The strongest soldier

Chapter 3185 Plot to pursue the soldiers

Late at night, the moon quietly hid in the thick clouds, and the stars were densely covered, shining faintly in the vast sky. The cool wind blew through the barren hills, and the vast land was dim, and the dark mountains were silent. He stood still and watched coldly as a small team quickly left from the foot of the mountain.

"Bang bang bang -" Not long after, a team suddenly appeared in the mountains in the distance, wandering around with flashlights. Gunshots rang out, followed by several more gunshots, breaking the tranquility of the mountains. The unknown insect singing suddenly fell silent, and even the wind blowing across the hills seemed to have been frightened and stopped.

Not long after, a large number of armed men roared in, yelling strangely and shouting something angrily. From time to time, someone fired. There were many people in the team, and it looked chaotic, but the running formation was not chaotic, and the crowd was even more fierce. Burning with an angry fighting spirit, this fighting spirit stimulated everyone's blood, and they rushed forward without fear of death, as if they had endless strength.

After crossing a mountain ridge, the terrain in front was obviously much steeper. The army immediately divided into two small teams and outflanked them from the left and right. One army rushed to the front, and three small teams moved forward in an attack formation. The large army continued to follow behind. On the street, the angry crowd gradually calmed down under the scolding of the officers, but their morale became even higher.

In front of these teams, an eleven-man team was marching silently, with their feet as fast as flying, always keeping a certain distance from the pursuers behind them. It was Shandiao who was leading a sniper team to evacuate. Along the way, Shandiao I have stopped to snipe the enemy several times and killed nearly a hundred pursuers, but the pursuers still persisted.

Everyone rushed up a hillside in one breath. The mountain eagle stopped and looked back to observe the surrounding terrain, then glanced at the enemy chasing behind him, and snorted disdainfully: "Brothers, the terrain becomes more complicated further north, and the mountains become more complicated." It’s steep, so you can take advantage of it.”

"Didn't we pass through a canyon when we came here? It is the only way to the north. It is flanked by towering cliffs and mountains, which can be used for ambushes." The team leader suggested in a deep voice.

"No, the terrain there is too special. It's clear at a glance. The enemy is not stupid and cannot be fooled. However, the canyon is long enough. We only need to block the exit and intercept the enemy in the canyon. It's time to settle the score with this pursuer. Already." The mountain eagle said in a deep voice.

"What do you mean?" the team leader asked in surprise.

The mountain eagle did not answer, but waved his hands and began to ponder. After a while, the mountain eagle called through the headset: "Headquarters, there is a canyon about 20 kilometers behind me. The mountains are steep and the canyon is very long. We passed by it once. I am going to Let the enemy enter the canyon and block them at the exit."

"Why not set an ambush at the entrance?" Blue Star's curious voice sounded.

"Because the terrain is too special, the enemy will conduct careful reconnaissance and it is impossible to successfully ambush them. Let them in first. The canyon is three to four kilometers long. I plan to lure them up and then block them at the exit. But reinforcements are needed. Just rely on We can't defeat this pursuer." The mountain eagle explained in a deep voice.

"Are you going to eat this pursuer?" Blue Star's surprised voice sounded in the headset: "This is such a strong idea. There are nearly a thousand pursuers, and they are well-trained and have good combat effectiveness. Are you sure you want to Do this?"

"Sure, I need support." The mountain eagle said in a deep voice.

"Okay, tell me what you think, and I'll contact the boss right away." Blue Star replied quickly.

"I led people to lure the enemy in and notified the snow leopards to come up to assist. Once the enemy entered the canyon, they would surround them and block the exit. When the enemy entered the canyon, they would definitely conduct reconnaissance. They might even divide the troops into two groups and continue the pursuit from the canyon. I will handle it all the way from the cliff, the snow leopard only needs to help me block the exit, as well as any reinforcements that may come, or some enemy troops that have not entered the canyon." The mountain eagle said in a deep voice.

"I understand, I'll get in touch with the boss right away." Blue Star promised.

The mountain eagle responded, looked at the pursuers getting closer and said solemnly: "Let's go!"

Everyone agreed, quickly followed, and ran for a distance. The mountain eagle heard Blue Star's reply, and the tactics were approved. Snow Leopard was notified to lead the team to cooperate with the action. He couldn't help but be overjoyed, and immediately asked Blue Star to contact his other teams to let everyone Go to the canyon and return home.

As soon as everyone heard that the mountain eagle was going to eat the entire pursuer, they were overjoyed. Everyone was in high spirits, and their tired feet were suddenly full of strength. They marched towards the road they came from. If they found a favorable terrain, they would take advantage of it to anger the pursuers. Continuing to pursue, the pursuers were furious when they saw that only about ten of their opponents dared to fight back.

Another hour passed, and towering mountains appeared in front of them. The mountains were bare, and there was not a single taller tree in sight. Instead, there were many shrubs and overgrown weeds. Everyone had been here before and was relatively familiar with the surrounding terrain. Some of them followed the mountain eagle and continued to rush forward.

Under the leadership of the mountain eagle, everyone rushed up to a mountain ridge in one breath. Behind it was an open area. Past the open area was the deep and narrow canyon. The mountain eagle said in a deep voice: "Brothers, rest here, recover your strength, and defeat the enemy." ." As he said that, he found a place to ambush and check the ammunition.

"Yes." Everyone responded in a deep voice. They were ambushed more than once along the way. They didn't think it was inappropriate. They quickly found a place to hide, put bullets into empty magazines, prepared for battle, and waited patiently.

Ten minutes later, everyone's physical strength had recovered a lot. The mountain eagle looked at the pursuers getting closer and closer in front, snorted coldly, and said: "Brothers, we have to have a good fight with the enemy here and completely anger them. Only in this way will the enemy spare no effort to pursue, otherwise, the enemy will give up when they see the canyon, and the gain outweighs the loss."

"Understood." Everyone responded solemnly.

Not long after, the enemy entered the shooting range. It was just to anger the enemy. There was no need to pursue the number of kills. Shandiao quickly issued an attack order and pulled the trigger first. The other brothers also opened fire, shooting the enemy from a long distance. Such a blockade. We fought all the way and didn't care at all.

The canyon is the most powerful place for ambush, but the enemy is not stupid. He can see that. If you want to lure the enemy to continue the pursuit, you must make the enemy angry and let the enemy see the opportunity. The mountain eagle observed the enemy's situation while fighting and found that a large number of enemies were coming from behind. The two sides came up in a roundabout way, very fast.

"Hold on." The mountain eagle said in a deep voice, and continued to provoke thousands of enemies with the combat power of eleven people. This behavior made the enemies crazy, and they rushed up with howls and screams, the sound of gunfire was like a heavy rain, and the howling was like a pack of wolves. Intense bullets whizzed in, hitting everyone around them, and the situation suddenly became tense.

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