The strongest soldier

Chapter 3303 Discovering clues

Luo Zheng and Lan Xue walked out of the marriage registration center and came outside. They felt that the sky was so blue, the air was so clear, and everything was so beautiful. Although they had long regarded each other as their lifelong lovers, this day When the day came, the two of them were still excited. Luo Zheng looked deeply at Lan Xue, and Lan Xue also looked deeply at Luo Zheng. The two said in unison: "Live in the same room, die in the same cave."

"Yes!" The two of them nodded in unison, so firmly and powerfully.

Immediately, the two of them smiled knowingly, their faces full of happiness, their hands clasped together tightly, side by side, and walked forward. From now on, you will be in my life. From now on, I will no longer be alone in my life. After that, the lives of the two people were completely integrated, and their lives became even more different.

A simple registration certificate, a simple piece of paper, but the two lives are tightly integrated, irrespective of each other, and it is difficult to let go. Although they have been engaged for a long time, only with the certificate can they be legally married. As a real couple, Luo Zheng knew the weight of this certificate very well, and also knew Lan Xue's mood while waiting for this confirmation. He was so moved that he couldn't help but squeeze Lan Xue's hand more forcefully, for fear that Lan Xue would disappear.

Lan Xue could feel Luo Zheng's love, and she leaned over, hugged Luo Zheng's arm tightly, and rested her head on Luo Zheng's shoulder. She smiled happily, and the two of them moved forward together. Go ahead, no matter how difficult and tortuous the road ahead is, the two hearts will always be together and will not be separated, even in death.

"You two stop!" Just as the two were about to get in the car, a discordant voice suddenly shouted.

Luo Zheng and Lan Xue were startled, then slowly turned around. Their good mood was ruined. They looked at each other a little angrily, and found that it was the newlywed couple before. Luo Zheng frowned, and then laughed in a low voice: "Forget it. ,Let's go."

"Well, it's up to you." Lan Xue responded softly.

The two got in the car and left quickly. They didn't know each other well. When they reached the level of Luo Zheng and Lan Xue, their moods were completely different. They might fight to the end because of something or someone, and they might get revenge, but they would never fight with each other. The strangers in front of them were of common sense and couldn't do anything wrong.

But the man and woman didn't think so. When they saw the two driving away, each of them was in a bad mood. The woman even cursed: "Isn't it just driving a luxury car? What's so great about it."

"That's right, you can tell at a glance that he is a playboy, either a second-generation official or a second-generation rich man." The man also cursed dissatisfiedly, with an angry expression on his face.

"Brother, everyone has left, let's forget it." A newlywed couple came next to them, and the man consoled them.

"You want to take care of it? What do you know?" the woman said dissatisfied.

"I saw what happened just now from the window next to me. You don't even think about it. If you were a second-generation official or a second-generation rich man, would you be so easy to talk to? Are you so polite? Will you even apologize?" the man smiled, not angry. .

"It's none of your business!" the man said dissatisfiedly.

"Okay, okay, you can curse as much as you like. That's it." The other party smiled, not angry, and took his lover into a Mercedes-Benz and drove away quickly.

At this time, an old man slowly came over, looked at the newlyweds who were standing there in a daze, and said to himself: "Everyone's success does not depend on luck. Those who have arrogance drive luxury cars, and those who don't have arrogance." Swearing, only knowing how to blame others can be successful. It is not difficult for rich people to kill you two. Why are they not even angry? Don't say they are afraid of you, young man, think about it carefully?" After that, he walked up to the man next to him. A Rolls-Royce drove away quickly, leaving the newlyweds standing there in a daze.

Luo Zheng and Lan Xue didn't know what happened next, so they drove quickly towards the hotel. The military representative called and said that they had found a stronghold where hostages were detained. They finally had good news. Luo Zheng was in a good mood. After hanging up the phone, She happily said to Lan Xue, who was sitting in the passenger seat: "Xue'er, we have made a good fortune."

"Well, what are you going to do?" Lan Xue looked at Luo Zheng affectionately and asked.

"Getting married is indeed a great thing. I have just received the good news. I will take care of the work. I will leave the wedding banquet and other matters to you. It must be grand. We are not short of the money and cannot lose you. This is once in a lifetime. We might as well have a grand wedding and invite all the people we know well." Luo Zheng said excitedly, still immersed in the certificate.

"Well, it's up to you." Lan Xue said with a happy smile.

"Xue'er, being able to marry you is the greatest happiness in my life." Luo Zheng said seriously.

"Husband, marrying you is also my greatest happiness." Lan Xue responded affectionately.

The sound of "husband" almost made Luo Zheng's bones go numb. It was the first time in his life that he was called that, and she was the woman he loved deeply. His whole body, from the inside to the outside, felt comfortable, and billions of cells in his body were feeling happy. Singing, all the scenery in front of him became so beautiful, and Luo Zheng laughed happily.

"Look at how beautiful you are, are you stupid?" Lan Xue said with a smile.

"Well, you are stupid. I am willing to continue to be stupid like this." Luo Zheng said with a happy smile.

"Then we are just a silly couple and a silly couple." Lan Xue said with a smile.

The two of them exchanged sweet and thoughtful words and arrived at the hotel unknowingly. They quickly got out of the car and went upstairs and entered the suite. The military representative quickly came up to them and said in a deep voice: "Our people have found out the situation. The target is in a cave." , the radar scan found about 30 armed personnel and about 50 hostages being held. It should be just one of them. The hostages are not in danger for the time being. Do you want to take action? "

The whole thing was a game of chess, and it affected the whole body. No one could mess up without Luo Zheng's order. Luo Zheng was not in a hurry to answer, but immediately asked Blue Star to transmit the satellite aerial photography data to the TV. From the aerial footage It seems that the mountains around the cave are steep and the trees are dense, making it easy to retreat. The cave is not difficult to attack. Luo Zheng thought for a while and asked: "How many of us are around?"

"Twenty special forces." The military representative said solemnly.

It was not difficult for twenty special forces to deal with thirty armed men. Luo Zheng immediately made a decision. The police representative next to him reminded: "If we start the rescue, it may alarm other people and even put the lives of other hostages in danger, right? Think about it before talking."

Luo Zheng glanced at the police representative and said in a deep voice: "Don't think about it, just do it. Tell the brothers at the scene that the priority is to save people. The enemy can run away. It is in our interest to let them run away."

"Oh? Why?" the police representative asked in surprise.

"Yes, why?" The national security representative also asked in surprise: "You must know that they may be connected to each other. Once they know that we are organizing a rescue, they may kill the hostages. It is best to master all the hostage strongholds. It will be much safer if we take action together later.”

We are finally officially married. The state is strictly controlled and you are not allowed to write about the bridal chamber. Everyone understands. In addition, the lovers finally got married. Why don’t you give me some monthly tickets or something to congratulate me? There will be more intense and exciting plots to unfold later.

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