The strongest soldier

Chapter 3186 Leading the enemy into the urn

"Ta-ta-ta--" Intense firepower swept over like a heavy rain, hitting a hill with a rustling sound. The soil on the ground splashed, and the wide hill suddenly turned into a honeycomb shape, causing the people who were ambush above the hill to It was difficult for the mountain eagle and others to raise their heads to observe the situation, let alone fight back.

The enemy chased them madly, and the troops from both sides also rushed up. The distance was only about 200 meters, and the mountain eagle was almost ready. He quickly led the troops to retreat, and rushed towards the canyon, running wildly under the dim moonlight. There were long shadows, and several rabbits flew away a hundred meters away. At the critical moment of life and death, everyone showed their amazing potential. After resting for more than ten minutes, their speed returned to normal.

The enemy was chasing after them all the way, which consumed a lot of physical strength. The pursuit speed was obviously much slower. There were some fast people in the team, but these people were unwilling to take the lead. They followed the large army and shouted to catch up, and quickly rushed up the hill. , found that his opponent had run away, he was so angry that his orifices were filled with smoke, and he continued to chase after him with a howl.

Thousands of troops could not catch up to eleven people. This made everyone angry. No one mentioned the withdrawal of troops. With the absolute numerical advantage, no one was afraid of an ambush. They had been chasing for two or three hours. If there was an ambush, it would have been long ago. It broke out, there was no need to wait until now, the pursuers howled and screamed and continued to pursue them, like a pack of hungry wild wolves.

Not long after, the pursuers arrived at the mouth of the canyon and saw that the target had rushed into the canyon. Everyone stopped and looked warily at the deep canyon and the towering cliffs and mountains on both sides. The canyon was deeper and the moonlight was completely bright. It was blocked, the canyon was dark, and nothing could be seen. Everyone realized that something was wrong.

Several officers-looking men trotted up angrily. The armed men in front moved out of the way so that the officers could observe the situation. An officer was about to issue an order. Suddenly, a row of sniper rifles rang out in the canyon. The officers were shot and fell to the ground one after another, screaming in agony. Scarlet blood surged out, exuding a coquettish aura under the hazy moonlight, making people feel heart-stopping.

Not only did the pursuers not run away when they saw their target, but they stopped to sneak attack, and even sniped and killed several officers. Everyone's face turned green with anger. Everyone has dignity and honor that need to be protected with their lives. The opponent's repeated provocations completely angered the pursuers. Soldier, everyone looked at the highest-ranking officer with red eyes, as if a volcano was about to erupt at any time.

The higher-ranking officer did not lose his mind, but quickly glanced at the surrounding terrain and said something loudly. The pursuers took action quickly and divided into three. A team of 200 people continued to pursue up the canyon. , the two teams quickly climbed up the mountain and continued their pursuit along the cliff above the canyon. Each team had about three hundred people, and dozens of wounded remained to garrison at the entrance.

The injured can't keep up with the speed. If they stay, they won't drag down the main force. They can also cut off the rear. If they find someone sneaking up, they can know it immediately. I have to say that this commander still has some brains. The mountain eagle running wildly in the canyon is not the same. Not knowing all this, after running wildly for a while, a reminder from Blue Star sounded in the headset.

During the battle, satellites were naturally monitoring overhead. Blue Star promptly notified the mountain eagle of the enemy's formation changes. The mountain eagle had already anticipated this and did not care. It led the team to rush forward to avoid being flanked by the enemy. The enemy The threat above the canyon is no small matter.

Ten minutes later, the running mountain eagle received the news from Blue Star. All other teams rushed nearby and were ready to join the battle. The mountain eagle was overjoyed and asked the headquarters to take command on his behalf and be responsible for clearing the enemies above the canyon. Watch from below. Without knowing the enemy's situation, rash commanding will only tire the brothers to death.

It was Lan Xue who answered the mountain eagle. Of course Lan Xue would not leave such a big scene. He immediately took over the command. With the help of satellites, he could clearly distinguish the number and location of enemies and the positions of his brothers. He immediately assigned attack missions to each team. After the deployment was completed, Lan Xue continued to ask in a deep voice: "Mountain Eagle, the mission has been assigned to each team. The two hundred enemies behind you may have to rely on you, okay?"

"You have to do it even if it doesn't work. We finally caught a big fish. We must not let it go. There are only two hundred people. It's not a big problem to hold on for a while. Where is the snow leopard?" the mountain eagle said in a deep voice.

"They are too far away, it will take some time." Lan Xue said helplessly.

"Tell him, if he doesn't come, I will eat all the pursuers by myself." The mountain eagle shouted with a smile, so heroic that he didn't care about the pursuers behind him, but his eyes were condensed into a dangerous needle-like shape, and he looked back from time to time. At a glance, the pursuers were still a little far away. In addition, the canyon was dark and the visibility was extremely low. The target could not be seen at all. He could only vaguely hear the noise getting closer and closer, and saw the flashlight flashing around.

"Be careful." Lan Xue warned in a deep voice.

"Don't worry." The mountain eagle responded in a deep voice and continued to charge forward with the troops.

Not long after everyone walked out of the canyon, there was an open grassland outside. The mountain eagle glanced around coldly and shouted in a deep voice: "Spread out and seize the commanding heights to hide." As he said that, he pounced to the left like a cheetah, behind a big rock. He took cover and set up a sniper rifle.

Others also ducked to the sides to hide. As soon as they set up their sniper rifles, they heard the mountain eagle shout in a deep voice: "Blow up the buttons, take them out, use pressure detonation mode, and throw them into the canyon."

"Understood." Everyone responded with a knowing voice. They took out the buttons from their backpacks and blew them off. They quickly adjusted to the pressure detonation mode. Then they rushed forward and threw them into the depths of the canyon where the enemy must pass. The pressure detonated them. In the mode, as long as the buttons are blown up and stepped on by gravity, they will explode. The small size is not conducive to discovery, and it can catch the enemy by surprise. With these buttons blown up, everyone's confidence is greatly increased and their morale is like a rainbow.

Soon, everyone once again ran to the favorable terrain positions on both sides to hide, set up their weapons and waited patiently. The shouts and light beams from the depths of the canyon were getting closer and closer. The pursuers had already come up. Everyone took a look at the mountain eagle and quickly fired their bullets. Loading the gun, aiming towards the exit, with a stern look on his face, he was ready for a battle.

"Brothers, if you don't retreat, you must eat this enemy." The voice of the mountain eagle rang in the headset.

"Understood." Everyone responded solemnly.

"The Snow Leopard team will arrive in about ten minutes. I'm afraid it can't be stopped by a hundred of you brothers. How about changing the battlefield? There are mountains all around. The enemy will definitely not give up the pursuit. There are many opportunities for ambush. There is no need to take risks. ." Lan Xue's voice sounded in the headset, with a bit of worry.

"Brothers, the headquarters is worried that we will miss. Tell me what you think." The mountain eagle did not answer Lan Xue's suggestion, but looked into the depths of the canyon with a cold expression and asked in a deep voice.

"Kill -" the headset rang with the suppressed and low roars of countless brothers. It seemed like the crater of a volcano was about to erupt, and the invisible murderous aura filled the air and drifted in the night sky.

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