The strongest soldier

Chapter 3458 Killing in the Night

After the storm, the island was pitch black. The towering mountains stood like a black devil, watching everything around it indifferently, with an invisible aura of terror. The dark forest was rustled by the sea breeze, and raindrops dripped down. There was a rustling sound, like a demon whispering something terrible.

In this dark world, a black shadow marched forward quickly, constantly jumping over the obstacles in front, carrying two Japanese swords and a backpack, and wearing a black ninja stealth suit. Even the only one exposed was Wearing a pair of tactical goggles on his eyes, with the help of the tactical goggles, the dark environment in front became clearer, at least it did not affect his walking. It was Ishii Sora.

There is a weird radar on the island, and the tentacle monster cannot monitor the situation on the island at all, so it cannot know whether Ishii Sora's entry has been discovered. Everything can only be done by Ishii Sora himself. Fortunately, he can talk normally, which is somewhat relieved. Sora Ishii’s tension and pressure.

Ten minutes later, Ishii Sora suddenly heard the sound of dense footsteps coming from the front. He couldn't help but was startled. He quickly lay down on the ground, put his ear to the ground to listen, and said in a deep voice: "No, there are about a hundred people coming. Running towards me, it seems that my whereabouts have been exposed. Such a powerful radar. Your Dragon Tooth Shield cannot interfere with the radar waves on the island. Do you have any suggestions?"

"It's a pity that I can't help you. I still can't monitor the situation on the island. You have to rely on yourself." The tentacle monster said helplessly in a deep voice.

"Ask them, is there any way to avoid the radar scan?" Ishii Sora said anxiously. After finally landing on the island, he was still discovered. If he could not avoid the radar scan, he would be unable to move forward. Ishii Sora added unwillingly: " I don’t really care about the war, so I’ll ask your leader, he’s a soldier and he’s good at this, please help me, please.”

Radar waves are different from infrared scanning. The transmitter of radar equipment emits electromagnetic wave energy in a certain direction of space through the antenna. Objects in this direction reflect the electromagnetic waves encountered; the radar antenna receives this reflected wave and sends it to the receiver. The device processes and extracts certain information about the object, such as the distance from the target object to the radar, distance change rate or radial speed, orientation, altitude, etc., to determine what the object is.

In other words, no matter who the car, the person, or the animal is, it has nowhere to hide under the radar. It is clear. The tentacle monster quickly said: "Okay, I will ask about it right away. You should be careful."

"A hundred or so people can't do anything to me." Ishii Sora said confidently, pulling out the Japanese sword from behind with both hands. The stealth suit cannot be invisible under radar, but it can be invisible under infrared detection equipment. It is even more difficult to distinguish with the naked eye. Ishii Sora is confident that he can use these advantages to deal with the enemy for a period of time.

In the dark night, Ishii Sora sneaked quickly and launched a countercharge towards the enemy. Not long after, he saw the figure shaking in the woods in front of him. Ishii Sora did not panic. He climbed up a tree in two seconds and squatted on the branch to observe. As enemies come closer and closer, the radar can find the position of the person, but they don't know where they are hiding. Although the enemy who is catching up keeps in contact with the headquarters and knows the approximate location of the hiding place, they don't know whether it is in the trees or underground.

Soon, a large number of enemies rushed to the tree where Ishii Sora was hiding, and they spread out to search. They all held guns and looked indifferent. Everyone spoke, and they were obviously well-trained elites. When Ishii Sora thought that his son was killed by these people, The one caught, furious, flew down from the tree like a night bird.

"Puff--" Two imperceptible sounds rang out, and blood surged from the necks of the two enemies. Their bodies froze, and they tightly covered the bleeding wounds. They wanted to shout but were unable to shout, which intensified the pain of the blood. Rushing wildly, Ishii Sora's body rolled in the air after he succeeded in the sneak attack, and he landed firmly on the ground, holding a sword. The two Japanese swords were completely black and did not reflect light in the dark. With the protection of the stealth suit, no one noticed anything unusual.

Ishii Sora quickly glanced around. A dozen enemies were scattered in a circle. They were only five or six meters away. Someone was searching for them. He kicked his feet hard, his body shook, and he disappeared from the place out of thin air. The next moment, two people appeared. In front of the enemy, before the enemy could react, the two Japanese knives shot out almost at the same time, accurately smearing the opponent's throat. Two blood arrows shot out wildly. The two of them fell to the ground and died before they even had time to grunt.

The enemy who was only two or three meters away quickly noticed something unusual and quickly turned his gun around. Before he could fire, he felt a sharp pain in his hand. When he looked down, he found that his palm had separated from his body and fell to the ground with the gun. He couldn't help being horrified, and opened his mouth to shout, but found that no sound came out at all. Instead, he saw a bloody arrow shooting out from under his neck. He instinctively covered his neck quickly, but his vision went black, and his consciousness was swallowed up by endless darkness. You still don’t know who your opponent is?

Ishii Sora took advantage of the stealth suit and his speed to the extreme. The two Japanese swords in his hands were as fast as black lightning, constantly harvesting lives one after another. In this dark forest, Ishii Sora was like a god of death. , there is no one enemy in hand, it is not that the enemy is too weak, but Sora Ishii is too strong, a chrysanthemum-level master sneak attack, and the environment and weather are conducive to ninja, the lethality can only be described as terrifying.

In less than a minute, there were already a dozen corpses lying on the ground, and the enemy had no idea where the opponent was. It was so fast, and with the stealth suit, the enemy couldn't find Ishii Sora's position even if they were wearing night vision goggles. The enemy army panicked, and someone immediately started shooting at suspicious places in the dense forest, injuring one of their own.

Ishii Sora continued to harvest the enemy's lives in the night, creating panic. The enemy began to disorganize their positions. More family members were shot randomly, and more companions were accidentally killed, but Ishii Sora was erratic like a god of death in the night. He continued Harvesting lives one after another and creating greater panic.

Fighting in the dark is the greatest test of the overall quality of a unit and the commander's ability to make decisions on the fly. Fortunately, the overall quality of this team is very high, otherwise it would have collapsed long ago. Under the command of the commander, it quickly rallied on everything, with guns aligned to the outside world. When an abnormality is discovered, fire violently. Because there is no need to worry about the safety of the back, the combat effectiveness of this unit is greatly increased.

Then, when Sora Ishii saw this, he just hid in the darkness and sneered, and did not continue to attack. After waiting for a while, he saw that the enemies were close together and there was no chance. Although he could pick up the gun and shoot, it would also expose his position. This is not cost-effective. The business couldn't be done, so he quickly retreated, hid a little further, and asked in a deep voice through the headset: "Little brother, what's going on? We can't move forward without restraining the radar. I guess more enemies are surrounding me."

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