The strongest soldier

Chapter 3404 The troops are divided into four groups

On the gray hillside, in the dense forest, Luo Zheng stood like a sculpture, staring in the direction of the top of the mountain. The top of the mountain was still a bit far away, and it was blocked by the woods and it was night. In fact, nothing could be seen. It was not difficult to look carefully. He found that Luo Zheng's ears were shaking slightly. This was a natural phenomenon when he concentrated all his energy to listen. Through the sound of gunshots, Luo Zheng could feel the basic situation of the battle.

Three minutes later, he suddenly said with a deep expression: "Let the brother on the left touch it."

"Ah? Okay." Wu Jin agreed in surprise, and quickly conveyed the order through the headset. The headsets worn by the Secret Service brothers were on the same channel as Wu Jin's, but Luo Zheng was wearing a headset unique to the Secret Service Bureau. They were not the same. The network system cannot be contacted directly, and orders must be conveyed by force.

"Isn't it five minutes yet?" Nightingale asked curiously.

Luo Zheng did not answer, but continued to listen to the sound of battle gunfire. The sounds of bullets fired by different weapons were completely different, and the firing rhythms of people with high combat skills and ordinary people were also different. For experienced veterans, through this The sound and rhythm can tell which weapon, who has the upper hand, etc. Nightingale has relatively little combat experience, so naturally she cannot tell the difference. The battle is about to happen, and she cannot see clearly, so she has to focus on her hearing. Luo Zheng does not dare to waste time. Listen carefully.

Wu Jin, who had delivered the order, had already reacted and whispered: "Judging from the gunshots, the enemy's firepower is very powerful, almost overwhelming our people. This means that a large number of guards have rushed towards us, and the situation is not good for us. If the enemy continues If we increase our troops, the brothers in the back mountain will be in big trouble. If we activate the left side in advance, we can attract some troops and take some of the pressure off the brothers in the back mountain. I didn't expect there to be so many guards on the top of the mountain."

"You can all hear this. How many guards are there?" Nightingale said in surprise.

"You can tell it when you're used to fighting. It's not difficult, you just need to be familiar with it. Judging from the sound of gunfire, there are at least a hundred people exchanging fire." Wu Jin whispered, suddenly his face darkened, and he looked at Luo Zheng Said: "Brother, the brothers on the left have already rushed forward, but they have also been blocked by a large number of guards. The enemy defense is very vigilant. Do you want to go up on the right to share the firepower?"

"Just wait and see what happens, don't be impatient." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

Wu Jin thought for a while and said nothing more. After waiting for a few minutes, he reminded: "Brother, the brothers in the back mountain are evacuating, and there are more than a hundred guards chasing after them."

"Very good, I want to see how many people there are on this mountain. The other two teams have moved forward to the mountainside and are waiting for cover. Be careful." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"Understood." Wu Jin agreed, and with a wave of his hand, the other two teams quickly rushed forward from the front.

After a few more minutes, Wu Jin said in a deep voice: "Brother, the brother on the left couldn't hold on anymore and retreated. The time was as scheduled and he didn't retreat in advance. There were about a hundred pursuers. The brother on the right asked for permission. Attack now? It’s their turn according to the original plan.”

"Don't be anxious, wait a moment." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"Huh?" Wu Jin was surprised, but he didn't ask any more questions so as not to interfere with Luo Zheng's judgment and command.

The sound of gunfire gradually faded away, and it was obvious that the brothers had retreated far away, but Luo Zheng still did not issue an attack order, but continued to wait with a cold face. After more than ten minutes, no gunfire or noise could be heard from the front. After the top of the mountain returned to calm, Luo Zheng looked at Wu Jin coldly and said in a deep voice: "Let the brothers on the right attack."

"Understood." Wu Jin, who had been impatient for a long time, agreed.

Let the rear sneak attack first, and then the left sneak attack. It can easily give people the illusion that the rear is covering the sneak attack from the left. Normally you should relax after repelling the two sneak attacks. At this time, the right side suddenly rushes out, which can catch the enemy off guard. Wait for the right side to attack. After evacuating, the enemy will definitely think that the sneak attack is limited to this. At this time, the two teams in the front suddenly attack. Whether the enemies who have been diverted a lot can block it depends on luck.

Luo Zheng thought about his plan. On the surface, each route seemed to be a cover for the sneak attack behind him. But in fact, the first three routes were all feints. The real killer move was in the two teams behind. Luo Zheng believed that the brothers could not only lead You can defeat a large number of enemies and escape unscathed, just wait patiently.

Soon, intensive gunshots rang out from the top of the mountain again. Luo Zheng listened carefully and felt that the intensity of the gunfire this time was far less violent than before. It was obvious that the enemy had been drawn away a lot. He secretly breathed a sigh of relief and died. He stared ahead and waited patiently. After a few minutes, the sound of gunfire gradually faded away, and Luo Zheng looked at Wu Jin.

Wu Jin said in a deep voice: "The message came from the brother on the right. The enemy's firepower is very fierce and the attack is very determined. It is difficult to attack. We can only retreat according to the plan. Perhaps the continuous sneak attacks have completely angered the enemy. The pursuit is very fierce, but don't worry. Safety for my brothers.”

"Tell them to lure the enemy away and follow the plan. The Prime Minister was attacked. More troops must be coming. We don't have much time left. Let the other two troops also attack." Luo Zheng said coldly. .

"Wait a minute?" Wu Jin asked in surprise. The enemy had just lured them away and suddenly attacked at this time. Wouldn't the pursuers come back? Wouldn't all the previous efforts be wasted by then?

"Brothers, it will take five or six minutes to touch them. By this time, the pursuers have already run far away. Even if they come back, it will take about ten minutes. If we can't conquer the clubhouse and capture the target in about ten minutes, there is no need to fight this battle. We will withdraw immediately. , the enemy's reinforcements must be on the way, time is tight, go ahead." Luo Zheng explained seriously.

"Understood." Wu Jin agreed and issued the attack order.

The three-way feint attack prepared the stage for the last two teams to attack. A large number of guards were lured away. If they could not succeed, no one would be able to escape when the reinforcements arrived. It was true that we could not be reluctant to fight. Many orders were issued, and the two teams were like They pounced on him like two sharp knives, using the cover of night to move like hungry cheetahs in the forest at a very fast speed.

Five minutes later, everyone easily killed the guards on the mountainside and quickly advanced to the top of the mountain. Not long after, gunfire rang out again on the top of the mountain. This time the firepower was obviously much less. Luo Zheng secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Suddenly Wu Jin's face changed drastically. , covered his headset and listened carefully, and then shouted urgently: "No, brothers said that they encountered a small team that can't be killed by bullets, and the combat power is very terrifying, and brothers can't attack it."

"Can't be killed by bullets?" Luo Zheng was startled, then his face changed drastically, and he shouted quickly: "No, it's the Dark Church. Damn it, why is the Dark Church here? Quick, tell the troops to divide into two groups and evacuate from the left and right. Stop fighting and find a way to return to the safe house."

"Understood." Wu Jin hurriedly agreed and quickly conveyed the order.

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