The strongest soldier

Chapter 3629 Rapids and Undercurrents

After getting along with him for a while, Ishii Sora discovered that Luo Zheng not only has strong personal combat effectiveness, but also has superb commanding ability. He also has endless tactical methods to solve problems, as if nothing can be difficult for him. He was a little surprised that Luo Zheng spoke to him in a consulting tone. He was curious. He added: "I'm afraid I don't know even more about things you don't know. Don't forget that I am your defeated general."

"Let bygones be bygones, we are brothers fighting side by side now." Luo Zheng smiled awkwardly.

"I'm just talking casually. Don't worry, I still have some tolerance. When it comes to the past, it's my fault first. You killed a lot of me and I killed a lot of you. If you don't mind, just That's right, tell me, what are you asking me for?" Sora Ishii said that for this reason, he simply made it clear that everyone would get along easily in the future.

"If you were from the Dark Church, what would you do if you learned that the president was killed?" Luo Zheng asked.

"Of course, to stabilize the situation, just choose someone to be the president." Sora Ishii said.

"The general of the Free Army is also a member of the Dark Church. Do you think it is possible for him to take advantage of the situation? Or does the Dark Church choose someone else?" Luo Zheng asked in a deep voice.

"That depends on whether the dark church's conspiracy has succeeded." Sora Ishii said thoughtfully.

Luo Zheng knew very well that Sora Ishii came from a big family and had rich experience in political struggles. He was definitely not as good as him in terms of power and intrigue. With Lan Xue's reminder, Luo Zheng asked a few more questions, hoping to get more insights from different angles. Opinion, he looked at Sora Ishii with a more expectant look, and asked: "How to say it?"

"This is very simple. If the conspiracy succeeds, it will definitely support the best person to take office. If the government army has no replacement, it is not surprising that the Dark Church supports the general to take office. If the conspiracy still succeeds, it will be difficult to say. The main reason is that we do not It's hard to judge what their conspiracy is, but I think it's very likely that the general will take over." Sora Ishii analyzed in a deep voice.

"Tell me your reasons." Seeing Ishii Sora's completely different opinions, Luo Zheng became interested and asked.

Ishii Sora didn't know that Luo Zheng was testing himself, so he didn't think much about it. He analyzed it completely from the perspective of conspiracy theory for a moment, and said thoughtfully: "It's very simple. This country has been in turmoil for too long. People's minds are at peace, and the wealth harvested by the Free Army is almost the same." Now, jumping out to quell the civil strife at this time can not only consolidate military power and end the civil war, but also gain a good reputation. In order to end the civil war as soon as possible, all walks of life will not raise objections even if they have opinions."

"It makes some sense." Luo Zheng pondered along this line of thought.

"When the general comes to power, social gloom will be swept away, people's hearts will be stable, and the country will be unified. It can also hide the conspiracy of the dark church deeper. It will be convenient for a complete sovereign country to do many things, such as deporting us, as long as we are not here , the Dark Church can cultivate its power here with more confidence, and we have nothing to do because we cannot interfere in internal affairs." Sora Ishii analyzed in a deep voice.

"Yes, our country cannot interfere in the internal affairs here, and will not interfere. We are no longer the former Anti-Terrorism Administration. Without the banner of the United Nations, we cannot fight terrorism here. As for the Anti-Terrorism Alliance, although this flag is not small, it is This country is not a member of the alliance and has the right to refuse our entry, so there is nothing we can do about the Dark Church here." Luo Zheng opened his mind and said in a deep voice.

"Yeah, from a political point of view, this is the fastest and most effective. In fact, we don't have to worry too much here. You can eat something and go back to sleep. When you wake up, maybe the situation will be clear. The president has been killed. We Invisibly, it did them a favor. The Free Army will seize power next. They can't take care of us for the time being. Go to sleep. Things are already like this and can't be worse." Sora Ishii said helplessly.

Luo Zheng also suddenly realized that killing the president was a wrong choice, but not killing was even more wrong, because the Dark Church would know that he was here, and in order to kill him, it might burn the entire embassy to the ground. If he didn't do it, Food may not be such a problem, but without food everyone will still die. All this boils down to the fate of people, and there is nothing we can do about it.

Thinking of this, Luo Zheng did not regret killing the local president. He was an elder of the Dark Church. Killing him was equivalent to cutting off a pillar of the Dark Church. The advantages outweighed the disadvantages. We will talk about the rest later. Luo Zheng stammered. After dropping the food, I found the ambassador, who arranged a room. Luo Zheng lay down and fell asleep. What happened next would be more complicated, and he wouldn't be able to cope without rest.

Almost at the same time, the lights were brightly lit in a well-guarded manor. An elder looked at the middle-aged man sitting opposite him with sleepy eyes and said in a deep voice: "Wake me up so early, is there something urgent? ?”

"Yes, Your Excellency the Vice President, we have just received a tip-off that the President was murdered and the money in the safe was swept away. It is initially suspected that someone broke into the house and robbed the house." The middle-aged man said in a deep voice.

"Break-in and rob? Your Excellency the President's guards are much stronger than mine here, and his henchmen are also very capable. Who can break-in and rob? Even if the robbery is successful, you can't escape. Have you caught him? Who is he?" The old man asked in surprise. He said, a flash of light flashed in his deep eyes.

"The man ran away. The pursuit force said there were three people carrying a big bag. There should be money in the bag. It was too dark and the three people had thick paint on their faces. It was impossible to identify their identities. The president's safe is not easy to open. It needs to be The password, palmprint and iris will be automatically and completely locked once the wrong password is opened. The president should have been forced to open the safe, and the murderer finally chose to kill and silence him." The middle-aged man analyzed in a deep voice.

"Such an analysis is a bit far-fetched. You should immediately arrange for a secret investigation to find out the truth." The old man said in a deep voice, his face becoming a little more solemn.

"Yes, I am worried about the situation." The middle-aged man agreed and said: "Your Excellency, Vice President, this opportunity is rare. Should we take action?"

"You mean those people will still interfere in the political situation and arrange for their people to be elected president?" the vice president asked in a deep and understanding voice. Seeing the middle-aged man nodding, he thought for a while and asked, "Tell me your opinion."

"I'm worried that the generals of the Free Army will take advantage of the situation to seize power. The generals are also theirs." The middle-aged man said in a deep voice, with worry on his face. He added anxiously: "Your Excellency, Vice President, how about I hurry up?" Negotiations with Sam Country? As long as they take action, it won’t be a big problem for us to win the presidency. If we wait, we will miss it.”

The old man pondered for a moment and said in a deep voice: "Okay, go ahead and operate it. Be careful. Those people can do anything. You must pay attention to safety."

"For the country." The middle-aged man solemnly promised, got up and hurried away.

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