The strongest soldier

Chapter 3619: Climbing to the top of the mountain

The gray moonlight shrouded the earth, the night breeze was gentle, and there was a bit of coolness in the air. Various unknown insects were chirping in the dense bushes, which was very lively. The top of the mountain was so dark that nothing could be seen, and it was full of mystery. , Luo Zheng's eyes were as bright as a torch, and he looked around cautiously. The dense bushes were indeed difficult to walk on, as they would be entangled by various thorns and vines, not to mention that there were hidden whistles hidden in the darkness.

The situation was more complicated than expected. Luo Zheng looked at Ishii Sora. Ishii Sora looked around and whispered: "It's not difficult to walk through bushes of this size. It's enough to cut three fist-thick sticks, one foot long, side by side. Bundle them together, and then tie them under your feet as insoles, so you can just step on the bushes and move forward. It’s a sneak attack anyway, and the focus is on speed, so you don’t have to worry about leaving traces and exposing your whereabouts, right?”

"Yes, a good idea." Luo Zheng's eyes lit up and he smiled. Everyone was wearing ordinary casual shoes. If they were high-top combat boots, they would just step on the bushes. The soles of casual shoes are thin and will be punctured, but Tying some sticks together is different. Thickening and lengthening the sticks can form a large piece when stepped on. Not only can it suppress thorns and vines, but it will also prevent your feet from being trapped in the ground. This is a good idea.

"One more thing." Ishii Sora reminded in a low voice: "There are a lot of vines around, so tie some to your feet and tie them tightly. You don't have to worry about your pants getting caught on thorns when walking. The bushes here are not It’s not too high, just tie it up to the thighs.”

"This is a good idea. Thicken the soles of the shoes, thicken the pants, and protect all the legs so you don't have to worry. We have to hurry up, time is limited." Xu Gang also said in surprise and took action immediately.

Although everyone wears dragon tooth suits close to the body, there is no need to worry about being scratched by thorns and repelled by thorns, but it is annoying to have your pants caught, which will affect walking. There is no need to worry about tying some vines and the like. Everyone is a master of jungle survival, and Ishii Sora understands After realizing his intention, he acted quickly and chopped down tree sticks and vines with his dagger.

After a while, everyone was ready. The sticks were tied side by side and tied tightly under the feet, like a sled. The legs were even tied with vines, which made them look a lot bloated. Luo Zheng even asked everyone to chop them down and not use them. Vine branches and leaves are tied all over the body, making the whole person look like a plant, which has a good camouflage effect.

Ishii Sora took the lead and walked forward. He stepped on the bushes and grass on the ground and fell them. Ishii Sora took a few steps forward and cut off a long stick to use as a cane. From time to time, he would hit the bushes in front of him to scare him away. There were poisonous snakes in the trees, and Luo Zheng and Xu Gang followed closely behind, almost stepping on Ishii Sora's footsteps.

After walking for a certain distance, Luo Zheng discovered that Ishii Sora was walking in a zigzag line, not a straight line, and there were not many bushes where he passed, and they were much lower than the surrounding bushes. In the absence of light, Ishii Sora could Finding such a route shows that you are very proficient in bush marching and can find a path that is conducive to walking based on the surrounding terrain, vegetation, soil quality, etc.

With the simple homemade equipment, everyone walked smoothly and advanced for more than a hundred meters without realizing it. Sora Ishii, the leader in front, suddenly stopped and made a gesture of lurking on the spot. Everyone quickly squatted down and watched with vigilance. All around, I raised my ears to listen to the movement around me. Apart from the sound of the wind blowing the grass and trees swaying slightly, there was only the noisy sound of insects. I didn't see any danger.

Xu Gang, who was in the team, suddenly frowned slightly and made a whistle signal to Luo Zheng. He pointed forward. Seeing Ishii Sora turning around, Xu Gang immediately gestured to indicate that he was coming. Ishii Sora shook his head and pointed at himself. Expressing that he would do it by himself, Luo Zheng patted Xu Gang on the shoulder and motioned to Ishii Sora.

As a chrysanthemum-level ninja, Ishii Sora is obviously better at night attacks than everyone else. After receiving Luo Zheng's order, Ishii Sora immediately untied the tree stick at his feet, bit the dagger in his mouth, and disappeared into the bushes in a flash. , Xu Gang looked ahead with some worry and pulled out his pistol. Luo Zheng pressed the pistol down and shook his head.

Xu Gang nodded knowingly, pointed the muzzle down, and looked warily in the direction Ishii Sora left. After waiting for a while, a cooing owl sound came from the front, and Luo Zheng smiled knowingly. The two waited for a while, Ishii Sora. Kong dragged a body up, threw the body away, picked up tree sticks and tied it up quickly.

Luo Zheng stepped forward to check. The body was wearing a government military uniform, with thick paint on its face. It was an ordinary assault rifle. There was nothing special about it. Luo Zheng picked up the gun and checked it. The magazine was full of Satisfied, he put the gun on his back, put away the two spare magazines on the opponent, and said in a low voice: "The secret whistle will usually report to the superiors every once in a while, we don't have much time."

"This secret sentry is a fixed sentry. There is no headset or walkie-talkie on him. There should be no possibility of regular reporting. The guard change can only be done within the specified time. I don't know how long it will take for the change of guard. We really have to hurry up." Sora Ishii said in a low voice, The hand moves a little faster.

Xu Gang suddenly suggested: "This person has a similar figure to me, let me pretend to be him." As he said that, he quickly took off his clothes and pants and put them on. He then took off his combat boots and compared them. The size was just right. Xu Gang quickly put on his equipment. , and then put on an orange helmet, at first glance he really looks like a government soldier.

Luo Zheng nodded with satisfaction and took out some small things from the body, such as wallet, photos, nameplates, IDs, etc. He picked up a box of oil paint and threw it to Xu Gang. Xu Gang quickly smeared some on his face knowingly, and applied it to his face. With his face all blackened, Luo Zheng threw the gun at Xu Gang again, and Xu Gang was not polite.

The sky and the earth were gray, and it would be difficult to spot Xu Gang's appearance without being in front of him. At this time, Ishii Sora had already tied the tree sticks, and everyone continued to move forward, walking about thirty meters. The front was full of low trees, but the shrubs There was nothing left in the bushes, and the road became much easier to walk. Everyone took off the sticks and continued marching. The vines on their bodies were a good camouflage and were not taken off, except for Xu Gang who wanted to play the role of a government soldier.

After everyone walked for a while, a bright light suddenly appeared in front of them. The three of them quickly hid in the low bushes and waited carefully. Not long after, everyone saw a person hurried over, holding a flashlight in his hand and saying something unknown in his mouth. He complained about something and walked in a hurry. When he got closer, he saw that the other party was wearing a uniform of the government army and carrying a gun.

When Xu Gang saw it, he moved forward excitedly, fearing that Sora Ishii would steal his business again. Luo Zheng smiled and did not stop him. Healthy competition within the team was necessary. After waiting for a while, Luo Zheng saw a dark shadow coming from Suddenly something appeared from the bushes, and it pounced like a cheetah, knocking the opponent to the ground without making any sound.

"It's done, let's go." Luo Zheng's eyes lit up, he whispered, and he quickly rushed forward.

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