The strongest soldier

Chapter 3618 Attack again

The coach is the backbone of a unit, especially during a battle. The departure of the coach will demoralize the unit and make people panic. If something happens to the coach, the entire unit may fall apart. Considering the overall situation, Xu Gang dare not let Luo Luo go. Zheng took a risk. There was a certain amount of luck involved in buying weapons. This operation was even more dangerous. Xu Gang couldn't believe that luck would still be on his side.

But no one can change Luo Zheng's decision, not even Lan Xue. If Lan Xue were here, she would not persuade Luo Zheng not to go. Instead, she would fill in the gaps and find shortcomings to make up for and minimize risks. Xu Gang's feelings towards Luo Zheng He knew a little about his temper. When he saw Luo Zheng thinking with a solemn expression, he knew that his persuasion just now was useless. He sighed helplessly and swore to himself that he would protect Luo Zheng no matter what.

Both of them stopped talking, and the temporary headquarters was quiet. After a while, Luo Zheng said aside the defense situation on the mountain mentioned by Tang Wu, and finally warned: "Just bring a pistol, go and prepare. , prepare some magazines for me as a backup." His tone was firm and left no room for doubt.

"Yes." Xu Gang agreed, knowing that further persuasion was useless, and hurriedly turned around and left.

After a while, Xu Gang returned, carrying a bag, and opened it on the conference table, revealing the empty magazine and many golden bullets inside. Xu Gang said in a deep voice: "Give me some time, it will be fine soon." ." As he spoke, he picked up the empty magazine and pressed the bullet into the magazine with a skillful movement.

Luo Zheng also came up to press the bullets. He was thinking about his thoughts and said nothing to anyone. Unknowingly, there were about a dozen magazines placed next to each of them. Luo Zheng inserted the magazines on his waist and took apart all the pistols. After checking it carefully, Luo Zheng loaded the pistol again and put a magazine full of bullets into it.

Xu Gang also followed suit and got ready, and looked at Luo Zheng. Luo Zheng said in a deep voice: "Brother, I know you are doing it for my own good, but this trip is very important and you must go in person. We have been through mountains of swords and seas of fire countless times together. This trip I can come back safely again this time, there is nothing to worry about, if it is absolutely necessary, I will not force it."

"That's good." Xu Gang breathed a sigh of relief and smiled, he was really afraid that Luo Zheng would do it hard.

Luo Zheng put the signal device on his waist, put on the headset, turned on the signal, and said in a deep voice: "Brothers, go out with me, Xu Gang, for a walk. You must guard this place. When I am not around, follow Zhang Yang's command for all actions. "

"Yes." Everyone responded in a low voice. Although they were curious about what the two of them were doing, no one asked.

"Should I call Sora Ishii? He would be more suitable." Xu Gang couldn't help but suggest.

Luo Zheng thought for a moment. Ishii Sora is a chrysanthemum-level ninja. He is better at assassinating in the dark than anyone else. Staying here will not be of much help. He immediately nodded and said: "Ishii Sora, go downstairs and meet at the gate."

"Okay." Ishii Kong agreed without asking any more questions.

The two quickly went downstairs and met Sora Ishii at the gate. The three of them left quickly and walked in one direction along the street. The gray moon emerged from the clouds at some point, and the earth was a little brighter, barely able to Looking at the road, the three of them blended their bodies into the shadows to avoid being discovered.

Luo Zheng remembered the topographic map of Kanla Mountain firmly. There was no need for satellite navigation or anyone to lead the way. It was not difficult to find. After leaving the embassy, ​​we turned two streets and arrived at the main road of the city. Follow the main road. Go straight for about three thousand meters and you will reach your destination, a very prominent location.

Not long after, everyone arrived at the main road. There were street lights on both sides of the main road, but the bulbs were probably broken. Some of the light poles were gone, leaving only a pit on the ground. Fortunately, there was a gray moon in the sky. Otherwise, seeing the road will be a problem.

Perhaps it was because it was too late. The road was quiet. No one could be seen, and there were no vehicles. The three of them walked carefully to avoid falling. It took almost half an hour to reach the three thousand meters distance. The three of them stood there. On the side of a ring road, I cautiously looked at the not-high mountains ahead, which were dark and mysterious.

The road was built in a circle around the mountains. Everyone saw searchlights shining under the mountains not far away. There was a watchtower. Some people with guns and ammunition could be vaguely patrolling. Luo Zheng was overjoyed. After turning off the signal, he motioned for everyone to turn it off too, and then looked in the direction. Sora Ishii whispered: "I didn't have time to tell you just now, our mission this time is to infiltrate to the top of the mountain, and the target is the president of this country."

"Assassination?" Sora Ishii asked curiously, without any panic.

"No, let's play it by ear. I have some things I need to find answers to in him." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"It's almost time, let's go." Xu Gang said in a low voice.

"Don't worry, Ishii Sora. Look, it's just such a mountain. There are bushes on the mountain. There is only one winding road up the mountain. The entrance is heavily guarded. There are also many hidden sentries in the mountains. There is a reinforced company stationed on the mountain. It is well-equipped and has low combat effectiveness. Su Su, look at it, how can we get up there?" Luo Zheng looked at Ishii Sora and continued to ask.

"It's around two o'clock in the morning, when people are most sleepy, but for troops with good combat effectiveness, it is not affected and cannot forcefully break through. Since there is only one road, there is no such thing as a back mountain. The entrance to the road is on the east side. Let's If you infiltrate from the west, you will encounter hidden sentries at most, but the road will be difficult to walk." Ishii Sora said in a low voice.

"The mountain is full of dense shrubs, and the road is really difficult to walk on." Luo Zheng said helplessly.

"Everyone, follow me, I will lead the way." Sora Ishii said confidently.

Luo Zheng thought for a while, and he would definitely be exposed if he broke through. Once exposed, the operation would fail. The best way to silently infiltrate to the top of the mountain is to go up the mountain from a place that everyone thinks is impossible. Although the dense bushes are very It was difficult to leave, but it was the only way, so I agreed immediately.

The three of them took advantage of the darkness and quickly rushed across the road and took a detour to the west of the mountain. There was no one on the road, not even a streetlight could be seen. If it weren't for the hazy moonlight that illuminated it, they couldn't see the road clearly. The three of them came to the foot of the mountain ridge to the west, followed Sora Ishii upwards, and soon came to the dense bushes.

The bushes were only two feet high, but they were extremely dense. Many vines were tangled together, and there were many thorn plants in the middle. There was no way to go. Sora Ishii signaled everyone to stop, looked at the bushes in front of him and whispered: "The thorns are very annoying. , it will catch clothes and pants, making it difficult to walk, and there may be poisonous snakes in the grass."

"Yes, there is no road at all. In addition to poisonous snakes, there may be poisonous scorpions in this place. There are also pits and traps. The bushes are too dense. We can't see the ground. There's not even a place to set foot. Go up the mountain. The journey is not short, how can you get up there?" Xu Gang asked in a worried voice.

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