The strongest soldier

Chapter 3835 Heavy losses

"Boom——!" There was a loud noise, and the whole world trembled with the explosion. The buzzing sound covered up the roar of the aircraft, and the huge explosion fireball exploded in the void. The red light was like blood, which was particularly dazzling. The smoke filled the air, as if the God of Death had flashed across the air. Everyone stared at this scene with their hearts in their throats.

However, everyone quickly turned pale. After the powerful explosion, the aircraft rushed over everyone's heads as if nothing happened, but dropped a missile. The missile made a shrill sonic boom, which was chilling. Like the god of death swooping down with a ferocious smile.

"Boom -" Another huge explosion sounded, and the ground was shaking. The powerful explosion fireball spread instantly, submerging nearly a hundred meters around it. All living things within the explosion range instantly evaporated. Grass and lurking people were all thrown out by the powerful shock wave, helpless in the air, and soon fell to the ground one after another, unconscious, life or death unknown.

"No?" The mountain eagle was shocked and roared with grief and anger: "Quick, retreat to the forest!"

Everyone had just rushed out of the forest, and it was not very far away from the forest. Retreating to the forest was undoubtedly the best choice. Staying in the open mountains was undoubtedly a living target. This order was timely, but many people were disturbed by the sound of explosions and the roar of the aircraft. His head was dizzy due to the sound and his ears were deafened. He didn't hear the mountain eagle's command at all. He instinctively continued to run away. He even covered his ears with his hands and gritted his teeth to fight against the sound.

A small number of people heard the mountain eagle's order and ran away. After running a few steps, they saw the mountain eagle rushing towards those who didn't run, like crazy, shouting something, but unfortunately the aircraft turned around. At first, the roar increased, and no one could hear the mountain eagle's cry, so they were all stunned.

On the battlefield, no one would leave the commander to escape alone. That would be a great shame. Everyone looked at the mountain eagle blankly, and found that the mountain eagle rushed to one person, gestured for the other person to run to the forest, and then ran to the other people. The people all understood in an instant, and they turned around and ran towards the brothers who had not heard the order, pulling each other to make gestures to convey the order of the mountain eagle.

This primitive way of transmitting orders is very time-consuming, but there is no other way. No one will leave the other brothers and run alone. The aircraft passes over everyone's heads again, drops another missile, then roars into the air, and the missile lands. Then it exploded. The powerful explosion sounded like thunder at midnight. There was only a buzzing sound between the sky and the earth, as if it would collapse at any time. The ground was even more muddy and a huge crater appeared.

In critical moments, time is of the essence. Everyone understands that they are powerless to fight against the aircraft. All they can do is to notify other brothers to evacuate as soon as possible. Even portable air defense missiles cannot be destroyed. Such aircraft can only be described as terrifying. Everyone is running desperately, Roaring, spreading the order around, trying to be heard by others.

This method of giving orders had little effect, but it was better than nothing. Some people heard the roar and reacted, pulling the people around them to retreat quickly. A large number of brothers rushed towards the forest. Those who did not receive the order saw this scene and also After reacting, they all followed. Seeing the aircraft turning around again, they dispersed and ran as fast as they could.

Facing the missiles dropped by the invincible aircraft, the farther everyone ran away, the fewer people were bombed each time. When crowded together, more people died, faster, and a scream sounded like countless people. The evil ghost was laughing hoarsely, and a missile fell down and exploded on the ground.

The explosion fire was as terrifying as a volcano erupting, swallowing up everything around it. The fire rolled and spread to a greater distance instantly, vaporizing everything around it. Fortunately, the brothers had already distanced themselves, and the number of people within the explosion range was limited. The losses suffered by this attack Much smaller than the previous two times, but still distressing.

The mountain eagle was outside the explosion shock wave, and its body was thrown to the ground by the air waves. It took a while to get up, its ears were buzzing, and it could not hear anything. The whole person fell into a quiet and quiet world, and everything in front of it was everywhere. Some of the brothers who were bombed were killed in battle, and some were seriously injured. They were rolling on the ground in pain, roaring, raising their guns and firing violently at the roaring aircraft. They had to die heroically.

"Ah -" the mountain eagle roared angrily, like a wounded lion, its eyes were bloodshot, and its face was livid. Seeing the aircraft pounce fiercely, and once again dropped a missile, the mountain eagle became furious. Attacking the heart, the body softened and fell to the ground. The heart was bleeding and shattering. The overwhelming anger spurted out, burning around like real substance.

So many brothers were bombed to death by the enemy. Shan Diao was filled with guilt and anger. It was all his fault. In his anger, Shan Diao felt that the whole sky was collapsing. He had no face to face anyone, especially They are the family members of the brothers who died in the war, and they wish they were the ones who were killed in the bombing.

At this time, a figure rushed over, roaring with endless anger and unwillingness. Unfortunately, the mountain eagle could not hear or see clearly, and even its brain seemed to have stopped. Suddenly, its vision went dark, and it fainted to the ground. The figure rushed over, grabbed the mountain eagle, held it in his arms, and roared: "Brothers, retreat quickly!" It was Xu Gang.

The brothers saw the mountain eagle being taken away by Xu Gang from a distance and rushing towards the forest. They all breathed a sigh of relief and rushed over one after another, taking away the roars and unwillingness. The hillside was not too far from the forest. It was a matter of life and death, plus Roaring and stimulating, everyone unleashed their unprecedented potential, sprinting with all their strength, and soon entered the forest.

The trees at the edge of the forest were not dense, so everyone continued to rush towards the depths. At this time, the aircraft rushed up, and a machine gun protruded from under the fuselage. This machine gun was modified and consisted of eight barrels. It sprayed at the same time. Large-caliber bullets were fired fiercely into the forest at a rate of nearly 10,000 rounds per minute, like a storm, and the dense forest turned into a mess in the blink of an eye.

"Ta-ta-ta--" The dense rain of bullets roared crazily, roaring, mercilessly destroying everything. In the forest, countless trees were broken, and many brothers were directly blown away by the dense bullets. They were extremely miserable, and their faces No one is immune to such a ferocious attack, and no one can easily evade it.

Fortunately, everyone was well-trained and did not panic when faced with the violent rain of attacks, but quickly spread out to avoid them. As long as they spread far enough, the losses could be reduced to a certain extent. The aircraft raged arrogantly for a while. Perhaps the ammunition it carried was empty. It circled in the void, roared away like a mighty force, and quickly disappeared into the clouds. The dense forest became a mess, and was smashed everywhere. The trees are full of desolation.

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