The strongest soldier

Chapter 3177 Blocking the enemy from crossing the bridge

"Quick, quick, charge down." The mountain eagle took the lead and charged forward, roaring angrily. His whole body was burning with fighting spirit, as if he was possessed by the God of War. His feet were moving as fast as flying, almost leaping forward. The reason for going downhill was a lunge. Just two meters away, a shadow stretched out in the void, which was difficult to lock with the naked eye. Others also rushed down with all their strength. Time was everything. At the critical moment of life and death, everyone burst out at an unprecedented speed.

Everyone swept down like a violent wind, almost rushing down the hillside in one breath. There was a gentle slope in front of them, and the terrain was much more open. They were only a thousand meters away from the enemy. The mountain eagle quickly glanced around with its cold eyes, knowing that it could no longer rush. He roared in a deep voice: "Spread out, hide, and kill the enemy!"

"Yes -!" Everyone responded in a deep voice, their voices deep, deep, powerful, and full of murderous intent. Everyone scattered, each found a place to hide, and set up a sniper rifle to fire, a thousand meters away. There is no difficulty for everyone.

Five Humvees have already rushed to the center of the bridge, and are about to rush forward. The speed is as high as eighty miles per hour. This speed cannot effectively target and snipe. Once they rush forward, it will be troublesome. The mountain eagle's face darkened and he roared: "Everyone." Listen to my orders, target the first Humvee and kill it!"

"Boom, boom, boom -" Hundreds of snipers aimed at the first vehicle at the same time, and pulled the trigger without hesitation. Hundreds of sniper bullets roared out of their barrels, and everyone rushed towards it with murderous intent, tearing apart the vehicle. The space barrier reached the Hummer in an instant.

How can a humvee running at high speed avoid being shot by hundreds of top snipers? The person in the car was shot to death in an instant, and the Humvee was rolled over and blocked in the middle of the road. The Humvee behind roared and couldn't stop at all. It hit the car in front heavily and made a bang-dang-a rear-end collision. sound.

Seeing that Shan Diao had successfully stopped the enemy's attack speed, he raised his sword eyebrows and shouted in a deep voice: "Free sniper kill!"

"Yes!" Everyone responded in a deep voice, and moved their guns to look for their targets. The enemies that had stopped were not a worry. Most of them were shot dead by everyone in a short while. The remaining ones were hiding behind the car and were difficult to lock on, so they were not a worry. , everyone turned their guns again, aimed at the other side of the bridge, and calmly kept pulling the triggers.

"The second team is withdrawing, Zhou Gang." Shan Diao calmly observed the battle situation, thinking about tactics to defeat the enemy while commanding the troops.

"Yes." The second team, whose firepower was delaying the enemy near 2,000 meters, received the order and rushed forward quickly.

"Here!" Zhou Gang quickly agreed after hearing the order.

"Bring on the buttons and blow them up. Blow up this stone bridge for me. The third team goes up to help. Move quickly and be careful. The others will provide fire cover." The mountain eagle roared in a deep voice.

"Yes." Everyone responded again.

Soon, Zhou Gang led a small team to rush up the gentle slope towards the dry river bottom. The mountain eagle glanced at the brothers who left, set up a sniper rifle, and looked through the sniper scope towards the other side of the bridge. The enemy Obviously, they did not expect to be ambushed halfway. They had no emergency plan in advance and were still in chaos. They did not realize that the bridge would be blown up and sent a tank forward.

The rumbling sound of the motor was deafening, and the tank was very fast, showing off its power and arrogance. Shan Diao saw that it was a strongly armored main station tank. This kind of tank could not be penetrated by sniper bullets, and rockets might not be able to blow it up. He said in a deep voice: " Brothers, let go of the tanks and aim at the enemies behind, it will be easy as long as the enemies don't come up."

"Yes." Everyone responded again, giving up the plan to block the tank.

Although tanks are very powerful, the top priority is to blow up the bridge. Putting tanks over can also play a role in confusing the enemy. As long as the enemy does not discover the purpose of Zhou Gang and his party, everyone fires violently towards the other side of the gun, forcing the enemy to retreat a little. , dare not stay at the bridge, or hide behind the tank and dare not show up.

Soon, the tank came to the center of the bridge. When it saw Zhou Gang and others charging under the bridge, it immediately turned the turret and prepared to kill. The mountain eagle saw this scene and was shocked. Realizing that the tactics were exposed, he shouted in a deep voice: "The first Team 5, use anti-aircraft missiles to bomb that tank."

In order to restrain the enemy helicopters, Shandiao carried some portable anti-aircraft missiles this time, and handed them all to the fifth team. The fifth team saw that the brothers were so happy to kill, and itched its hands. After hearing the order, the team leader laughed excitedly, With a murderous look on his face, he motioned for everyone to stay still and picked up the launcher himself. A brother assisted in reloading the weapon successfully and then patted the squad leader's helmet on his head.

After receiving the signal, the squad leader quickly pulled the trigger, and the anti-aircraft missile came out with a bang, drawing a strange S-line in the void, and then rushed straight towards the target fiercely, with a suffocating roar. This anti-aircraft missile has an infrared tracking function, making it difficult to get rid of once it is locked.

With a loud "Boom--", a huge fireball shot out from the stone bridge, enveloping the entire tank. Black smoke billowed, and the solid stone bridge was faintly shaking. After a while, the smoke cleared, and the tank lay motionless on the bridge, not knowing what was going on.

The mountain eagle stared at the tank through the sniper scope. Seeing that there was no movement in the tank, no one was getting out of the tank, and the turret was no longer rotating. He couldn't figure out the reality. He quickly moved the sniper scope to look at Zhou Gang and found that Zhou Gang had already led his team. After rushing to the bottom of the bridge, even if the tank exploded again, there was no area of ​​fire, and I was immediately overjoyed.

"Zhou Gang, move quickly. The enemy should have guessed our purpose. You don't have much time." The mountain eagle said in a deep voice. He moved the sniper scope again and looked towards the bridge. He found a large number of enemies roaring up and scattering. They pounced on the bottom of the bridge, obviously intending to organize the bombing of the bridge.

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh--" Without any orders from the mountain eagle, everyone opened fire separately, constantly shooting exposed targets. How terrifying is the destructive power of hundreds of snipers? Dozens of enemies who roared up were shot and fell to the ground. No one was spared. The enemy's intention was to be destroyed.

"Boom, boom, boom -" the tanks roared, and then everyone saw the tanks scattering. Some tanks even fired artillery shells. The large-caliber shells made a sharp whistle in the void, ear-piercing and violent. , arrogant, rolling in the void like a demon, suffocating.

After experiencing a brief panic, this unit realized the opponent's purpose. Seeing that the troops could not rush out, they simply used tanks to fight back. The tanks were covered with thick steel plates and were not afraid of snipers at all. The artillery shells were also powerful weapons for counterattack. Several artillery shells fell. Around everyone, there was a thunderous roar, and the heaven and earth shook.

It was difficult to hit the target without Zhu Yuan. The first round was just a test shot, but the second round was different. When the mountain eagle saw this scene, his face became serious and he shouted eagerly: "Brothers, spread out and hide. Hold on for a little longer, Zhou Gang, move faster." As he said that, he threw himself towards the crater not far away.

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