The strongest soldier

Chapter 3304 Surprise News

Hostage rescue is a technical job, especially when the hostages are not all detained together. If one place is rescued, other places may kill the hostages. The police and national security representatives have this worry, but Luo Zheng does not. Worrying, because they know the enemy too well, the Dark Church will definitely keep the hostage card before successfully assassinating themselves.

Lan Xue saw the two questioning Luo Zheng's decision and wanted to explain a few words. Luo Zheng waved his hand. Lan Xue took a step back knowingly, like a gentle little daughter-in-law. Luo Zheng glanced at the two of them. There was no way to explain this kind of thing. , then said: "Let's do it. If you are worried, kill all the drug dealers inside. First, block the signals inside before taking action. Make sure nothing goes wrong. Just evacuate quickly after you succeed."

"Okay." Seeing that Luo Zheng had made up his mind, the military representative agreed.

It is the bounden duty of soldiers to obey orders. Even though Luo Zheng is not a soldier, the leader of the joint action team and the military representative quickly conveyed Luo Zheng's orders. Luo Zheng sat on the sofa and looked at the map and pondered. Lan Xue saw Noon When it’s time to eat, call the hotel immediately to place an order.

Ten minutes later, lunch was delivered to the hotel, and everyone sat down to eat. After the meal, everyone sat down to rest, and waited for the waiter to clean up before going back to work. Luo Zheng contacted all parties and learned that everyone was ready. There was no attack, it was as if the Dark Church had disappeared.

The abnormal situation made Luo Zheng even more vigilant. Before every Dark Church attack, he would be quiet and concentrate on researching countermeasures. About an hour passed before he knew it. Suddenly, the phone rang. Luo Zheng picked it up and saw that it was an unknown number. I couldn't help but be startled, but I still got through and asked, "It's me, who is it?"

"Is it convenient?" A voice sounded on the phone.

When Luo Zheng heard the voice, he thought of Sora Ishii. He was startled and realized that Sora Ishii must be calling for something. He quickly got up and walked to the bedroom. After closing the door, he said in a deep voice: "It's convenient now. Please speak."

"I didn't know the target was you before, so I didn't care about anything. Now I'm back in the enemy's camp, living in a hotel. There are five other killers like me, but there are probably more than this. I will pay attention. In addition, , I heard that some people went to a place called Phoenix Hotel. Someone is here. If there is news, I will call you." Sora Ishii said hurriedly and hung up the phone.

"Phoenix Hotel?" Luo Zheng's face changed slightly when he heard this somewhat familiar name. He suddenly thought of something and was overjoyed. He immediately went out and called Lan Xue, closed the door and asked, "Where is the hotel we used for our fake wedding?" Isn’t it called Phoenix Hotel?”

"Yes, didn't I mention it to you? It's a good idea, so it's settled." Lan Xue agreed. Seeing the surprised smile on Luo Zheng's face, she couldn't help but ask: "Looking at your beauty, what's the good thing?"

"Ishii Sora just called me and said that he found a group of the same people going to the Phoenix Hotel. He doesn't know the details. This means that the Dark Church has targeted the Phoenix Hotel and will attack there. Great, the enemy has been fooled. Yes." Luo Zheng explained excitedly.

"Really, great. Finally, there is no white cloth in this game." Lan Xue also said happily.

"Sure enough, getting a marriage certificate is a great thing. This is the second good news." Luo Zheng hugged Lan Xue excitedly and kissed her hard. Lan Xue did not refuse and the two hugged each other tightly. .

During this period of time, everyone was beaten everywhere and fell into passivity. It could be said that they were surrounded by enemies from all sides. Luo Zheng put the endless pressure in his heart and carried it silently alone. Now he is fine, and finally there is a turning point. The endless pressure has turned into surprise and love. , kissing his lover wholeheartedly, holding on for a long time.

After a while, the two slowly pushed each other away, still unfinished, with rosy faces. Lan Xue rolled her eyes at Luo Zheng angrily, and said shyly: "Look at your beauty, you are already yours, why are you so anxious? If you really want it, go and lock the door, it would be so embarrassing if someone caught you."

"Hey, there's no rush, we have a long time to go, let's deal with things first." Luo Zheng smiled, took a deep breath, dispelled the impulse in his mind, gradually regained his composure, opened the window to let the cold wind blow in, and his whole body suddenly became more awake. Looking at the bustling city outside, he said: "Xue'er, no matter what, I will never allow anyone to destroy this bustling city, never!"

Lan Xue didn't expect Luo Zheng to adjust his mood so quickly and get into working mode. He admired Luo Zheng's self-control and quickly adjusted his mood and went to the window. He stood side by side with Luo Zheng and looked at the bustling city and the streets. There was a lot of traffic and a constant stream of traffic, and he said in a deep voice: "This is a beautiful city. This city has our beautiful memories, our families and friends. You are right, and we will never allow anyone to destroy it."

"The Dark Church's attention has been transferred to the Phoenix Hotel. There has been no movement on the border for so long, which shows that they are watching and waiting. It may not be appropriate for us to continue to stay here." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"What do you mean?" Lan Xue asked in surprise.

"Let's go to the Phoenix Hotel, make a public appearance, and let the enemies know that we are indeed holding a wedding at the Phoenix Hotel. Maybe we can attract all the enemies there. Instead of letting the enemies scatter in every corner of the city, we might as well lure them to one place, what do you think? Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"Okay, I'll listen to you." Lan Xue said seriously.

"How did relatives and friends arrange it?" Luo Zheng asked in a deep voice.

"Announce to the public that relatives and friends will gather at another hotel tomorrow afternoon, and then arrange a flight to the Phoenix Hotel. It takes about four hours to fly from here to the Phoenix Hotel. After the relatives and friends arrive at the hotel, they settle down, and people from the National Security Bureau will pretend to take their place. They will arrive at the hotel tomorrow evening. , a fake wedding ceremony will be held the day after tomorrow, the time is very tight, and the enemy should also infiltrate before dark tomorrow." Lan Xue explained.

"Very good. Now that this arrangement is in place, it will be enough for relatives and friends to gather together in the hotel. It will be up to you to explain clearly at that time, so that everyone will not have opinions. Also, what is the situation at the Phoenix Hotel?" Luo Zheng asked.

"Leave the job of appeasing relatives and friends to grandpa, my dad, and your parents. It shouldn't be a big problem. The Phoenix Hotel is a military property. There is an air defense basement below. It is a reinforced concrete structure that can defend against small-yield tactical missiles. Anti-aircraft weapons have been secretly arranged. When we go in, we are surrounded by the sea on three sides and a mountain on the back. There are no ordinary citizens, and it is not a big problem as a battlefield. No innocent people will be harmed. These bastards made me even get married, so I cannot let them off lightly." Lan Xue explained seriously, Keep your eyes firm.

"Yes, we will not let them go this time. Notify the military to secretly assist in defense. Submarines, fighter planes, and radars are all in place. The focus is on defense against aircraft, stealth ships, and nuclear submarines. Our ground troops will handle it. These bastards won't let us take care of ourselves. We can't let these bastards have an easy time getting married." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice, a terrifying fighting spirit flashed in his firm eyes.

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