The strongest soldier

Chapter 3515 Inexplicably powerful enemy

The sudden appearance of unknown armed forces not only failed to frighten everyone, but instead aroused everyone's fighting spirit. As a strong man, no one would be frightened by danger, least of all Luo Zheng. He glanced at everyone with a cold gaze, and immediately Looking at the surrounding terrain, he quickly ordered: "The trees here are dense and the old trees are tall, which is good for concealment. You can deal with the enemy here and see the situation before making a decision."

Everyone was beaten out of the mountains of corpses and seas of blood, so naturally they would not flinch, and they all nodded in agreement. Luo Zheng quickly divided everyone into two groups, taking care of each other, and then hid in the surrounding woods, gathering his aura, Soon I became one with nature and waited patiently in a semi-encircled shape.

Soon, the woods returned to their former tranquility, and unknown insects began to chirp. The mountain wind roared by, shaking the trees and shattering the sunlight that was falling all over the ground. The colorful beams of light were like spotlights coming from above. The light shines down, and the light and shadow are gorgeous. A butterfly chases the light and shadow, dancing in the air, like a beautiful elf.

Coo, coo, coo - an owl made a low sound.

Zhizhizhi - Several little langurs came out of nowhere and started chasing each other on the branches.

The quiet forest became noisy again, and all the birds and beasts seemed to have not noticed the humans hiding in the woods. This hiding ability is evident. Birds and beasts have a very high intuition for danger. Once they sense that someone is around, they will definitely hide away. Therefore, experienced people will not only look around in the forest to check, but also trust their ears. If they don't hear any sound in the surrounding forest, they will know that there is an ambush.

The concealment ability of Luo Zheng and others is very good. The aura of his whole body has been restrained and blended with the surrounding trees. Even the birds and beasts have been deceived, which is evident. Not long after, a figure suddenly appeared in the woods ahead, and all the birds and beasts left in a panic as if they were frightened.

This figure ducked and hid behind a big tree. After waiting for a while, it rushed forward as fast as possible. Before anyone could see clearly, it hid behind another big tree. Even if it was discovered, it would be difficult to use the gun. Locked in, Luo Zheng's face changed slightly as he observed all this from a distance, and a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes. He was definitely not an ordinary person at such a fast speed. The members of the Snow Bear Special Forces of the Polar Bear Country were not that fast either. Who could they be?

After waiting for a while, the figure did not reappear, as if it had disappeared out of thin air. The woods ahead were dead silent, with only the sound of the wind shaking the branches, and an invisible pressure spreading, like a volcano about to erupt. A terrifying murderous intention that will destroy everything will break out at any time.

Luo Zheng and others waited patiently with solemn faces. They all realized that the enemy coming was unusual. What was even more terrible was that there were nearly a hundred such people. The disparity between the enemy and ourselves was too great. Such a battle could not be fought. It would not be possible to evacuate rashly. Once If exposed, they would be subject to a devastating attack. Everyone waited patiently and tried their best to hold back their auras, not daring to leak the slightest thing to attract the enemy's suspicion. Their eyes were solemn and the crude tools in their hands tightened.

Suddenly, a little bird flew over the woods in front. It was very fast. It flew sideways to avoid the trees blocking the front. The little bird that appeared at this time was definitely not simple. Everyone looked at it warily and soon discovered that it was coming. The little bird is not a real bird, but a "hummingbird".

The "Hummingbird" is a reconnaissance aircraft that can be put in your pocket. It looks like a hummingbird, is only 16 centimeters long, and weighs less than an AA battery. It took Sam State 5 years and 4 million meters of gold to successfully develop. It needs thrusters, can flap its tiny wings like a real bird to gain power, and can use a tiny camera under its beak to detect enemy locations in the war zone without being detected.

With the development of nanotechnology, a large number of micro-weapons will be used on the battlefield to sneak into enemy targets and key parts without anyone noticing, collect intelligence and even directly launch attacks. In addition to "hummingbirds", "flies" have already appeared in the world. ", "Bugs", "Wasps", "Sparrows" and other micro reconnaissance weapons are on the battlefield. These "micro legions" are changing the face of the modern battlefield.

Luo Zheng has long experienced the power of the "Hummingbird". Not only is it fast, but the shooting effect is very good, it also has infrared scanning, which can't be hidden. It is a sharp weapon for reconnaissance on the battlefield. It is very difficult to deal with. To have such equipment The troops are not simple. Luo Zheng's face changed drastically. Once the brothers' positions are exposed, the next step will probably be long-range attacks.

Luo Zheng's face changed drastically when he thought of this, and he shouted in a deep voice: "Run quickly."

As soon as he finished speaking, the sound of a rocket ejecting from the barrel rang out in the woods ahead. Everyone was too familiar with this sound. In addition, after hearing Luo Zheng's order, they all turned around and ran away without any delay. Luo Zheng ran for more than ten meters before listening. The screams behind him became even more harsh, so he didn't dare to be careless. He jumped to the ground with a tiger leap, quickly rolled under a big tree, huddled up, and shot his head with both hands.

With a loud "Boom--", the rocket exploded nearby, making a deafening sound. Red light soared in the void, smoke billowed, and the surrounding trees were directly blown away by the powerful shock wave. Fortunately, there were more trees around. And it was big enough to block the shock wave to a certain extent. Luo Zheng, who was hiding not far away, survived and quickly got up and continued running.

While running, Luo Zheng calmly observed both sides and found that his brothers were following closely. Then he took a breath and continued to rush forward without looking back. Everyone had been exposed and the enemy had launched an attack. He would definitely not give up. The top priority was It is to get rid of the enemy as quickly as possible.

Everyone was racing as fast as they could, and there was a whirring sound in their ears. At the critical moment of life and death, no one dared to be careless, especially when facing a well-equipped and well-trained enemy force. Even if everyone was highly skilled and brave, they would not dare to use their flesh and blood. body to test the power of bullets.

After running for a while, the woods ahead became a little denser, with tall and dense tree crowns overhead. The ground was cool and damp, full of dead leaves, and a little soft when stepped on. Everyone had to choose a place to stay to avoid falling into a certain nature. In the pit formed, the air was filled with a faint rotten smell, which was nauseating. Luo Zheng's expression changed greatly when he looked at the gloomy woods ahead, and he quickly made a sign to stop moving forward.

Everyone gathered around after seeing the gesture. Luo Zheng pointed to the forest in front of him with a fearful face and said: "This forest is too dark and dense. The ventilation is usually poor. There are mold and bacteria in the air. Running for a long time will cause poisoning. Stay back." No, the enemy is chasing me, is there anything you can do?"

Everyone has rich experience in surviving in virgin forests, and naturally they can see the horror of the forest ahead. People are extremely fragile in front of nature, and some seemingly insignificant bacteria can kill people. They all looked solemn and looked back. Look, there is a vague feeling that the enemy is about to catch up. There is real danger in front and pursuers behind, and the situation has become urgent.

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