The strongest soldier

Chapter 3770 The war begins

Two days later, in the afternoon, the sun was scorching hot, cloudless, and the air was uncomfortably hot. In the forest, various insects were chirping, making people irritated. A slight wind blew through the treetops, and the leaves swayed listlessly a few times. , unable to lift up the strength, once they reached the hill, there were towering trees, dense forests, and the dense canopy seemed to block all the sunlight. Under the trees, there were a few capable men in camouflage standing in the shade.

The leader, with sharp eyebrows and starry eyes and a resolute face, is holding a telescope to observe the valley in front of him. His whole body is restrained and he stands as motionless as a straight green pine. He is exactly the mountain eagle. Standing next to him are several capable men with the same restrained aura, calmly Observing the front, thinking about something, it was Xu Gang, Tie Diao, Ishi Jingkong and the old man. As for Shi Qian, he led people to stay in the village to be responsible for safety.

Two days ago, Tie Diao brought back information about a base of the Demon Tribe. Shan Diao dispatched troops decisively, with the armed forces going first. The other young people in the village took action one day later, and assigned these young people a place further away from the enemy base for assembly. Click to avoid being affected by the flames of war.

The valley in front is one of the bases of the Demon Tribe. The valley is surrounded by mountains on three sides. The peaks are tall and straight, and the trees are towering. The valley is also densely wooded. There is a small river. Next to the small river is an open grassland created artificially, surrounding the grassland and the small river. Many wooden houses have been built, and many people can be seen active. The other part of the valley is connected to the outside of the canyon, and the small river also leads to the direction of the canyon.

After a while, the mountain eagle put down the telescope and whispered: "The terrain is not conducive to attack. It is surrounded by mountains on three sides. The peaks are towering. It is difficult for people to climb, let alone attack. The only side is connected to the canyon, which is the enemy's end point." In the defensive direction, five heavy machine guns have been deployed, and defense in depth has been arranged. This deployment is not simple, and the cost of a strong attack will be too high. Can you tell us what we can do?"

"How about I take people down at night and wipe out their heavy machine guns first." Xu Gang said nonchalantly.

With Xu Gang's ability, it is not difficult to lead a few god-level soldiers down to take out the heavy machine guns. Shandiao thought for a while and said in a deep voice: "Have you noticed that there is a road at the exit, and defenses are deployed layer by layer on both sides of the road? , the patrol personnel only walked along the road and did not patrol both sides, and the defense personnel only stayed inside the fortifications, why?"

"Are you saying that there might be minefields in other places?" Tie Diao said in surprise. Seeing Shan Diao nod, he couldn't help but said thoughtfully: "If it is a minefield, it will be very troublesome. It is inconvenient to attack at night. You will be attacked during the day." I’m afraid the offense will also be in trouble, that’s a problem.”

"If there is really a minefield, it will be really troublesome. What do you mean?" Xu Gang looked at the mountain eagle in surprise and asked.

"This is a hornet's nest. We can't do anything easily. Let's wait?" Sora Ishii asked in surprise.

"No, we can't wait. Our time is limited. We must fight quickly and return to defend the village to prevent the enemy from blocking our retreat. The enemy will definitely retaliate during the last battle in the mountain col. We can't be careless." Shan Diao immediately denied it and said again. I raised my binoculars and suddenly saw many wheelbarrows and short packhorses in the valley. I was startled, and adjusted myself anxiously to observe carefully.

Soon, the mountain eagle smiled, handed the telescope to Xu Gang next to him, and said, "Our opportunity has come."

"What do you mean?" Tie Diao asked in surprise.

Xu Gang observed for a while and found nothing suspicious. He handed the telescope to the iron eagle in surprise, then looked at the mountain eagle and asked, "What do you mean?"

"They are preparing to transport supplies. Have you seen those transportation attacks? It is not convenient for us to storm the valley, but we can ambush where their transport team must pass, catch them off guard, and seize all the supplies. When the gunfire rings, the people in the valley will We will definitely come to rescue, and when the time comes, we will fight on both sides and annihilate the enemy." The mountain eagle said murderously, waving his arms to help everything, as if he had made some kind of important decision.

Everyone's eyes lit up when they heard this, and they all expressed their agreement. The enemy's transport team didn't know when it would come out, and it couldn't afford to waste time. Shan Diao didn't have time to ask for everyone's opinions, so he made an arbitrary decision and ordered: "Brother Xu Gang, you are responsible for leading the four squadrons. How about ambushing the enemy and coming to rescue them?"

Xu Gang wanted to ambush the transport team, but he couldn't oppose the authority of the mountain eagle. The orders of the highest commander on the battlefield were military orders. After thinking about it, he agreed: "No problem."

"What about me?" Tie Diao said excitedly, "The transportation team is entrusted to me."

"No, I can't leave the transportation team to you. I have a more important task for you." The mountain eagle said in a deep voice.

"What?" Tie Diao said nonchalantly. There are two key points in this battle, one is the transportation team, and the other is the enemy who comes out to support. What other important tasks can there be?

The mountain eagle pointed to the valley below and said in a deep voice: "There must be good things in the valley. Maybe there are clues we want. You can lead people down from a mountain peak and wait for the enemy's reinforcements to attack. Seize the valley and kill the last defender." Army, protect valuable things, this mission is very resolute, can you do it?"

"Don't provoke me, I'll just listen to you." Tie Diao responded nonchalantly. He was not very interested in this mission. It was just a small base. What else could it have besides the supplies shipped out?

Shan Diao saw Tie Diao's carelessness and solemnly warned: "Brother Tie Diao, don't take it lightly. There may be clues to the leader in it. Even if not, there must be many good things in such a large base, such as the supreme leader. If you catch him, you might be able to get the information you want.”

Tie Diao looked serious and said solemnly: "Okay, I'll go. What about the transport team?"

"Please, please. As for the transport team, they can't run away as long as I'm here. My brother is more suitable for this job. He only needs to snipe from a distance and beat them so that they don't dare to move. This will naturally attract more enemies to come for reinforcements. When the time comes, Xu Gang I'm afraid the pressure on the elder brother is not small, Ishii Sora, you lead the fourth group to cooperate with Xu Gang's actions." Shan Diao explained with a smile.

"No problem, can you do it with so few people? Don't let the bait run away." Ishii Sora reminded.

"Don't worry, I have five teams and fifty top snipers. In this forest, no one can escape our ambush, even if there are 500 people on the other side, not to mention there are only 200 defenders in the valley. It is estimated that no one can escape from our ambush." They are recruited mountain people, and close attacks will hurt the mountain people, so we are more suitable for long-range sniping." Shan Diao explained.

Everyone did not expect that Shan Diao was so benevolent and righteous. For this reason, he also considered the safety of ordinary mountain people. They knew more about Shan Diao, so they all nodded in agreement. Shan Diao didn't think too much, looked at the valley below and said in a deep voice: "Brothers, this is an open battle for us. We must show our authority. Be careful and act."

"Understood." Everyone responded solemnly, turned around and left, their fighting spirit restrained and their strength like a rainbow.

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