The strongest soldier

Chapter 3459 The pursuers are fierce

It is absolutely risky to go to the island alone to fight. There is no logistical support, no companion assistance, and more importantly, there is nowhere to hide under the radar. You can only face endless pursuit. It goes without saying that Ishii Sora's personal force is strong, but no matter how strong he is, Even an individual cannot stop the encirclement and suppression of a large force, unless he can get rid of the enemy's pursuit, but the powerful dragon's tooth shield cannot interfere with the signal, who is under the radar and who can escape? This is a fatal problem.

In the dark woods, Ishii Sora hid under a big tree and watched the surroundings vigilantly. While getting in touch with the tentacle monsters, he was looking for ways to avoid radar. In the dark woods, the enemies formed a circle and fired fiercely at the front. Most of them Bullets rushed towards Ishii Sora. Apparently, the hiding position was still discovered by radar, and the enemy force in front of him was notified. If this problem is not solved, it will not last long.

At this time, the tentacle monster's voice sounded in the headset: "The boss said there is only one way, and that is to change the shape of the human body. Radar can identify the target's identity through reflected wave analysis, such as the shape of a car, the shape of an animal, or the shape of a human being." The same thing can be determined by radar. The only way is to change the shape of the human body to make the radar think you are something else, that is, to artificially change the reflected wave to mislead the radar."

"Easy, what do I need to do?" Sora Ishii said eagerly, not familiar with these military terms.

"Kill a large animal and hide inside the animal's body." Sora Ishii said quickly.

"I understood if you said this earlier, thank you." Ishii Sora was overjoyed when he heard that he could do this. He suddenly thought of the fish-shaped escape. Because it looks like a fish, it deceived the radar, and he could hide in the submarine. He successfully landed on the island, and now that he had left the submarine, his identity was naturally discovered by radar, attracting pursuers.

The same principle is true for hiding inside an animal's body. Radar can identify the appearance of an animal, but it cannot see through the person inside the animal. In other words, as long as it is hidden inside the animal's body, the radar can detect the animal. With this method of deceiving the radar, Sora Ishii suddenly became excited. Shocked, he quickly evacuated the scene and rushed towards the depths of the island.

However, an enemy force suddenly appeared in front, lined up in a row, with dogs barking. Perhaps Sora Ishii was discovered, or perhaps the radar discovered Sora Ishii's position and notified the force. This force was facing Ishii Sora fired randomly at his hiding place. The dense bullets pierced the night sky. The fire came with the breath of death. Ishii Sora was shocked. He fell to the ground with a tiger leap and quickly climbed to a big tree to hide. , curled up into a ball to reduce the attack surface, and carefully looked forward.

In the woods more than 20 meters ahead, countless enemies roared towards them with tactical flashlights. The muzzles of their guns were held flat, and the flashlights were fixed on the front of the guns. Judging from the running posture and the way they raised their guns, these people were obviously well-trained. Although The terrain is complex. Although you need to keep jumping when running, the muzzle can be held steadily and locked in front of you without changing the height and orientation as you run and jump. It is definitely not easy to do this.

Although Ishii Sora was not very familiar with the military, he was also aware of the unusualness of this unit. He did not move and continued to wait patiently. He took out the pistol from his waist, quickly installed the silencer, let go of the enemy in front, and aimed to one side. The enemy opened fire decisively, firing several bursts, and several enemies fell to the ground.

"Ta-ta-ta--" The enemy quickly stopped and took cover, while firing fiercely into the woods ahead. No one screamed, and no one screamed in anger. They were indifferent and silent, but gave people a cold and threatening feeling. Pressure, only battle-hardened veterans can do this.

Dense bullets were fired like rain. What was even more terrifying was that the bullet rain was divided into two levels. One was about one meter and a half above the ground, and the other was about one foot above the ground. In this way, no matter whether the target was standing or lying down, If you lay down, you will be attacked by intensive bullets. The two nets formed by the rain of bullets will move forward with a terrifying momentum.

The bullet flames cut through the night, constantly flickering with dazzling light. Ishii Sora frowned, huddled up and hid behind a big tree, not daring to move. From time to time, he raised his hand to shoot a few times, and continued to kill enemies far away. This gave the enemy a misjudgment, thinking that Luo Zheng was on the other side, and most of the firepower was attracted to it, but many enemies still continued to shoot at Ishii Sora's hiding place.

"Damn it." Sora Ishii cursed angrily. Seeing this group of people standing or squatting, firing without fear of death, they refused to attack. They probably wanted to entangle themselves and wait for other reinforcements to surround them. Forming an encirclement, he was in danger of escaping. Ishii Sora did not dare to delay and quickly crawled back.

For a chrysanthemum-level ninja, if he wanted to escape, no one would be able to easily find him. Sora Ishii's body was twisting like a giant python. Not only did he not make any sound, he also retreated very quickly. He left the battlefield in a short time. A few meters away, there are a lot of trees blocking bullets at this distance, which is relatively safer.

At this time, Ishii Sora found that a large number of enemies were chasing him on the other side. He was secretly frightened. If he had done it in two or three minutes at night, he might have been blocked. So he ran away. He ran less than ten meters and turned around. Look, the enemy's firepower surrounded them again, and it was obvious that they were still discovered.

"We have to avoid the radar as soon as possible." Sora Ishii thought angrily. He had nowhere to hide under the radar, and it was impossible to get rid of the pursuers behind him. Sora Ishii quickly accelerated his pace and ran, putting away the pistol and holding his hands tightly. Holding the Japanese sword in hand, Ishii Sora habitually trusted his Japanese sword in this dark forest.

After running for a distance, Ishii Sora found more enemies coming up from both sides, and the pursuers behind him were also chasing after him. He immediately became furious and accelerated his running speed. Once the chrysanthemum-level ninja reaches full speed, ordinary people cannot catch up. , It didn’t take long for Ishii Sora to throw the enemy away for about two hundred meters. There were dense trees everywhere in the woods. This distance was already very safe. Bullets could not penetrate the trees and hit the target unless they could turn, but this was impossible. Run In the middle, Sora Ishii suddenly heard the barking of a wolf dog and couldn't help but look back.

In the night, two wolf dogs were barking and chasing after them. Without anyone to hold them, Ishii Sora was startled and suddenly realized that the distance must be too far and the enemy was afraid of losing them, so he released the wolf dogs to pursue them. He was not overjoyed and speeded up. He started running, intending to distract the wolf-dog away.

The wolf-dogs were very fast, but Sora Ishii was not slow either. One man and two dogs were running wildly in the woods, and the distance between them and their pursuers gradually widened. The two wolf-dogs may have become red-eyed, and did not realize the danger at all. After being far away from the owner, something bad happened, and his ferocity became stronger, and he chased after him with howls and screams.

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