The strongest soldier

Chapter 3403 The battle begins

On the low hillside, dense woods swayed in the wind, and the evening breeze brought a bit of coolness, which diluted the heat of the day. In the woods, Luo Zheng stared closely at the top of the mountain ahead to observe, his mind was working rapidly, thinking of countermeasures. It is imperative to kidnap the Prime Minister. As long as the identity of the Dark Church is confirmed, Luo Zheng will not let go, not to mention that he can create chaos and create opportunities for his brothers to evacuate.

Next to him, Wu Jin was also observing the terrain with a solemn expression. As the director of the Secret Service, Wu Jin's position was not obtained by clinging to others or flattery, but by actual shooting. His extraordinary combat experience made Wu Jin aware of the mission. Difficulty, hesitation.

Nightingale is not very experienced in combat, but her espionage ability is very high. Her sixth sense for espionage is different from ordinary people and is very sharp. After observing Nightingale, she also feels that the task is too difficult and it is almost impossible to complete it. She watches from time to time. Luo Zheng glanced at meditatively, then exchanged glances with Wu Jin, smiling helplessly.

After observing for a while, Luo Zheng suddenly looked at Wu Jin and whispered: "Brother, it is imperative to capture the Prime Minister. If you miss tonight, you may not have another chance in the future. If you want to find the target again, you will definitely reach the sky. The arrow is on the string and you have to counterattack. But you have also seen the situation, it is very difficult, there is only one fight, and there is a 50% chance of winning, do you want to bet or not?"

"50%?" Wu Jin pondered. The 50% chance of winning didn't seem low, but the price paid was definitely not small. But, what could happen if he didn't gamble? The longer we stay in this city, the greater the possibility that everyone will be exposed. We must fight quickly. Thinking of this, Wu Jin said in a deep voice: "It's better to gamble than to sit back and wait for death."

"Okay, let's give it a try." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice: "My plan is this. Let three teams sneak attack from the left, right and behind. They will take turns to attack. Once exposed, they will assume a strong attack posture and wait to anger the enemy. Then quickly evacuate, run back as fast as possible, and return to the safe house from the underground pipe to stand by. It’s up to you how many enemies the three troops can attract to leave. The remaining two troops will follow me for a frontal sneak attack. Can Xuehu and the others evacuate on their own? ?”

"Tune the tiger away from the mountain?" Wu Jin looked at Luo Zheng in surprise and said. Seeing Luo Zheng nod helplessly, he obviously didn't want to use this method, but he didn't have a more suitable plan, so he couldn't help but think deeply. After a moment, Wu Jin's eyes froze. Shen Sheng said: "It is true that we are only 50% sure, but it is more dangerous not to fight. If we fight, we will arrange for one person to lead Xuehu and his team to evacuate the safe house first. When we came, the brothers all marked the way and knew the way."

"Can they do it?" Nightingale asked worriedly.

"Xuehu and his team have eleven members. Half of them are injured, and the other half are in good condition. It's not a big problem to take care of each other. There is no war, and they evacuated early. They have enough time to go back. We need people here, and we can't allocate too many troops. Escort." Wu Jin explained in a deep voice.

"Brother Drunkard, you are responsible for escorting Xue Hu and the others back." Luo Zheng suddenly said.

"Why me?" The drunkard was unhappy and wanted to stay and fight, so he asked.

"Xuehu knows that they will not be happy to let them withdraw first, and will ask to stay and help. Apart from me, Wu Bureau and you, do you think Xuehu will listen to others? Of course I will stay, and the rest will be you and Wu Jin. You two can discuss it, anyone can go." Luo Zheng explained in a deep voice.

"Nonsense, of course you go, get out of here." When Wu Jin heard this, he immediately glared at the drunkard and said, fearing that the drunkard would show his temper and force him to go. As a senior general, Wu Jin had fewer and fewer opportunities to enter and exit missions. After catching it once, naturally you don’t want to miss the battle.

The first level of officialdom is overwhelming, and the drunkard is full of dissatisfaction. He really wants to say that he can just arrange for a brother to lead the way, but then he thinks about it. He doesn’t want to leave his brothers and evacuate to the rear. Naturally, Xuehu and the others don’t want to either. The brothers below Xue Hu might not listen to what they said, so he really had no choice but to come forward on his own. In desperation, he solemnly leaned on his feet, saluted Luo Zheng and Wu Jin, and said with some excitement in his voice: "You two, you must come back alive."

"Get lost." Wu Jin waved his hand and said with a smile.

The drunkard turned around and glanced at the team captains behind him, and stared in a deep voice: "Brothers, you must protect the three of them. If something happens to one of them, I will take care of you when you come back. You can live a good life for me." He turned around. He left in a hurry, his eyes flushed.

Everyone understands the drunkard's mood. As a commander, no one will leave his troops and run to the rear to desert. Although it is an order from a superior, everyone has their own pride. After watching the drunkard leave, everyone looked at Wu Jin and Wu Jin thought. After thinking for a while, he said in a deep voice: "Everyone, get ready. We will take action in five minutes. The first and second teams will stay, the third team will be responsible for the left side, the fourth team will be responsible for the right side, and the fifth team will be responsible for the rear."

"Yes." Everyone responded solemnly.

Luo Zheng turned around, looked at everyone and warned: "Brothers, your mission is to divert the tiger away from the mountain, not to attack hard. You must reach the predetermined position in ten minutes, and launch the attack in ten and five minutes. Everyone only has five minutes to attack. You have to evacuate in five minutes, do you understand?"

"Yes." Everyone responded in a deep voice, but in fact they didn't understand very well and looked at Wu Jin with confused eyes.

After all, it was not his own troops that Luo Zheng led, and the cooperation was not tacit enough. If it were replaced by ghost hands, snow leopards and mountain eagles, Luo Zheng's intentions could be understood from the orders. Wu Jin heard the implicit meaning and said in a deep voice. Said: "The faster the attack speed and the shorter the time, the more enemies will be attracted to pursue. What's more important is that all three of you are suspects. If you delay too much time, other enemy reinforcements will arrive and be responsible for the final main attack. The troops will have no time, so your time cannot be too long, leave your time to the last two groups, do you understand?"

"Understood." Everyone suddenly understood and their eyes became firm.

After clarifying the mission, the team leader quickly returned to his team and conveyed the mission and essentials. Everyone checked their weapons and made preparations for the battle. Five minutes later, the three teams quickly evacuated and rushed to their respective battlefields. There were only ten minutes left. You have to hurry up to get there, no one dares to delay.

Ten minutes later, the three teams received news that they were in position. Luo Zheng asked the two teams on the left and right to lurk and move, and then the team behind attacked first. This was also in line with the common sense of sneak attacks from behind and would not arouse the enemy's suspicion. The team behind the mountain got After giving the order, he quickly infiltrated up, continuously and silently hunted the secret sentries and patrols, and unknowingly reached the outhouse on the top of the mountain.

However, everyone was discovered by the high-level surveillance, which was very concealed. The troops did not discover it in advance, and their whereabouts were exposed. The alarm sounded loudly on the top of the mountain, and countless people rushed towards the back mountain. The battle was about to break out.

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