The strongest soldier

Chapter 3322 Obey command

On the afternoon of the next day, the think tank who chartered an overnight flight back to the Counter-Terrorism Administration summoned all his people at the level of squadron leader and above to the conference room. Many of them went to the wedding banquet. They vaguely guessed that something had happened, but the think tank didn't tell Luo Zheng and Lan. No one could find anyone to ask whether Xue appeared or not. They were secretly notified to get on the plane before they had time to have a wedding ceremony. A series of strange things made everyone strengthen their guesses.

All the key officers gathered in the No. 1 conference room of the Anti-Terrorism Administration. Meeting in this conference room meant that important decisions were made. Everyone felt heavy for no reason. They sat down one after another and talked in low voices until the think tank came in with a cold face. He stopped talking and looked at the wise man curiously.

After sitting down, the think tank glanced at the empty chair opposite, and his mood became more solemn. He immediately said to Liu Qingqing, who was sitting next to him: "Qingqing, this meeting does not require any records, and no one is allowed to record them."

Major meetings generally require written records to be recorded and sent to the relevant department heads for archiving for inspection and supervision of progress. Everyone looked curiously at the frosty think tank, their hearts became heavy, and a depressing atmosphere permeated the entire meeting. Everyone in the room cheered up.

"Brothers, you are all backbones and trustworthy brothers. There is something I have thought about for a long time and decided to tell you." The think tank looked at everyone with a cold face and said, paused, and his eyes fell on Jackson and Tang Tiantian. They are not from China and joined the team later. Can they be trusted? The think tank hesitated for a moment, but finally chose to believe Luo Zheng. Since Luo Zheng reused the two of them, he believed there would be no problem, so he continued: "Everyone, this is unfortunate news. The boss and Lan Xue are missing."

"What?" Everyone was shocked and stood up one after another, staring at the wise man. Guishou shouted dissatisfiedly: "Did it happen at the wedding? Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

There were all good brothers who had been with Luo Zheng for many years. After all, the think tank joined later, but he was a little homesick for outsiders. Seeing the many brothers who were excited, the think tank became worried, and his face became even more ugly. If everyone really jumped up to object, I can’t hold it down at all, what should I do?

"What happened? You tell me?" Snow Leopard roared dissatisfied.

"Yes, you tell me, why didn't you tell us earlier?" The other officers also shouted, getting excited. Lan Xue is not here, Lan Xing is not here, and Luo Zheng is not here. No one has enough prestige to suppress this group of arrogant soldiers. The warrior, the wise man knew that what he was most worried about had happened.

If possible, the think tank did not want to take out his mobile phone to record, after all, he would appear too incompetent, but everyone was agitated and showed signs of going berserk. Although Hong Meihua was senior enough and was respected by everyone, she could not suppress the arrogance and fierceness of the operations department. General, Xu Gang, and Tie Diao wanted to say something, but the think tank stopped them with their eyes.

The god-level soldier king always joined from behind. Although everyone cooperated very happily and established a life-and-death friendship, they were not yet fully integrated into the team. At this moment, the disadvantages of Luo Zheng's absence were exposed. Jackson and Tang Tiantian saw this The scene made him smile bitterly, not knowing what to say.

The conference room became noisy. Everyone looked at the think tank and asked what happened and asked for an explanation. The situation began to get out of control. Luo Zheng was not only everyone's leader, but also everyone's spiritual leader. Now he is missing. What does this mean? Everyone didn't dare to think about what happened next, they all became impatient, and their eyes were full of worry.

"Bang -" Suddenly a gunshot rang out, suppressing everyone's noise. Everyone looked in surprise and found that it was a mountain eagle holding a pistol in his hand. His face was ugly, and everyone gradually calmed down.

"Why are you making such a fuss? The sky hasn't fallen yet." The mountain eagle shouted coldly, with an unkind expression.

The think tank secretly breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this scene. He had long heard from Luo Zheng that the three top generals around him were good at adapting to situations, the snow leopard was good at fighting bravely, and the mountain eagle was good at thinking. They were the calmest. Perhaps it had something to do with their status as snipers, and the mountain eagle came forward to suppress them. , the situation should be under control, the think tank was completely relieved, and looked at the mountain eagle gratefully without saying a word.

"What kind of place is this? A vegetable market?" Shan Diao shouted coldly. As one of the three top generals around Luo Zheng, he is usually silent, but even Gui Shou and Snow Leopard believed and admired his words. No matter what, once angry, no one dares to ignore it. Everyone looked at the mountain eagle in embarrassment and said nothing.

"Look at you now, what do you look like? Market vendors? The leader is just missing, not dead yet. Why are you panicking? Sit down and sit down for me. The top priority is to discuss countermeasures, not to yell, Brother Guishou, Brother Snow Leopard, I believe in the wise man." Mountain Eagle said in a deep voice, looking at Ghost Hand and Snow Leopard with a brighter look.

Guishou also reacted and realized that he was a little excited. He immediately sat down, looked at the think tank and said in a deep voice: "Brother, it was my fault just now. Just tell me, as long as I can find someone, as long as I can get revenge, I will do this." Your life is yours, I'll hit you wherever you ask me to, without any ambiguity."

"Yes, we were a little anxious just now. If you care, you will be confused. I hope you understand. Don't mind. We listen to you." Snow Leopard also sat down and said, then glared at the other officers who were still standing, and shouted dissatisfied: " You are still standing in a daze, why don't you sit down and listen to the wise men?"

"Yes." Everyone also realized that they had lost their composure, sat down one after another, and looked at the think tank.

The think tank smiled gratefully at the mountain eagle, ghost hand and snow leopard, and put the phone back. Since everyone was willing to obey the command, there was no need to take out Luo Zheng's order to avoid everyone being disgusted. He immediately explained the situation in detail, and finally looked towards Xuelian, Xuelian knowingly played the surveillance footage on the electronic screen.

Everyone watched as the military plane swooped over the island, got into the clouds, and then disappeared. This was a natural disaster. Of course, there was also the persecution of the Dark Church. Everyone blamed the Dark Church for this, but after the gaffe just now, , everyone controlled their emotions and looked at the think tank without saying a word.

Guishou thought for a while and said in a deep voice: "Mastermind, Sister-in-law Xuelian, why did the military plane suddenly lose contact? The captain's driving ability is very high, and he can completely control the military plane to return home."

"It should be a threat from nature. There should be some elements such as electrons, molecules or electromagnetic waves that we don't know about in the clouds they entered at the beginning. These elements destroyed the military aircraft control system, causing the military aircraft to lose contact with us, and then got into Cumulonimbus, cumulonimbus clouds contain terrifying energy such as flashes, causing the military aircraft to completely lose control and unable to enter autopilot, so┅┅" Lan Xue explained in a deep voice.

Everyone was not stupid. They also watched the video and knew that what Xuelian said was true. The mountain eagle was the calmest. After thinking for a moment, he asked in a deep voice: "So, the military plane just lost control and was not blown up by lightning. They were completely You can find a suitable moment and a suitable location to jump out of the plane and escape, right?"

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