The strongest soldier

Chapter 3207 Fighting to the death

Soon, everyone discovered the problem. Many tanks were flashing with electric light, as if they had been touched by high-voltage electricity. Balu's people didn't know why, but Snow Leopard and other brothers were very familiar with it. They immediately reacted and were the first. The second team continued to use dragon tooth arrows to attack the enemy tanks. They were overjoyed and instantly understood Luo Zheng's tactical intention, which was to block the enemy's advance with firepower and buy time for the dragon tooth arrows to attack the tank.

In order to ensure the safety of the battle, Luo Zheng dispersed Snow Leopard's troops and integrated them with Balu's troops. He could not only command Balu's troops, but also stabilize the morale of the army and set an example. Otherwise, he would face the enemy's fierce attack. The tank attack on Balu's troops dispersed long ago. After everyone understood Luo Zheng's tactical intentions, someone immediately rushed up to take over the machine guns, and more people signaled that Balu's troops were hidden.

Soon, a strange scene appeared on the battlefield. Everyone on Luo Zheng's side was hiding in the trenches, and only the machine guns were still blocking the front. However, no one who saw the target opened fire, so as not to expose their position and be locked by the machine guns in the tank. On the other hand, on the enemy's side, tanks without shells and machine guns continued to fire at the front, and the infantry behind the tanks also found angles to fire at the front.

The battle became a one-man show, with bullets pouring down from the sky like rain, but everyone was hiding in the trenches. As long as their heads were not exposed, no one could do anything. The enemy was allowed to fire wildly. Once an enemy was found rushing in front of the tank, the machine gun would immediately open fire. Shoot and kill, and quickly move to avoid being suppressed by enemy machine guns.

Luo Zheng hid in a place and calmly observed this scene, quickly calculating counterattack tactics in his mind. It would definitely not work to be suppressed like this. Seeing that the enemy had no intention of retreating, he continued to hide behind the tank and shoot. Instead, he breathed a sigh of relief and loudly Asked: "Shi Qian, Xu Gang, how long will it take?"

Shi Qian, who was commanding the troops to sneak attack on the tanks, quickly agreed: "I have successfully attacked more than thirty tanks here. If you give me a little more time, all the tanks here will be left behind."

"The situation here is similar." Xu Gang replied loudly.

"Good job, let's continue." Luo Zheng was overjoyed. He finally made some achievements despite countless enemy artillery attacks. There were more than sixty tanks on both sides. You must know that the enemy only had a hundred tanks in total. He just needed to persist. After a while, a hundred tanks were finished. The risk was worth it. Luo Zheng's eyes were full of surprise. He looked forward, and his face suddenly became serious. He saw a large number of camel cavalry behind the enemy, and three more. A transport truck came over with murderous intent, and dust was billowing.

"This is this?" Luo Zheng was shocked and couldn't understand what the enemy wanted to do? Do you want to decide the outcome in a battle? Although the camel cavalry are very powerful, the question is, can they jump over the four-meter-wide Golan trench? Why are you running here if you can't jump? Are you trying to support me? What happened to the transport truck? Build a bridge?

Luo Zheng was shocked when he thought of this, and immediately shouted: "Snow Leopard, kill the transport truck behind."

"Yes, kill the transport truck." The snow leopard's roar sounded in the headset.

As long as the Golan trench cannot be passed, it is useless no matter how many enemies there are. Everyone will hide in the position and not get out. Once the enemy successfully builds a bridge, the tanks will be able to rush up. Although there are no artillery shells, the machine guns are also very terrifying. More importantly, they can When the covering infantry rushes up, the situation cannot be changed.

At the critical moment, Luo Zheng no longer held back and showed his fangs. The three rockets roared and exploded near the three transport vehicles. The transport vehicles rushed up too fast and were difficult to aim. Only one was bombed. After flipping to the ground, the other two vehicles continued to accelerate forward.

"Boom, boom, boom -" Three more rockets roared away, exploding accurately in front of the two transport vehicles. There is no grass growing on the Gobi Desert, and it is full of hard stones. The stones are flying all over the sky, blocking the transport vehicles from the wind. The glass was smashed, and the driver was hit by flying stones, his head was bruised and bleeding, and he fainted.

Soon, the two transport vehicles collided uncontrollably, and one of them suddenly fell into a huge crater and became motionless. You must know that a minefield has been laid out in front of the Golan Trench. The enemy obviously knew that the minefield was Because of the existence of the zone, having the tanks line up to attack can not only fully utilize the attack power of each tank, but also play a role in demining. Ordinary landmines cannot damage tanks, but they form huge craters on the ground.

Another transport truck was hit by a rocket, and a loud bang shook the world. The transport truck raised a huge mushroom cloud, and the black smoke billowed, dazzling, eye-catching, and shocking. At this moment, the world was like a Buddha. The color changed, and the whole ground seemed to be shaking.

Luo Zheng looked at this scene in surprise and suddenly realized a possibility. The transport truck was full of artillery shells. The shells exploded. He was overjoyed and was about to order the Snow Leopard to continue attacking the other two transport trucks when he saw two rockets. The bullets roared into the sky and hit their respective targets accurately.

The transport truck that rolled over on its side and the transport truck that plunged into the crater had stopped moving and became living targets. Naturally, they were hit without any suspense. There was no big explosion as imagined, but the transport truck was still blown open, revealing the compartment. The equipment inside was all made of steel, obviously equipment for building bridges.

Luo Zheng was overjoyed and shouted: "Well done, brothers, the enemy doesn't have much ammunition left, prepare to counterattack."

"Yes." Everyone roared in a deep voice. They got up from the trenches one after another, lying on the trenches and aiming forward. Perhaps because of the explosion, the machine guns in the tanks stopped shooting, and the infantry behind the tanks also stopped shooting. Unfortunately, They were all well hidden and couldn't find the target, so everyone had no chance to fire.

At this time, the first and second teams in the Golan Trench were very busy. Everyone kept climbing up to the platform above the Golan Trench to take a look at it. If there was an angle, they would immediately draw their bows and arrows to shoot at the tanks. After the fight, they would jump off the trench. Lan Hao continued to run forward for a certain distance, then climbed onto the platform again to continue observing the position of the tanks, and continued to shoot. Repeatedly, each one looked like a god of death.

"Brothers, hurry up, we don't have much time left." Shi Qian stood on the platform and shot two dragon tooth arrows and roared in a deep voice. He jumped down, ran forward for a distance, and then again He climbed up to a platform to observe, and quickly locked onto another tank. He took out arrows with his backhand, and suddenly found that the quiver was empty. He was shocked and shouted angrily: "I have no arrows, who will take my place."

"I still have it, I'll come." A voice came from behind, it was Cao Xi who was running towards him.

Shi Qian quickly jumped off the platform and gave up his position to Cao Xi. He calmly observed the surroundings and quickly shouted through the headset: "Boss, we are almost reaching the end of the north, and there are still more than a dozen tanks left to clear. , there are not many arrows left, please give instructions."

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