The strongest soldier

Chapter 3323 Codename: Heavenly Punishment

Ordinary people would definitely be nervous, panicked, and at a loss when encountering an air accident, but well-trained soldiers would not. Everyone present was an elite and experienced person. They understood the meaning of Shan Diao’s words and relaxed. Everyone Knowing that with Luo Zheng and Lan Xue's abilities, they could seize the opportunity to escape, their nervousness gradually calmed down.

The think tank glanced at everyone present with a stern gaze, and said in a deep voice: "The control system of a military aircraft entering a cumulonimbus cloud is most likely to be destroyed. It is unlikely that the fuselage will be torn apart by lightning. Don't forget that it is a military aircraft, not an ordinary civil aviation. Safety It is higher, the seat has an automatic ejection function, there is a parachute, and it is a vast sea. When the military plane lands at a certain height, they will definitely eject to save themselves, either landing in the sea or on the island. The safety problem is not big, brothers from the domestic mystery bureau We are going all out to investigate, Blue Star is in charge.”

Everyone was relieved when they heard that the brothers from the domestic mystery bureau were looking for and Blue Star was in charge. Others may be worried, but Blue Star is definitely trustworthy. Not to mention the powerful information capabilities, but the family relationship is destined that Blue Star will do its best. After continuing to search, Guishou thought for a while and asked: "In that case, what should we do?"

"Yes, those bastards dared to enter our country's airspace and blow up the hotel. They were so arrogant and almost killed our brothers. This revenge must be avenged. Tell me, what should we do?" Snow Leopard asked in a deep voice.

Everyone looked at the think tank, pricking up their ears and waiting for orders. The think tank glanced at everyone and saw that the morale of the soldiers was ready. They were completely relieved and said in a deep voice: "Before coming back, the leader personally told us that we should fight back with all our strength and teach you a lesson." These bastards are showing off their national prestige.”

"Just give the order directly." Snow Leopard said in a loud voice, with an urgent look on his face.

"Okay, in that case, let me tell you what I think." The think tank glanced at everyone and saw that everyone was waiting for orders. He stopped beating around the bush and went straight to the topic: "We have three things that we must go all out for. The first is One thing is to find the leader. Blue Star leads the Mystery Bureau to take full responsibility for this matter. Do you have any questions?"

"No problem." Everyone said in a deep voice.

"The second thing is to intensify efforts to track down the clues of the Dark Church. If you find any clues, kill them with all your strength. You don't have to worry about the clues being interrupted or retained. All the clues that have been discovered are also cleared. Put on a posture of revenge. This way , the enemy will not know about the disappearance of the leader, which is beneficial to us. Once the enemy knows that the leader is missing, maybe what will happen. Therefore, we need to take the initiative to catch the enemy by surprise. This matter will be handled by the red plum blossoms and the three special service teams. The team is fully cooperating with the operation, and Xuelian is responsible for the information. Do you have any questions?" the think tank continued.

"No problem." Hong Meihua, Xuelian, Xu Gang, Shi Qian, Tie Diao and others responded solemnly.

"What is our operations office doing?" Guishou asked eagerly.

"Yes, revenge cannot be without us." Snow Leopard also said in a deep voice.

"Of course, good steel is used on the blade. Your task is the most difficult. We plan to carry out unified strikes against terrorist organizations around the world. We have thirty strongholds, and each stronghold has about ten teams, which is about a hundred people. , are all in areas with frequent activities of terrorist organizations, and attack them severely." The think tank said in a deep voice.

"What's the point?" Snow Leopard asked curiously.

"Show the country's prestige!" The think tank shouted murderously, smashed his clenched fist on the conference table, glanced at the audience with a cold gaze, and continued: "The enemy brazenly attacked our country's targets, which is a heinous crime and has a great impact on the country's prestige. Dark If the church cannot be found for the time being, then we will look for terrorist organizations to attack them severely, promote our country's prestige, and declare to the world that our country is sacred and inviolable."

"It makes some sense, but it's not urgent. You can take your time. The top priority is revenge." Guishou said.

"Yes, this matter is very urgent, because in addition to national prestige, what is more important is to put on a posture of anger and revenge. Not only are they hunting down the people of the Dark Church, they are also attacking terrorist organizations, interfering with the Dark Church's line of sight, and keeping them guessing. Our true purpose is to cover up the news of the disappearance of the leader." The think tank explained in a deep voice.

"Using offense instead of defense, disrupting the line of sight, covering up the news, we can also take the opportunity to show our national prestige and declare our determination and confidence in counter-terrorism. Yes, I agree." Guishou suddenly realized and said seriously.

The think tank breathed a sigh of relief. As long as Guishou agrees, I believe that no one else will object. As expected, everyone expressed their support for the plan. The think tank was relieved and continued: "Thank you brothers for your understanding. Fighting terrorist organizations is the original goal. As the responsibility of the General Administration of Counter-Terrorism, we take this opportunity to attack forcefully, firstly to declare force, secondly to enhance our country's prestige, and thirdly to interfere with the enemy's sight. This is of great significance. The harder the brothers in the Operations Department fight, the easier it will be for the Intelligence Department to track down. The better we can find the enemy's weaknesses."

"That makes sense. What are the principles of war?" Guishou asked.

“Defining all terrorist organizations as accomplices of the Dark Church will have two results. The first is to cause dissatisfaction and revenge from terrorist organizations around the world. We will become the public enemy of terrorist organizations all over the world; the second is that terrorist organizations If they can't defeat us, they will spread their hatred on the Dark Church and divert the disaster eastward, which is very beneficial to us." The think tank explained.

"What a good idea. Then we will fight so that terrorist organizations all over the world are afraid of us and dare not provoke us. We will fight them until they have nowhere to hide, and they will be filled with hatred towards the Dark Church." Snow Leopard roared excitedly, his face full of fighting spirit.

"That's right, so your operations office has the most difficult task. The terrorists are arrogant, rampant, ruthless, guilty, and the people are angry. It's time to punish them. Since the local countries can't do anything about them, let us come, God's way is clear and our righteousness is frightened. We will never tolerate these bastards to continue to be rampant. We will punish them on behalf of God and strike with thunder. This operation is codenamed: God's Punishment!" The think tank shouted murderously, waving his powerful fists, his eyes sharp and fanatical.

"Heavenly Punishment——?!" Everyone said in a deep voice, their eyes firm.

"That's right, Heaven's Punishment, Ghost Hand, you are responsible for the command in Africa, Mountain Eagle, you are responsible for the command in Europe, Snow Leopard, you are responsible for the command in Oceania, all continents have troops deployed, I will give you one day to formulate a strike plan, and all continents will act together. The operation time is exactly twelve o'clock in the evening two days later. Tentacle monster, you are responsible for information support. I will coordinate at the headquarters. I want to hear your good news. Are there any problems?" the think tank shouted in a deep voice.

"No problem." The three shouted in unison.

"Okay, let's ask General Staff Jackson to talk about the specific strategic deployment for everyone to discuss." The think tank said in a deep voice, but smiled inwardly, looking at the empty sky outside the window and secretly said: Boss, have you seen it? Our counterattack is It's time to start, I will welcome your return with a big gift.

I recommend a good military novel, "The Strongest Single Soldier". You can tell it's good just by looking at the title. Friends who are short on books should read it.

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