The strongest soldier

Chapter 3433 Major Information

Sam Country's military base is divided into three levels: ordinary level, tactical level and strategic level. The ordinary level is equivalent to a military stronghold, which is stationed with a special squadron. It is mainly capable of conventional warfare. It is far away from hostile forces and can be deployed at any time for execution. For ordinary-level tasks such as rescue, a special force brigade is stationed at the tactical-level base. It focuses on medium-scale warfare and is equipped with certain information-based troops and air forces to act as a security deterrent.

The strategic level is the highest level. The troops stationed are set according to needs. Not only are they equipped with special forces, but some are also equipped with conventional troops, mechanized troops, and informationized troops. They involve the three armies of the sea, land and air. They are mainly engaged in large-scale battles and target certain areas and areas. A certain country acts as a strategic threat.

It is not surprising that Sam State suddenly established a strategic base in Africa. Sam State, which likes to play the role of the world's policeman, interferes in the internal affairs of other countries everywhere and seizes other countries' resources for its own use under the banner of freedom and democracy. Naturally, it will not let go of Africa's resources. In an extremely rich area, it is reasonable to set up a strategic base, but the situation is different when the person in charge is Nestor.

Africa is relatively poor. There are not only desert tribes, guerrillas, bandits, etc., but also many terrorist organizations. It is simply a paradise for the Dark Church. If the Dark Church has a carrot in one hand and a stick in the other, and wantonly recruits local armed forces for its own use, those who are dissatisfied will give in. If the base sends troops to encircle and suppress it, won't it soon become bigger? Wouldn’t it affect the stability of the regime and national interests in the region? After all, China also has many interests in Africa.

Thinking of this, Luo Zheng felt worried. After asking in detail, Jackson left immediately and picked up the internal phone to report to his superiors. This was a piece of strategic intelligence that would affect many major domestic decisions. The later he knew about it, The greater the loss, the more delay we can afford.

Mr. Li is hosting a research meeting. The counterattack plan submitted by Luo Zheng has been supported by some people, but a considerable number of people still oppose it. The reason for the opposition is very simple. The national strategy is to stabilize the overriding priority and economic development. We cannot take the initiative to challenge Starting a war is also in line with the national conditions. Although Mr. Li wants to object, he cannot go against the national conditions and can only patiently explain the pros and cons of this plan.

When the meeting entered the free discussion stage, Mr. Li was sullen and silent. The national system is collective decision-making, and Mr. Li had to obey the system even if he was angry. Suddenly, he felt his personal phone vibrating in his pocket. Mr. Li had two phones, one was For office use, you have already handed it in when you enter the conference room. Phone calls are not allowed during major meetings. This is a meeting rule. The other is a personal phone for the closest people to use in emergencies. Only a handful of people know the number, and generally they won't call it.

Mr. Li was shocked. He quickly took it out and saw that it was Luo Zheng. He immediately realized that this call was not simple, otherwise Luo Zheng would not have made a private call directly. He glanced at the representatives who were still discussing, and Mr. Li stood up calmly. He arrived at the dedicated restroom in the conference room, closed the door and quickly connected, asking in a low voice: "It's me, I'm in a meeting, the plan is still being discussed, don't worry."

"I'm not asking about the plan. I have important information that I must report to you. The Sam Country is planning to set up a strategic military base in Africa. It has a thousand garrison troops, all of which are special forces. There are also many auxiliary units. What's more terrible is that the General The person in charge is called Nestor, this bastard is an elder of the Dark Church, but he didn’t have any evidence, so he hasn’t been touched.” Luo Zheng’s urgent voice sounded through the phone.

"What?" Mr. Li was shocked, and his voice couldn't help but grow a little louder. As the top person in charge of the National Security Strategy Department, Mr. Li certainly knew what a strategic military base was, and he also knew the impact Nestor would have on the region after he became the general director. As well as the impact on domestic interests in the African region, his face changed drastically. After asking a few questions in detail, he warned: "Pay close attention to this matter. With this information, I believe your counterattack plan can be successfully passed."

After hanging up the phone, Mr. Li walked out of the bathroom, came to his seat and sat down. He deliberately coughed a few times to attract everyone's attention, and then said in a deep voice: "I want to tell you some important news. Sam Country will set up a strategy in Africa." Level military base, the news is reliable. It is expected that Sam State will officially announce it in a week. The general manager is Nestor. One thing must be reminded that this Nestor is the elder of the Dark Church. Unfortunately, we have no direct evidence and cannot touch him. This I won’t go into the impact behind the incident. Everyone knows that the theme of today’s meeting is the counterattack plan, so let’s discuss the plan.”

Everyone secretly cursed Mr. Li for being cunning and cunning, and no one spoke. Even those who had objected just now chose to remain silent. Everyone realized that the Dark Church had begun a full-scale counterattack. If it did not fight back, the national interests would be seriously damaged. Everyone He is a dragon and a phoenix among people, both public and private, and they all know how to choose.

As a result, the counterattack plan was quickly passed. Mr. Li hurriedly left with the meeting memorandum signed by all the representatives. Under the protection of the guard, he went straight to the mystery bureau. Luo Zheng did not expect that Mr. Li would come in person and hurried out to greet him. Mr. Li's face was dark, and he waved his hand to signal the greeters to disperse, and whispered: "Find a place to talk."

"Understood." Luo Zheng agreed with surprise, and took Mr. Li to the reception room. No one was allowed to approach. After closing the door, he was about to make tea for Mr. Li. Mr. Li took out the meeting memo and said: "Counterattack plan The research meeting has ended, and all the representatives have signed and approved the plan. With this memorandum, the red-headed document will be issued to you soon. There will no longer be any suspense about this matter. Just let go and get started. I just want to ask you a question, how sure are you?"

"Are you talking about the counterattack plan or the strategic base?" Luo Zheng asked in a low voice in surprise.

"Of course it is a strategic-level military base. The counterattack plan is very thorough. Regardless of success or failure, the real purpose of our establishment of an anti-terrorism alliance can be achieved. I don't care about this anymore. I believe you can complete it. This strategic military base is very important to the domestic and African countries." The interests will have a great impact, tell me what you think." Mr. Li said in a deep voice, his eyes slightly focused and his brows furrowed.

"This is indeed a fatal move. It will not only affect our interests in various African countries, but also enable the Dark Church to incorporate the major shady forces in Africa. Once incorporated into an army, won't it be easy to overthrow a country? Over there There are many small countries. If we occupy a few at will and then establish a federal state to become bigger, the threat to us will be even greater. Therefore, we must prevent this from happening. Even if we cannot prevent it, we must establish the same strategic base there as To contend with it." Luo Zheng analyzed in a deep voice.

Mr. Li's eyes lit up, and he did not express his position immediately, but began to think deeply.

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