. There is no danger at all." Tang Tiantian looked at Luo Zheng and reminded.

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