The strongest soldier

Chapter 385 Ninja appears

In the bright corridor, Luo Zheng looked around calmly and pricked up his ears. The surroundings were quiet. No one could be seen and no sound could be heard. There was a fire escape about ten meters in front and a fire escape about twenty meters behind. Elevator, the elevator leads to the underground. The elevator entrance is connected to the lobby of the office building. When you go out, you are outside. Where will the visitor hide?

Luo Zheng came to the door of the fire escape vigilantly, leaned his back against the wall, and listened for a while. There was no movement from the fire escape. Luo Zheng cautiously opened the fire door a crack and looked inside. There was nothing. Luo Zheng was surprised. Get up, where will the visitor hide?

"Have you found anything?" Luo Zheng closed the fire door and asked softly into the headset.

"Strange, nothing was found. Your people have been notified." Zheng Duo replied in a surprised voice.

Luo Zheng thought for a moment, clenched the gun, ducked into the fire escape, and ran upstairs quickly. He did not encounter any attacks along the way. The surroundings were quiet, as if nothing had happened. Luo Zheng came to the third floor. When he went to the fire escape upstairs, he glanced at the scrap of paper on the steps. The scrap of paper was still there. Luo Zheng stepped on it angrily and continued to go up.

He rushed to the sixth floor in one breath, but still found nothing. Luo Zheng became suspicious and thought about it. If it were him, he would definitely rush underground. There is no need to hide upstairs. After thinking about it, he did not continue to climb up and headed towards I rushed downstairs, and when I got to the third floor, I found that the scraps of paper were still there. I just moved my position and didn't care. I rushed to the lobby and came to the elevator entrance. I didn't find anything abnormal. I rushed outside, but I still didn't find anything abnormal.

"Strange? Did I remember it wrong?" Luo Zheng wondered in surprise, while looking around vigilantly. Apart from the corridors and fire escapes, the only places that could hide people were the ventilation ducts and the rooms upstairs. He checked each room. It's unrealistic. There are so many ventilation ducts. It would be difficult to check them if they were hidden.

After thinking for a while, Luo Zheng always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't figure out what it was. He cautiously returned to the monitoring room and asked Zheng Duo to open the door. He sat on a chair and carefully checked the monitoring. All the pictures showed no abnormalities. Luo Zheng His brows furrowed slightly, his face became serious, and he suddenly saw the piece of paper and couldn't help but be startled.

When I went up the stairs to check just now, I paid special attention to it. The scraps of paper had been moved. Why was this scrap of paper still in the same place? Thinking of this, Luo Zheng was suddenly startled and asked cautiously: "Captain Zheng, did you see me going up the fire escape just now?"

"Did you get on the fire escape?" Zheng Duo asked in surprise.

Luo Zheng was startled and suddenly realized that the system had been invaded and someone had taken control of the monitoring background. What he saw now was an illusion and not a real-time monitoring screen. His face turned cold. He looked at Zheng Duo, who was also cautious, and said seriously: "The other party has a computer expert who has taken control of our surveillance system. Immediately notify your people to turn on all the lights around and conduct a careful investigation." He hurried out and went straight to the lobby of the office building.

There was no one in the lobby. Luo Zheng quickly pressed the elevator button, only to find that the elevator did not respond at all. Luo Zheng was shocked and immediately shouted through the headset: "Captain Zheng, there is a fault in the elevator. I suspect someone has penetrated underground. Immediately notify the underground of my People pay attention.”

"Understood." Zheng Duo quickly agreed and dialed the internal phone number.

The only way to enter the underground is the elevator. If the other party enters the underground, even if they control the security system and can pass through the security gate and laser channel smoothly, as long as Gui Shou and others know the news, they believe that the other party will not get any favors, so they will stay at the elevator entrance. , shouted through the headset: "Captain Zheng, the opponent has controlled the surveillance, and I believe he can hear our conversation, but no matter what, you must manually turn off all surveillance power immediately, and you cannot give the enemy an advantage."

"Understood." Zheng Duo quickly rushed to the control area and quickly turned off the power of the monitoring equipment.

"I didn't expect you to react very quickly, but it's already too late." A sudden voice suddenly sounded in the headset: "I'm curious, how did you detect the abnormality?"

"Asshole, come here and challenge me if you dare." Zheng Duo yelled angrily.

"Calm down." Luo Zheng shouted coldly: "Captain Zheng, don't rush in. Notify your men immediately. No matter who rushes out of the office building, shoot to death. Remember, don't get close to the office building. Otherwise, I will shoot to kill." , be careful, the murderer is not simple."

"Understood." Zheng Duo immediately agreed and sent the notification.

"Come on, I want to see how capable you are." Luo Zheng looked coldly at the elevator secret passage. Suddenly he saw the elevator lights turn on. Knowing that someone was coming out, he quickly took a few steps back and aimed his gun at the elevator exit. He waited sternly and saw the elevator door open, but Luo Zheng did not shoot inside.

After waiting for a few seconds, a black shadow suddenly rolled out of the elevator and rolled to the ground. It moved quickly. Luo Zheng took aim quickly, only to find that the opponent had already bounced up. His whole body was wrapped in black tights, only a pair of eyes were exposed, and there was a gun on his back. A long sword, standard ninja outfit.

"Bang bang bang!" Luo Zheng aimed at the opponent and fired without hesitation. The moment he pulled the trigger, he noticed a blur in front of his eyes. He probably couldn't hit the opponent with these three shots. He shouldn't be careless. He searched around with his eyes and found the target. He rolled out a few meters away and hid in a corner.

"Go to hell." Luo Zheng rushed forward angrily, and continued to fire with the gun in his hand. He was horrified to find that the other party drew his sword like lightning, and a black light flashed. The long sword was blocked in front of him, making a crisp sound, but the blade actually blocked it. Bullets, what a precise calculation, what a terrifying ability to predict.

Luo Zheng knew he had met a real master. He stopped with a flying shovel and kept a certain distance from the opponent. However, the gun in his hand did not stop and continued to fire. All the bullets were shot towards the opponent's lower three paths. Suddenly, he found that the opponent's body quickly retreated. Somersault, avoiding his own shot again.

"Asshole." Luo Zheng's face was ashen, and his cold eyes were fixed on the other party. Seeing that the other party was in the void, he had no way to use his strength. He quickly took a deep breath, closed his eyes slightly, and aimed the gun in his hand at the other party. Pulling the trigger, there was a bang, and the bullet roared out with Luo Zheng's anger.

"Ding!" Sparks flew everywhere, and the bullet was once again blocked by the long black knife in the opponent's hand. Taking advantage of this moment, the opponent had already landed, slapped his hands on the ground, and rushed forward quickly like a swallow catching water.

"Go to hell!" Luo Zheng didn't expect to be blocked by the opponent in such a decisive blow, and his fighting spirit was completely aflame. This was the courage to become stronger when strong. The gun in his hand rang again, but he found that the opponent's body was twisting strangely in the void. He moved, barely avoiding the fatal blow, touched the ground with one foot, rotated his body 360 degrees in the air, and kicked hard.

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