The strongest soldier

Chapter 3630 Meeting with Murderous Intent

The sky was as gloomy as lead, with thick clouds blocking the sun. There was no wind, and the air was sweltering. On a heavily weathered mountain ridge, several armed men in black robes stared at the surroundings with vigilance. The soil on the mountain ridge was weathered. No plants could be seen, part of the soil collapsed, and the areas that did not collapse seemed to be blown down by a gust of wind.

Below the mountain ridge is a huge valley. There are many low mud brick and stone bungalows built in the valley. The roofs are full of dust. The bungalows are neatly arranged and criss-crossed, more like military camps, but there are no flags or other things that indicate their identity. There were many armed men with live ammunition roaming around outside the bungalow complex, leading wolf dogs, looking grim and imposing.

At this time, a small car came speeding from the dirt road in the distance. The sky was filled with dust and could be seen clearly from a distance. The armed personnel standing guard on the mounds of dirt passing by along the way just glanced at the small car and did not stop it, but picked up the walkie-talkie. After saying something, he continued to whistle after getting the answer.

The car came very quickly and stopped at the guard post outside the camp. The driver was a strong man with a scar face, and a silent middle-aged man sat in the back seat. The person in charge of the guard stepped forward to check and had a clear look at the car. The people inside said mockingly: "Isn't this Scar? I heard that you were responsible for besieging the embassy, ​​but ended up retreating without a fight. Is this true?"

"The general is still waiting for questioning, please let him go quickly." The strong man with the scar said impatiently.

"Hey, I lost my temper after losing the battle. It's funny. Get out!" The person in charge of the sentry shouted impatiently and waved his hand. Someone had already raised the landing pole and let go of the road.

Scar drove the car and rushed inside, raising a large cloud of dust. The person in charge of the sentry shouted angrily: "Asshole, damn it, I have to kill you when I get the chance. Why are you so proud after losing? Let's see how long you can keep your pride." "

Unfortunately, the strong man with the scar had already gone far away and could not hear the angry shouts. He unknowingly came to a stop at the door of a bungalow. A person from the class stood guard at the door. Someone came up to check and motioned to the two of them to get off the car and come up to search them. After finding no weapon, he waved his hand and the person at the door immediately opened the door.

Scar and the middle-aged man walked inside with cold expressions. The room was empty except for one lift. Someone opened the safety door of the lift. After the two entered, the safety door was locked and the light was turned on. He quickly landed underground. The lift was illuminated by lights, and he could see that the surrounding area was surrounded by reinforced steel.

"Brother, I don't feel very good." The scarred man suddenly whispered.

The middle-aged man said in a deep voice: "Shut up, don't talk nonsense." After that, he looked at the top corner where he would be demoted. He didn't see the camera, but the middle-aged man didn't dare to be careless at all.

The scarred man also reacted, nodded knowingly, and said nothing. After waiting for a while, the lift stopped, followed by a rumble, and a large iron door was opened, revealing a huge underground space. The lights were as bright as day, and many people were busy doing something. Someone immediately came forward and handed over two hoods, and the two of them took them and put them on knowingly.

Immediately afterwards, the two of them were escorted by a small team and walked forward. After walking around many turns, they finally stopped and the hoods were taken off. The two blinked to adapt to the light in the room and discovered that it was a secret room. All four walls are covered with curtains, the roof is pitch black, a light bulb is shining, and there is a sofa in front of it. Sitting on the sofa is a middle-aged man wearing a general uniform, playing with a military dagger. Cut your fingernails.

The two people hurriedly stepped forward, but a person next to them reached out to stop them. They were not allowed to move too far forward. The two people took two steps back to fight, and shouted almost in unison: "General! My subordinates have been ordered to come to report, please give instructions."

"Here we come." The middle-aged man wearing a general's uniform is the top person in charge of the Free Army. Everyone calls him a general, but no one remembers his name. He is over fifty. Perhaps because of his military career, he is still in good health. , has a short beard, is somewhat bald, has a Chinese character face, and exudes a coldness that prevents strangers from approaching him.

"Yes, I will come immediately after receiving the order. I don't dare to delay at all." The middle-aged man quickly said with a smile.

The general repaired his nails without raising his head, and said calmly: "I remember promising you that as long as you capture the embassy as planned, you can officially become a member of our Free Army, and I have prepared your number for you. The major's military uniform has been prepared for you, but what about you? I'm very disappointed."

"General, spare your life. There is nothing I can do about it. The government troops are involved. I don't dare to shoot at the government troops without your order. It's not that I'm afraid of death. It's really a very important matter. I'm afraid of missing your important event, so I have to We are retreating temporarily, but don't worry, General, my people are still around and can surround us again at any time. As long as you say a word, I will take down the embassy immediately." The middle-aged man explained quickly.

"Yes, General, it's not that my subordinates don't do their best, it's just that the matter is too big and they don't dare to mess around. It's strange to say, how come the government troops suddenly help who?" The strong man with a scar also hurriedly explained.

The general who was repairing his nails suddenly stopped when he heard these words. He looked at Scar with interest. He didn't even look at the middle-aged man. His cold eyes exuded a fierce light, like a hungry wolf staring at his prey. Scar felt uncomfortable. The general withdrew his eyes and continued to repair his nails. He said calmly: "The embassy is not another place. The nature of the attack is too bad. What are you going to do?"

"Your Excellency, General, thank you for your magnanimity. I will train the team immediately after I return. I will launch a strong attack tonight and make sure to capture the embassy in one fell swoop." The middle-aged man said quickly.

"What do you think?" The general looked at the scarred man lightly and said in a deep voice.

"After we returned, we spread the word that the embassy had food, mobilized a mob to go to the embassy to ask for it, and arranged for our own people to go in to investigate the enemy's situation, and then launched an attack overnight, creating the illusion of attacking the embassy, ​​smashing, looting, and even if it was exposed, it could be blamed The mob, let’s just say that the mob robbed the embassy for food, and we cannot blame our Free Army.” The strong pirate said quickly.

The general raised his eyebrows, and suddenly the dagger in his hand flew out like lightning, hitting the middle-aged man directly between his eyebrows. The middle-aged man looked at the general blankly, and slowly fell back. He never expected that the general would suddenly take action, and the sword was strong. Han was also startled and looked at the general warily.

"It's useless to keep this kind of trash. Drag it out to feed the dogs. His troops will be yours from now on. You are smarter than him. You know what to do, right? Go ahead and do it well. General Ben will not do anything to a capable person." I'm sorry." The general said calmly. He took out a dagger from somewhere and concentrated on repairing his nails, not even looking at the scar or the corpse on the ground.

"Yes, thank you General for your cultivation. Scar's life will belong to the General from now on. The embassy will be in flames before dawn tomorrow, and there will be no one left alive." Scar reacted, his eyes lit up with excitement, and he quickly expressed his stance, too No more looking at the corpse being dragged out.

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