The strongest soldier

Chapter 3771 Unexpected Discovery

Half an hour later, on a hillside, a mountain eagle stood quietly in the woods and looked at the canyon ahead. There was a river winding through the canyon. There was a road beside the river, which was also the only way out of the base of the valley. Different people were in the transport team. A lot of supplies need to be transported, so we are destined to not be able to cross mountains and ridges, so we can only take this road.

The place where we ambush has a relatively wide view. From a high position, we can clearly see the mountain road conditions. The mountains on both sides are steep, which is not conducive to climbing. As long as there is a blockade at both ends, no one can escape, and everyone is hiding on the hillside, blocked by big trees. , relatively safe, it is simply a natural ambush site, and the mountain eagle is very satisfied with this ambush spot.

Fifty snipers had already hidden themselves so that no one could detect them. The mountain eagle was reassured by the strength of the brothers and waited patiently. He whispered to the old man who followed him: "We are lucky to have such a good ambush point." , this is God trying to conquer those demons."

The old man had also worked as a mercenary and was no stranger to fighting. He looked at the surrounding terrain and smiled. The two chatted casually, mainly because the mountain eagle asked about some local folk customs and the like, and wanted to stay here for a while. It is always good to know more about the local conditions in order to avoid not knowing about the taboos. Mountain people have many taboos.

Time is waiting to pass slowly. The cicadas that have stopped chirping for a while start to sound again, as if they have adapted to everyone's presence. The wind is blowing slowly, and the lively forest exudes a peaceful atmosphere. Occasionally, a few birds fly by, Bringing a bit of vitality to the forest, the mountain eagle quietly admired the beautiful scenery around it, with a peaceful mood, without any nervousness about the approaching war. As a veteran, the mountain eagle was used to fighting, and enjoyed the tranquility before the battle.

Half an hour passed, and an hour passed. There was no movement in the base, and the target did not appear. The old man waited impatiently, looked at the sky, and then at the mountain eagle with a calm face, and stopped talking. The mountain eagle saw the old man's worry, smiled faintly, and said: "Don't be anxious, it will come naturally when it comes. If you don't come, it's useless to rush. It will affect your heart."

"Yes, but what if you don't come even after dark?" the old man reminded worriedly.

"If you don't come before dark, it means you won't move today. Night is not conducive for the transportation team to walk, so just wait until tomorrow. It will come out eventually." The mountain eagle smiled nonchalantly, looking at Feng Qingyun Dan with a calm face. In the sky, there was the sound of wind coming slowly, and I stretched my body.

Suddenly, the mountain eagle's brows raised, and his lazy expression suddenly became fierce, and a terrifying murderous aura burst out from his eyes. His whole person looked like an unsheathed sword, but his aura soon became restrained. His breath became calm again, and he placed the sniper rifle on the branch of a tree and aimed forward. This was a large herringbone tree, which split right at the chest of the mountain eagle. The tree was so thick that it was simply a natural fortification.

"What's wrong?" the old man asked, looking ahead in surprise.

There was nothing on the road ahead. Two birds were chasing and playing by the river. The mountain eagle stared ahead and replied in a low voice: "Here we come, brothers, get ready to fight."

"Coming?" the old man asked in surprise as he looked at the deserted path. His eyes followed the path to the corner. The front was blocked by a hillside and could not be seen. The old man knew that the mountain eagle could not be joking about this issue. He continued to look at the corner and waited for a while, but still no one was coming. The old man became confused and was about to ask the mountain eagle when he suddenly saw someone coming. He was surprised and said quickly: "He is indeed here."

At the corner of the road, a team was slowly appearing. In the front were some armed men with guns, followed by a convoy. Some shirtless locals were walking slowly pushing wheelbarrows. There were some things piled on the cars. It was packed in a sack and you couldn’t tell what it was. The queue was so long that you couldn’t see the end of it for a while.

The mountain eagle did not issue an attack order, but waited patiently. The target had appeared and stepped into the ambush circle. It was not afraid of running away. After a while, more people appeared. Suddenly, the mountain eagle's eyes flashed, and it quickly moved its sniper rifle and passed When he looked carefully through the sniper scope, his expression changed drastically.

Some armed men wearing camouflage combat uniforms appeared in this team. Their dressing was completely different from the others around them. What was even weirder was that the mountain eagle saw the dangerous aura from these people. It locked on a target and took a closer look. As if he sensed something, he suddenly turned around and looked over. His eyes were cold and flashing fiercely, as if a terrifying beast was staring at its prey.

This cold beast-like aura is all too familiar to the mountain eagle. It is the unique aura of the holy warriors of the Dark Church. How could it appear on these people? The mountain eagle was shocked and quickly stopped observing. These holy warriors are all veterans of many battles. They have a strong sense of danger. If they are not careful, they will be exposed. The enemy has not yet completely entered the ambush circle, so they cannot be careless. Premature exposure will be very disadvantageous.

After waiting for a while, the mountain eagle looked through the sniper scope again, and found that the target was still standing there observing the surroundings. As if he had noticed something, the mountain eagle was shocked, quickly stopped observing, and lowered his voice and said: "Brothers, there is someone in the team. Suspected holy warrior, be careful┅┅”

Before he finished speaking, Shan Diao was shocked when he noticed that the team suddenly stopped. He quickly observed through the sniper scope and found that it was the alert man who was shouting. The team stopped moving because of his shout. Shan Diao realized that this person's identity was unknown. Simple, but unfortunately the transport team has not completely entered the ambush circle. It is unfavorable to open fire at this time. Shandiao decided to wait and continued to observe angrily. He found that there were about ten suspected holy warriors, and the others were all in local costumes. He secretly breathed a sigh of relief. If there are too many suspected holy warriors, the battle will be difficult to fight.

"Have they stopped advancing? Are they going to fight?" the old man whispered from the side.

"There's something weird, wait and see." The mountain eagle said in a low voice.

"Ta-ta-ta--" Someone in the transport team picked up a light machine gun and started shooting at the woods.

"Hidden and don't move. The enemy is conducting fire reconnaissance. Don't shoot." The mountain eagle quickly informed.

"What's wrong? Is there a fight?" Xu Gang's voice sounded in the headset.

"The enemy is conducting fire reconnaissance. The situation is a bit strange. There are suspected holy warriors in the target team. Please notify Tie Diao and them immediately." Shan Diao quickly explained.

"Suspected to be a holy warrior?" Xu Gang was shocked and asked, "Are you sure?"

"70% sure." The mountain eagle said in a deep voice.

"Doesn't that mean that the mysterious army is the minions of the Dark Church? Are they controlling the Demon Tribe behind the scenes? The young men captured by the Demon Tribe were also given to the Dark Church?" Xu Gang's surprised voice sounded in the headset, with a hint of sadness. Shock.

The mountain eagle also thought of this possibility, and was shocked in his heart. His face was livid, and he stared at the target on the mountain road ahead. He ordered in a low voice: "The enemy is already alert, and I'm afraid they won't go any further. Brothers, sniper first." The target is a suspected holy warrior, kill him!"

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