The strongest soldier

Chapter 384 Someone comes in

"This matter cannot be made public, and no one can talk about it. Brother, immediately notify a trustworthy person to come and deal with the explosives. As for that person, arrest him for interrogation, and tell the public that he died of myocardial infarction." Luo Zheng immediately suggested, glancing towards On the first floor, the expression became grim, and the cold eyes were murderous, full of hatred for the Japanese pirates.

"Okay, I'll take care of it." Snow Leopard agreed, hurried to the basement, and told Lan Xue the situation. When Lan Xue heard that the bomb had been discovered, he breathed a sigh of relief and told Snow Leopard to guard the basement. He came to the ground and called on the phone. The contact person walked towards the staff living area and soon saw Luo Zheng.

Luo Zheng saw Lan Xue coming and breathed a sigh of relief. Only the captain had the qualification to coordinate with other departments. Lan Xue walked up to him and took a look at the explosive box. He understood the situation again and secretly felt happy. More than two hundred kilograms of yellow gunpowder They exploded at the same time, and the power was quite astonishing. Thinking about it made me feel numb. He looked at Zheng Duo and reminded him seriously: "Captain Zheng, remember to keep it secret."

"Don't worry, I know what to do. This comrade just explained it." Zheng Duo quickly replied. The discovery of so many explosives was definitely a shocking case. For the first time in the history of the military industrial institute, his captain was seriously What a dereliction of duty. Thinking of this, Zheng Duo lowered his head in guilt.

After waiting for a while, several cars came roaring and stopped not far away. A group of capable men wearing black suits and half-inch haircut got out of the cars. Each of them had eyes shining. They were obviously not ordinary people. The leader A man came to Lan Xue and saluted without saying a word.

Lan Xue didn't mind either. With a cold face and a businesslike attitude, he whispered: "There are two hundred kilograms of yellow powder bombs down there. Please take them away as soon as possible and fill up the passage. Don't leave them to make any noise. The ones inside are If you have any news, please inform us immediately."

The other party agreed and immediately deployed. Some people drilled into the tunnel, and some rushed into the room and took away the unconscious person. They moved quickly. Luo Zheng looked at Lan Xue in confusion. Lan Xue motioned Luo Zheng to come to the side and lowered his voice. The voice said: "They are from the intelligence brigade. You and Zheng Duo go to the control room to take charge and set off the explosives. Then we will have no worries and can have a good fight with those bastards."

"Okay, those Japanese pirates are indeed vicious and will do anything they can. I don't know what they will do next. Be careful." Luo Zheng agreed and waved to Zheng Duo solemnly. The two of them walked towards the office building. On the way, Zheng Duo was full of curiosity, but did not ask any more questions. He became faintly excited and couldn't help but said: "Brother, this is a big case. It has never happened before in the military industry. No one will believe it if I tell you."

"It's best not to tell anyone, otherwise it will be very troublesome. The enemy is bound to win. Without explosives, they will resort to other means. It's uncertain what will happen then. We must keep it secret so that the enemy thinks the explosives are still there, so that everyone is safe. After returning, You must not say a single word, not to anyone, understand?" Luo Zheng warned.

"Don't worry, I understand." Zheng Duo agreed.

Luo Zheng could see that Zheng Duo's work ability was quite good, and his ability to adapt to changes just now was also very strong. The data showed that he was very principled in doing things. He had never made a mistake in his ten years in office, so he was still worthy of a certain degree of trust, so he smiled and said, Comforting: "Of course, you don't have to worry, we are here for everything."

"You are indeed powerful. You cracked two plots in one day. Mineral water, explosives, no matter which one, it will cause large-scale damage. There is a dereliction of duty on my part. Please don't worry. I will sound the alarm for everyone soon. Even if you die, you will know." Zheng Duo said with a happy face.

"No, it's okay to give a proper reminder, but it's not good to say too much. If word spreads and falls into the eyes of interested people, it will alert others. Besides, can you guarantee that there are no enemy insiders in the guard team?" Luo Zheng said seriously.

Zheng Duo was shocked and wanted to excuse himself, but found that there was no reason. The mineral water time and the explosive incident were not easy to accomplish, but someone did it quietly. There is no trace to be found, who can guarantee that there is no mole?

Back in the office building, the monitoring equipment was almost installed and debugged. Luo Zheng checked one by one and made sure there were no omissions or problems. He breathed a sigh of relief and sat down on the executive chair in the monitoring room. He stared at the screen while resting. I switched monitoring points to check, thinking that after dawn tomorrow, I would arrange for someone to install infrared detectors and motion sensors to completely seal all loopholes.

"Do you have motion sensors and infrared detectors?" Luo Zheng asked.

"Huh? No." Zheng Duo answered truthfully.

Luo Zheng stopped talking nonsense, picked up the intercom phone on his desk and called the underground conference room. Someone soon answered the phone, it was a ghost hand, Luo Zheng said: "Brother, get some motion sensors and infrared detectors. If possible, get the position radar as well.”

"Brother, we are not at the base. Only the captain has the authority to get these things." Guishou said with a bitter smile.

Luo Zheng responded and called Lan Xue. Lan Xue listened for a while and agreed. After hanging up the phone, Luo Zheng looked at one of the screens and asked hurriedly: "Captain Zheng, come here and see what's going on." thing?"

"Huh?" Zheng Duo looked at the screen, full of doubts. The screen picture was nothing. The fire escape of the office building was monitored in real time. No one was there. The stairs were very quiet. It was normal. Zheng Duo couldn't see anything suspicious and couldn't help but look. Luo Zheng asked in surprise: "What's wrong?"

"Look at this step, there is a scrap of paper on it. I remember that the scrap of paper should be at the edge of the step above." Luo Zheng pointed to the fire staircase on the screen and said with a solemn expression. He quickly picked up the weapon and pushed the bullet up. He put on the headset and shouted coldly: "The enemy doesn't know whether he's going upstairs or downstairs. I'm going to have a look. You notify my people immediately and don't alert your people."

"Understood, you really don't need help?" Zheng Duo didn't expect Luo Zheng's observation ability to be so keen, and he was in awe of it. He agreed with a solemn face. Seeing that Luo Zheng had rushed out, he immediately stood up to see Luo Zheng off and locked the security door to avoid being caught. After a sneak attack, he quickly picked up the intercom phone and dialed the basement to inform them of the situation. He stared at the screen and quickly operated the keyboard to trace the enemy's traces, but unfortunately found nothing.

"Hiss? I didn't find any clues." Zheng Duo was surprised. He couldn't figure out how the other party got in. There was a defense line outside the military factory, and there were two lines of defense, one light and one dark inside, but no one was found. This Isn't this guy's strength too terrifying? Thinking of this, I couldn't help but become nervous.

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