The strongest soldier

Chapter 3176 Snatching the Stone Bridge

"Brothers, hurry up and rush forward to block the enemy at the bridge." On the wilderness mountain ridge, a well-armed and capable man shouted calmly, his eyes were piercing, staring at the front, and his feet were running as fast as flying, rushing forward wildly, A team of nearly a hundred people followed closely behind them, each holding a sniper rifle with a stern look on his face. He was not slow on his feet. He jumped over bushes, potholes, and rocks without going around at all, and his movements were as agile as a cheetah.

The bright red sunshine in the early morning illuminates the vast sky and is scattered on the mountains in the vast wilderness. The silent mountains are more peaceful and lively. Some birds are playing and chirping in the sky. The breeze is gentle and the fresh air is full of life. With a bit of fragrance of flowers and plants, it is refreshing.

But the running team had solemn expressions and blazing eyes, not caring about the beautiful surroundings at all. ******** rushed forward, their dark faces covered with beads of sweat. The sweat slid down their cheeks and fell to the ground in an instant. He disappeared without a trace. His clothes were soaked and steaming, but no one had time to care. They stared at the surroundings with vigilant eyes, holding the sniper rifle tightly in both hands, as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

"Brothers, hurry up. The headquarters has said that Guishou and the others have bought us one night. We will reach the Kachila Bridge soon. As long as we blow up the bridge, we will gain time." The leader, a capable man, said coldly. Face shouted, constantly cheering up the troops behind, it was the mountain eagle.

After receiving the mission, the mountain eagle led his troops to set off overnight, running wildly all the way, not daring to stop for a moment. All the camels that were traveling for him collapsed from exhaustion and could not stand up. Some of them were so tired that they foamed at the mouth and died suddenly on the spot. As a last resort, the mountain eagle had no choice but to Lead the team on foot and continue moving forward under the guidance of the headquarters satellite.

Karachi is a stone bridge between two mountains. Under the bridge is a river bed that has been dry for decades. Even in the rainy season, no water collects, but the bridge is still there. After Lan Xue returned to the headquarters, she learned about Luo Zheng's story. Action, Blue Star immediately called up the terrain map, and locked the bridge as the target of the mountain eagle. As long as the bridge was blown up, it would be difficult for the enemy to pass in a short time, and everyone would have enough time to deploy.

The bridge was far away, so the mountain eagles had to rush all night. The two camels used by each person were exhausted. Finally, they arrived near the Karachi Bridge at dawn. The troops ran all the way, panting like cattle, but everyone knew the mission of this trip. The importance, no one is left behind, no one complains, grit your teeth and move forward with all your strength.

Ten minutes later, everyone rushed to a mountain ridge. A gust of breeze blew, and everyone was refreshed. When they looked again, a stone bridge appeared in front of them. They were overjoyed, but soon their faces turned ugly. A mechanized army appeared on the other side of the bridge. , just as they were preparing to cross the bridge, everyone hurriedly looked at the mountain eagle.

The mountain eagle knew the importance of the bridge very well. Once the enemy crossed the bridge, everyone's hard work would be in vain. His face was stern, his eyebrows were furrowed, and he drank in a deep voice: "The first team opened fire on the spot to interfere with the enemy's crossing. The others will follow. I'll rush down, stop them, take action!" He said and rushed down the mountain.

The mountain ridge is about three thousand meters away from the bridge. This distance is beyond the effective range of the sniper rifles everyone has. However, at the maximum range, although it is almost impossible to hit the target with a gun, the enemy will definitely stop advancing once the gun is fired. , confirm the situation before continuing to cross the bridge. This process may only take a few minutes, or even shorter, but it is very important to everyone.

Upon hearing the order from the mountain eagle, the first team raised their guns and opened fire without hesitation. They did not waste time looking for a place to hide. They all stood on the same spot and kept pulling the triggers. Whether they could hit the target was not important, as they could slow down the enemy's marching speed. Just like that, the mountain eagle led the troops to rush down the mountain as soon as possible.

There are no tall trees in the mountains, there are overgrown low weeds, and there are exposed rocks everywhere, but they can't stop everyone's speed. Time is everything. We work hard to get here. If the enemy can still cross the bridge smoothly, then everyone's efforts will be greatly reduced. It's all in vain, and we still can't complete the tasks assigned by the headquarters.

For soldiers, the mission is everything, and they must complete it even if they sacrifice their lives for it. Everyone is willing to risk it, throwing off the big strides and rushing like a tiger out of the gate. Soon, everyone rushes down a hillside, and in front of them is a The mountain eagle had a relatively flat terrain. The mountain eagle visually observed that the distance between the mountain ridge and the bridge was only 2,000 meters away. He was immediately overjoyed and shouted: "The second team stayed behind to block the attack. The first team followed up. The others followed me and continued to rush forward."

"Yes." Everyone shouted in a deep voice.

Time is of the essence. Everyone continued to rush forward desperately, panting like thunder, their faces flushed red, their muscles all over the body were sore, their heartbeats were much higher than usual, they felt a tingling sensation, and they felt faintly dizzy. This is a reaction to the lack of oxygen and blood supply caused by high-speed running. If you are not careful, you will die suddenly, but everyone is willing to take a big breath of fresh air to keep themselves awake, and their feet are as fast as flying.

The second team slowed down and trotted forward while raising their guns and firing to block the enemy. Stopping while running at high speed would only increase the burden on the heart and the body could not bear it. Everyone was experienced and knew how to use trot to alleviate the problem. Shooting was just for deterrence. To achieve the purpose of delaying the enemy's attack, it is not necessary to hit the target.

The distance was a bit far, and the armored troops on the other side of the bridge were filled with the roar of mechanical motors. They couldn't hear the sound of gunfire, but they saw the thud of bullets hitting the cars and sparks flying. They immediately realized the danger and stopped in place. Move forward, hide behind the car and investigate, being extremely cautious.

In front of the armored force were five Humvees clearing the way. The Humvees were equipped with anti-aircraft cannons. Behind the Humvees were tanks. They were lined up in a row with no end in sight. They were coming with ferocious force. This unit had no idea that they would encounter the enemy halfway. For a moment, they were stunned. After reacting, they reported the situation one after another and waited for orders from their superiors.

It is not a good thing to encounter the enemy when crossing the bridge. Anyone with a little military acumen can think of the reason. The order was immediately issued to let the Humvees rush across the Karachi Bridge at all costs. After reaching the bridge, they built fortifications to cover the advance of the large troops. Five Humvees He immediately refueled and rushed forward. At this time, the second team opened fire to block the attack.

"Whoops -" A sniper bomb roared out of the barrel, drawing a long and strange airflow in the void, and instantly engulfed the head of a Humvee killer. The crasher killed him on the spot. His body hit the steering wheel heavily, and the Humvee lost control. , rushed to one side and mounted it on the guardrail of the stone pier, making a thud.

The Humvee bounced up and then landed heavily, bouncing endlessly but not turning over. The people in the vehicle howled and screamed strangely, and one person even turned an anti-aircraft machine gun and aimed at the other end of the bridge to fire violently.

"Click, click, click—" The large-caliber machine gun bullets roared like demons, and the golden bullet casings rained down on the car, ricocheting and making crisp sounds.

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