The strongest soldier

Chapter 3834 Terrorist Interception

At dusk, the setting sun was like blood, dyeing the entire western sky red. Even the clouds were red, as if the sky was bleeding. On the edge of the vast forest, a group of heavily armed opponents walked out of the woods one after another and walked towards the open field ahead. In the mountains, the leader of the team was Shan Diao, accompanied by Xu Gang, Tie Diao, Shi Qian, Ishii Sora and others. After learning the news about Zhao Wuji from the headquarters, everyone rushed to the village to meet up.

After Shan Diao and other troops were in place, he immediately led the troops out of Chaoluo. According to the plan, he would rush to a neighboring country, take a convoy from the neighboring country to another country, and take a plane back from that country. The route has been set, and along the way The country has also coordinated well. After several days of trekking, everyone finally walked out of the forest. Not far ahead was the neighboring country. Everyone was familiar with this area. They had fought a battle with the Dark Church here.

Looking at the familiar terrain, everyone secretly breathed a sigh of relief. The mountain eagle looked at the sky and said in a deep voice: "Brothers, it's going to be dark soon. Just in case, we have to drive all night and try to get through before dark." Is there any problem in crossing this mountain range and arriving at the border of neighboring countries at dawn?"

"No problem." Everyone responded in a deep voice, and they all wanted to return home as soon as possible. It had been too long since they had been out, and they had experienced too many things. Everyone was tired and needed a good rest.

The marching order was quickly conveyed through the headset. The mountains were very ordinary. There was no chaotic magnetic field and no mountains to block them. The satellite signal was good and anyone could be contacted at any time. The team couldn't help but speed up. A few minutes later, everyone arrived. A hillside was overgrown with weeds, but not a single tall tree could be seen.

"I don't feel very good." Xu Gang suddenly whispered to the mountain eagle, looking around solemnly. The surrounding field of vision was wide and the mountains were gentle, which was not conducive to hiding. No suspicious enemies could be seen, but this terrain gave Xu Gang felt uneasy and continued in a low voice: "It's too peaceful here and it's not conducive to hiding, but I feel very bad."

"The team stopped advancing and took cover." Shandiao was also a veteran. He knew the importance of intuition on the battlefield and did not dare to be careless. He immediately issued the order out of caution. The troops had been on the road for several days and really needed a good rest. , when the troops stopped, the mountain eagle looked around vigilantly and said softly: "I can't feel anything, Brother Tie Diao, what about you? Where are the brothers?"

The strongest member of the special service team was Xu Gang, followed by Tie Diao. Mountain Diao did not look at Tie Diao. Tie Diao looked around intently and felt the surroundings carefully. After a while, he shook his head and said, "The feeling is not very obvious, but... Be careful and you won’t make any big mistakes, why don’t you make some preparations?”

"That's fine." The mountain eagle nodded in agreement, and quickly pointed to the surrounding terrain and issued a series of orders, asking the brothers in each unit to spread out and take cover to seize the favorable terrain.

However, as soon as the order was given, a harsh roar suddenly sounded in the sky. Everyone was shocked. They raised their heads and followed the sound, and found that a silver thing appeared in the sky in the distance, roaring towards everyone. Everyone was shocked. The mountain eagle He shouted with shock on his face: "No, it's an aircraft. Damn it, it's actually an aircraft of the Dark Church. Quick, get out and take cover immediately."

Everyone knew how powerful the aircraft of the Dark Church were. Even the special operations teams from various countries of the Counter-Terrorism Alliance that had just joined had heard some horrific stories about the aircraft. Although it was the first time they saw it, they did not dare to be careless and quickly dispersed and ran away. Go and find a place to hide, such as dense bushes, low-lying pits, behind rocks, etc.

The speed of the aircraft was really too fast. Before everyone could run out a few steps, the aircraft, which was originally a black dot, turned into a behemoth. It was shaped like a flying saucer, but exuded a cold aura of death, and the high-pitched roar was even more terrifying. People may feel dizzy or even nauseous.

"No, the voice is offensive. Take off the headset." The mountain eagle was shocked and roared to remind everyone.

Aircraft are no strangers to mountain eagles, but they did not expect that this time they met, the aircraft can actually emit a high-frequency sound wave. This sound wave also has offensive power and can make people dizzy and lose the courage to resist. This is not Good thing, the mountain eagle reminded everyone loudly. At the same time, the reminder sound was also transmitted to the headquarters through the headset, so that the headquarters could learn about the situation as soon as possible.

Everyone present reacted quickly, taking off their headsets, looking for clothes, or covering their ears with their hands, trying to avoid high-frequency sound wave attacks, but the effect was not very satisfactory. One brother was angry He gave up resistance, gritted his teeth, put a portable anti-aircraft missile launcher on his shoulder, and shouted something. The roar of the aircraft was too loud, and the people around him couldn't hear it clearly, but someone saw this brother's actions and immediately Someone came over with an anti-aircraft missile to load it.

At this time, the aircraft roared over and the roar became louder. The brother carrying the portable anti-aircraft missile launcher had blood coming out of his eyes, nose, mouth and even ears. He was shocked by the sound, but his tenacious willpower supported him. The body and the arm holding the launcher are even more stable.

The person responsible for loading was not much better. He was also bleeding from all his orifices and was about to die, but he still skillfully loaded the missile into it and habitually patted the shoulder of the brother carrying the launcher to get the signal and carry the launcher. The brother stared angrily, letting the blood stay, and aimed the missile at the aircraft.

With a sound of "Boom--", the missile roared out of the barrel. The brother had no time to see the results of the battle. His body could no longer hold on and he fell to the ground. His eyes full of blood stared at the empty sky, with unwillingness written on his face. And angry, the brother responsible for loading ammunition also fell to the ground, a smile of relief and expectation appeared on his face, and he closed his eyes.

The anti-aircraft missile roared away, carrying the brother's sky-high anger and expectation, drawing a terrifying air current in the void, and the buzzing sonic boom sounded like the sky was shaking. The brothers who were covering their ears tightly saw the unconscious brother who fell to the ground. They gave their lives to win a chance for everyone. They also saw the launched missiles. Everyone's eyes were wet.

Comrade-in-arms are people who stand up for others to survive at critical moments, people who take bullets for others. These two brothers did it, and it was so sad that everyone silently glanced at the two brothers who fell to the ground, and felt hatred in their hearts. , there is pain, there is helplessness, when facing a dead situation, someone has to come out and do something. Death is a kind of relief, but the living people have to live on for the dead people and avenge the sacrificed brothers.

Everyone's hearts were filled with pain and hatred, and they locked onto the aircraft one after another. Their eyes were full of cold murderous intent, and there was also strong expectation that the two brothers would gain something in their desperate attempt, and that the anti-aircraft missiles could destroy the aircraft. Exploded down, and only in this way will the sacrifice of the two brothers be worthwhile.

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