The strongest soldier

Chapter 3208 Camels filling trenches

Human physical strength is limited. We carry backpacks, weapons and ammunition, as well as a compound bow and dragon tooth saber. It is unbearable for our bodies. The dragon tooth arrows we carry during battle are naturally limited. After all, it is not possible to be prepared. In the battle, the sneak attack on the tank with dragon tooth arrows was purely Luo Zheng's impromptu idea. After the sneak attack, the dragon tooth arrows were very consumed. If there weren't so many brothers taking turns to sneak attack, he would have been in a hurry.

Luo Zheng heard Shi Qian's call and immediately shouted: "After shooting the last dragon tooth arrow, quickly evacuate the Golan trench and find a way to replenish the camp to prevent the Dark Guard's attack. Xu Gang, the same is true for you."

"Understood." Shi Qian and Xu Gang responded in a deep voice. The biggest target of the Dragon Tooth Arrow was the Dark Guard. The tanks were just a temporary move. With the battle going like this, who knew when the enemy would send the Dark Guard on the field, they had to guard against it.

At this time, a large number of camel cavalry roared in. When they arrived at the tank position, they jumped off their camels and hid behind the tanks. Soon, a large number of grenades were thrown towards the front. Luo Zheng saw this scene and quickly ordered the troops to hide in the trenches. , but he lay still and continued to observe the enemy situation ahead in order to make tactical responses at any time.

Soon, Luo Zheng found that someone rushed up to slap the tank and shouted something. Many people even jumped on the top of the tank and smashed the top cover, seemingly making the tank open. Luo Zheng was surprised, did the enemy just find out now? abnormal? It should be right. The high voltage of the Dragon Tooth Arrow can not only electrocute the people inside, but also destroy the circuits inside the tank to a certain extent, making the people inside unable to communicate with the outside world.

Thinking of this, Luo Zheng understood why the tank was stationary. Even if Shi Qian and Xu Gang led a sneak attack, the electronic equipment inside must have been destroyed. The people inside were unconscious and unable to communicate with the outside world. Naturally, the enemy could not Knowing what happened to the tank, the enemies around the tank noticed something unusual, but they were still unable to report the situation because the dragon's tooth shield had been activated, interfering with the enemy's communication equipment.

Luo Zheng smiled, sincerely, and his nervous heart fell. As long as the Dragon Tooth Shield can work, as long as the enemy cannot communicate normally, this battle will be easy to fight. The tank has been unable to move, losing the threat, and without the tank. The enemy seems to be missing its claws and the threat is limited.

"Boom, boom, boom -" Countless grenades continued to be thrown out from behind the tank and landed on the position, making explosive sounds one after another. However, Luo Zheng was no longer afraid and snorted coldly. He was about to order the troops to counterattack when he suddenly saw the enemy slapping the tank. They all retreated and hid behind the tanks.

"What does the enemy want to do?" Luo Zheng became suspicious, gave up his thoughts of counterattack, and waited to see what happened.

Soon, Luo Zheng discovered that a large number of enemies were driving camels together, shouting from behind, and even threatening the camels with guns, and drove the camels forward. The camels rushed up from between the two tanks like crazy, and saw Golan. I jumped hard. How can I jump over the four-meter-wide Golan trench so easily?

The endurance of camels is very strong, and their running speed is not slow, but their jumping ability is always limited. A large number of camels fell into the Golan trench, and their screams echoed throughout the world. There were also some camels with their front legs on the opposite side of the Golan trench. But their back legs couldn't get over at all, and their center of gravity slipped and they fell down. Only a few camels jumped over the Golan trench and rushed aimlessly, screaming irritably.

Everyone was shocked when they saw this scene. They immediately understood the enemy's intention, and all of them were silent with cold expressions. Luo Zheng also knew that the enemy planned to use camels to pave the road, but how big a channel could the camels pave? So what if I get through? Luo Zheng was no longer worried about the enemy without tanks.

More camels fell into the Golan Trench and let out shrill screams. The world was moved. This kind of attack at all costs shocked Luo Zheng. How many very talented people can come up with such a tactic? Camels are not only ships in the desert, but also the second life of desert residents, friends in life and death. Who can bear to treat camels so cruelly? They must be people from the Dark Church. For them, as long as they win, the process doesn't matter.

Luo Zheng was angry and stared at the camels rolling down in front of him. A hint of unbearability and sympathy flashed in his eyes, but it was quickly replaced by determination. He saw that a Golan trench about three hundred meters wide was about to be filled by the enemy. , the enemy can rush up from this passage, and the battle is about to break out. He can't help but shout coldly: "Snow Leopard, bring your men and light and heavy machine guns to me and block this passage."

"Understood." Snow Leopard shouted loudly and quickly contacted his troops.

Everyone was scattered around, mingling with Balu's troops. After hearing the order, they came over with light and heavy machine guns without any hesitation. The passage was about to be opened. The moment of life and death was coming. Everyone held their breath and ran wildly in the trench with their bodies hunched over. , walking as fast as flying.

Not long after, everyone gathered in front of the passage, quickly seized advantageous terrain to hide, set up machine guns, and looked coldly at the camels rushing up, getting ready for battle. The camels rushing up not only blocked everyone's sight, but also blocked everyone's sight. It blocked the view of the enemy behind the camel. The enemy did not know that there was a bigger trap waiting in front, and drove the camel even more crazily.

The passage was quickly filled up, and the enemy stopped driving the camels, but rushed forward roaring. The people in the tank had been killed. There was no cover from artillery shells or machine guns in the tank. In order to avoid accidental damage, even grenade cover was used. No, only the light machine guns rushing forward kept firing.

The enemy was obviously prepared. All those who were rushing forward were light machine guns. Each man had one hand. Hundreds of light machine guns roared at the same time. Bullets rained down, forming a terrifying firepower network in the void, hooding the front positions. Go, no one can withstand such intensive firepower without preparation.

"Da da da -" On the battlefield, Snow Leopard and other brothers were angry. How dare a mere armed man provoke them? The heavy machine gun roared and roared away with everyone's angry murderous intent. Bullets collided with each other in the void, but more bullets shot each other.

Everyone had trenches as cover, and the enemy was shooting on the run. Although the firepower was as dense as a heavy rain, and the accuracy was limited, the situation was much better. But the enemy was different. They were all exposed to the muzzle of the gun, and they were all concentrated at the entrance of the 300-meter passage. A group charge, crowded with people, sweeping away a large area.

The duel between machine guns and machine guns is about courage and willpower. Whoever is timid loses, and whoever has the advantage wins. Snow Leopard and others have the advantage of trenches and the convenient location, and they wait for work. They counterattack with fierce firepower and face the roaring monsters. The enemies who rushed up screaming fell to the ground one after another, many of their bodies were blown apart, and blood was flying all over the sky.

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