The strongest soldier

Chapter 3516 The big eagle helps

The uninhabited virgin forest is full of dangers. Carnivores are just one of them, and they are not the most dangerous existence. What really makes people want to die are the unnoticed things in nature, such as the miasma poison that rises in the morning and evening. Fog, such as poisonous bacteria in the air, and microscopic poisonous creatures, kill people invisible. For a wild survival master, predators are not scary, but the invisible danger is scary.

The dense canopy of the towering trees blocks the sun, which seems to encourage the growth of microorganisms and active toxic bacteria. In addition, it is difficult for the wind to blow into the woods. These toxic substances are not killed by the sun or carried away by the wind, and gradually become the climate. Luo Zheng had been hunting in the virgin forest since he was a child, and his eyesight was so sharp that he could see the horror of the forest in front of him at a glance, and his worried eyes fell on Shi Qian.

Everyone is also worried. The pursuers will appear at any time. What should we do? When everyone saw Luo Zheng's eyes falling on Shi Qian, they suddenly reacted, their eyes lit up, and they all started to look forward to it. Shi Qian did not disappoint everyone. He took a belt from his waist. There were many small grids on the back of the belt. There are small wooden bottles inserted in the small grid.

Shi Qian took out a small bottle, opened it, poured out ten black pills the size of small soybeans, and said in a deep voice: "One for each person, take it orally, quickly." He took one and swallowed it.

Out of absolute trust in Shi Qian, everyone took one and swallowed it, Luo Zheng also swallowed one, without asking about the efficacy. Shi Qian had prepared it before coming. Presumably these pills had detoxification effect, Luo Zheng said coldly. He glanced behind him, vaguely feeling that the pursuers were coming, and said in a deep voice: "Be careful when entering the forest."

"Understood." Everyone said in a deep voice.

Everyone rushed towards the shady woods, and soon felt that the temperature had dropped a lot, and the rancid and moldy smell in the air had become stronger, but no one cared about it and continued to rush inside. The light became darker and darker as they went inside, and the sunlight was blocked. The dense canopy of trees completely blocked the scene, and the woods ahead were quiet and eerie.

"Stop." Luo Zheng was worried about the accident and did not dare to go forward. He immediately ordered everyone to stop running.

Everyone spread out and hid on the spot. The surrounding trees were so tall that three or four people needed to hug the tree trunks. A large number of tree roots were exposed, as big as buckets. Even ordinary ones were as thick as an average person's thigh. The ground was damp, and next to the tree roots, The ground is covered with moss, and there are no weeds in sight. In the open areas, fallen leaves are piled up like a thick quilt, forming a thick layer.

Luo Zheng hid behind a big tree and watched the front vigilantly. After waiting for a while, the enemy may have noticed that this forest was unusual, and did not rush in immediately. Instead, they kept a vigil in the outer room and sent out the "hummingbirds" again. reconnaissance.

Everyone was furious when they saw "Hummingbird". In front of "Hummingbird", everyone had nowhere to hide. Without this thing, everyone's safety would be more guaranteed. Luo Zheng coldly stared at the "Hummingbird" that flew in. "Hummingbird" is not only fast and flies high, but also constantly changes its route, making it difficult to catch.

"Brothers, find an opportunity to kill it." Luo Zheng said angrily.

"Understood." Everyone responded solemnly.

The enemy did not chase in, and the "hummingbird" instinctively had no attack power. Everyone was less afraid. They stared at the "hummingbird" flying in, waiting for the opportunity. Not long after, the "hummingbird" came over everyone. Luo Zheng thought to himself Already exposed, he simply stepped out of the tree and stared at the "hummingbird."

When the others saw Luo Zheng walking out of the bunker, they also came out and surrounded the "Hummingbird" invisibly. Seeing the "Hummingbird" turning around a big tree and flying closer, everyone took action, throwing sticks, stones and other objects towards it. The "Hummingbird" was smashed by the unscrupulous "Hummingbird" in the sky. The "Hummingbird" flew too fast, and it would definitely be difficult for ordinary people to deal with it. However, everyone was extremely powerful, especially Xu Gang and other god-level soldiers. The rocks thrown out were as fast as bullets.

"Hummingbird" was hit by something thrown by an unknown person. It fell down and was about to hit the ground. "Hummingbird" suddenly restarted and took off again. This time it flew faster. It was obviously someone flying remotely. , with a whoosh, a black shadow was pulled out in the void and flew towards the sky. In the blink of an eye, it penetrated the tree crown and flew high into the sky.

Everyone was so angry that they finally hit the "Hummingbird". They didn't expect that this thing could restart flying and escape after being hit so hard. Everyone was very angry. After this lesson, I believe the enemy would not dare to fly so arrogantly again. Come here, we can't hide our whereabouts without killing "Hummingbird".

"Gah——" At this moment, an arrogant cry came from the sky. Everyone looked up and saw a big eagle flying over. It was extremely arrogant and stopped steadily on a big tree. Something came down and crowed arrogantly again, as if asking for credit.

Everyone saw that the dropped object looked familiar, but it was too fast to see clearly, so they rushed up one after another. When they landed, they saw that it was the "hummingbird". A pair of wings had been broken and it was impossible to fly again. Everyone suddenly understood Come here, the feeling is that the big eagle happened to pass by, and when it saw the "hummingbird", it intercepted it. Although the "hummingbird" was very fast, how could it avoid the pursuit of the big eagle at high altitude?

"Hahaha, okay, brother, your sculpture is great." Tie Diao rushed up to pick up the "Hummingbird" and shouted excitedly, his eyes full of excitement, and handed the "Hummingbird" to Luo Zheng who ran up.

Luo Zheng took it, took a look at it, and said coldly to the miniature camera: "I don't care who you are, if you have the guts to come in and compete, otherwise we have to leave. Don't use such high-tech weapons to attack us. That's a joke, it's of no use to us. We can't help you during the day, but just accept our counterattack at night." Then he slammed the "Hummingbird" against the big tree next to him.

The "Hummingbird" was smashed into pieces and could not be used. Ji Wu happened to run to the side, stepped on it, and trampled the wreckage directly into the ground. Ji Wuyou said with confusion: "Boss, there are still such things at night. It's been a while since we arrived, let's just fight back now, maybe get some weapons."

Everyone had no weapons in their hands and the fight was very passive. They all agreed. Luo Zheng glanced at everyone and said in a deep voice: "Don't worry, the enemy is well prepared and will definitely prevent us from grabbing weapons. It's not convenient during the day. You might be discovered if you don’t get closer, let’s wait until night.”

"If the enemy has thermal imaging, their world will be dominated at night, which will be disadvantageous to us. It is better to find opportunities during the day to grab some weapons and run away." Xu Gang reminded seriously.

"We will be exposed when we go up during the day, and we will be exposed at night. With the enemy's sophisticated equipment, it is impossible for them not to carry thermal imaging cameras and night vision goggles. Without the Hummingbird, we will still be exposed, and it will be difficult to get close to the enemy smoothly. How can we fight at night? ?" Tie Diao said in a deep voice.

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