The strongest soldier

Chapter 3432 The situation changes again

The island is heavily defended and guarded, and there is a strange radar. Luo Zheng has never been able to find a way to infiltrate. Luo Zheng had to endure it until there was no way to infiltrate, but seeing Sora Ishii's sad look every day was a bit unbearable, and the faster he could Conquering the island will be a greater blow to the Dark Church. The Dark Church has become more rampant recently. Their arrogance must be suppressed, but there has been no good way.

Hong Meihua's proposal made Luo Zheng's eyes light up. At this moment, he suddenly realized that he still had many shortcomings. He should have brainstormed a long time ago. Maybe he could come up with a solution. At least it would be better than thinking hard by himself. When the task was about to be handed over, I gave it to Hongmeihua, who agreed wholeheartedly, saying that as long as the research office cooperates vigorously, the production can be completed within a week and the experiment can be launched.

With the method of infiltration, Luo Zheng was completely relieved and let everyone else go about their business. He also returned to his desk to deal with the official documents. After working for a while, he suddenly saw the door open and Sora Ishii, who had already put on clean clothes, walked away. He came in and returned to his small room with a lonely expression.

Luo Zheng was busy for a while, finished reviewing all the official documents on the desk, and called Liu Qingqing to distribute them. He sat down on the sofa in the living room outside, boiled water and made tea. After a while, the tea was brewed, and the fragrance lingered, refreshing. Luo Zheng poured two cups and then shouted: "Ishii Sora, come over for a cup of tea and see how my craftsmanship goes?"

The Japanese country also attaches great importance to tea ceremony. Ishii Sora is an expert in this field. He came out after hearing the shouting, sat opposite Luo Zheng, took a sip of tea, and said absently: "Good tea, very good."

Luo Zheng smiled understandingly and said, "I have some good news for you."

"Except for the children, other things are dispensable to me. Also, it's best not to tell me your secrets, otherwise it will be difficult for me to do anything in the future." Sora Ishii said in a deep voice.

"You are very smart. The more you know about some things, the more dangerous they are. Don't worry, I won't tell you military secrets even if you want to know them. Although this matter is considered confidential, it is related to you. We have found an infiltrator in Shanghai. There is hope for the island to save your child." Luo Zheng said seriously.

"Really?" Ishii Sora looked at Luo Zheng with surprise on his face, his heart was in his throat, and his eyes were full of hope. Seeing Luo Zheng's determined expression, knowing that it was not fake, he was overjoyed and anxious. He asked: "Tell me, what is the solution? The biggest threat to you on the island is that weird radar. As long as there is no radar, we can secretly infiltrate the island. There are many ways to rescue my son when we get to the island. You guys Have you found a way to overcome the weird radar?"

"It can't be said to be restrained, it should be said to be evasive." Luo Zheng explained Hong Meihua's proposal seriously.

Sora Ishii's eyes lit up, he was overjoyed, and said in annoyance: "Why didn't I think of this method? I should have thought of it. The Japanese government has such a fish-shaped submarine, which looks almost exactly like a shark. It can also systematically control and simulate the swimming of real fish. I heard that they often infiltrate into your country for investigation. I have never seen it, but I heard some people mentioned it. Damn it, I should have thought of it earlier. I wasted so many days in vain." As he said this, he pulled his hair. His face was full of regret and self-blame.

"Fish-shaped submarine? It's a very interesting name, but it's also vivid. It's been so long since your son's incident, so don't be too anxious. You should be able to build one within a week. By then you can infiltrate it. It's about your son. I know you can't sit still, so I'll leave it to you." Luo Zheng warned.

"No problem, thank you. I promise to complete the mission. Just ask me to do whatever you need me to do. I will never cause you any trouble." Sora Ishii said gratefully.

"Is it okay to dive under the sea?" Luo Zheng asked.

"No problem, I once served in the Navy and ranked first in the military in underwater diving." Sora Ishii said confidently.

"That was when you were young. You haven't been diving for a long time, right? I'll arrange it for you to do adaptive training for a week. The fish-shaped submarine will be built in a week. How about that?" Luo Zheng asked. , seeing that Ishii Sora agreed, Luo Zheng saw that Liu Qingqing happened to come in, so he immediately explained and asked Liu Qingqing to make arrangements.

Liu Qingqing promised and called, and the matter was quickly finalized. Liu Qingqing immediately arranged for a helicopter to take Ishii Sora to the secret training base of the Secret Bureau. After sending Ishii Sora away, Luo Zheng sipped tea leisurely and talked about the island. With a countermeasure in hand, the plan to counterattack the Dark Church was still under discussion. There was no need to worry. He simply calmed down and rested. After relaxing physically and mentally, Luo Zheng found that his thinking became more agile.

After a while, Luo Zheng, who was concentrating with his eyes closed, suddenly heard a knock on the door. If Liu Qingqing came back, he would open the door directly. Hong Meihua and Lan Xing had just left, who would be looking for them now? He couldn't help but be startled, and shouted to come in. He soon discovered that it was Jackson, and he couldn't help shouting in surprise: "You are here, sit down, we just want to have a cup of tea together."

"I still like coffee." Jackson smiled bitterly and came to sit on the sofa.

"You won't come to me if you have nothing to do, right?" Luo Zheng asked straight to the point with a smile.

"That's right. After all, you are too busy. It's really hard to disturb you if you have nothing to do. I received a little bit of news. Those old brothers passed it to me in the past. The think tank is busy. Let me come and report to you personally." Jackson smiled.

"We are old friends. Although there have been many grievances and grievances, they have all passed. We forget the grievances with a smile. Now we are comrades in arms. There is nothing we can't talk about. Let's talk about it." Luo Zheng said with a smile, cheering up.

"My former comrades in life and death quietly sent me messages. As you know, I still keep in touch with many of my former life and death friends. They revealed a very important message to me. I feel that I must tell you immediately. Nestor is about to Serving as the commander-in-chief of the Special Operations Department of the three armed forces means that all the special forces of Sam State are under his control." Jackson said solemnly.

"What?" Luo Zheng was shocked. Nestor was from the Dark Church. He had been unable to make a move due to the lack of direct evidence. He was previously the commander-in-chief of the Army Special Operations Department of the Sam Country. Unexpectedly, he was now the commander-in-chief of the Special Operations Department of the Army, Navy and Air Force. Commander, both his authority and resources have been greatly improved. If such a person wants to do evil, no one can stop him. Luo Zheng's face darkened and he began to think.

"There is also news that the Sam State will set up a special operations base somewhere in Africa, with a strategic scale. This means that the base will have complete radars, fighter jets, drones, anti-aircraft missiles, etc., and the garrison will exceed one There are more than a thousand people, and they are all special forces with strong combat capabilities. I think they want to get involved in Africa." Jackson said with a solemn face.

Luo Zheng was shocked, shocked by the news, and suddenly felt an inexplicable dangerous aura coming towards him.

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