The strongest soldier

Chapter 3159 Iron Eagle’s Response

Counter-Terrorism Administration Command Center.

Dozens of information staff were busy working nervously, each one staring at the computer with a serious expression. Blue Star stood in the middle holding a cup of coffee, glancing at the huge electronic screen from time to time. She was dressed in a decent professional woman's attire, her hair was tied up, and she looked transparent. With a shrewd attitude, Blue Star felt a little tired after sitting and working for five or six hours continuously. He took the time to make a cup of coffee, but his focus was still on his work.

Tie Diao was leaning at the gate of the command center, bored, playing with a tiger-tooth saber in his hand. All his former brothers had gone out to perform tasks. This made Tie Diao feel itchy, but it was difficult to leave without orders. After all, the commander The safety of the center is also very important, not to mention that there is still my lover here. I can't be careless. I glance at the electronic screen from time to time. The battle scenes are constantly switching on it. It is the satellite picture of the oil field sneak attack.

Because of the night, the images on the electronic screen were blurry and could only be vaguely distinguished. Fortunately, everyone wore cameras on their heads, and the images were constantly switched out to improve the situation at the battle scene. The command center was now filled with people from the Information Department of the former Conspiracy Bureau. We don't have to worry about leaks. The United Nations has issued an order to withdraw troops. If the outside world knows that Luo Zheng is still attacking the oil fields, we will be in big trouble.

Lan Xing leaned elegantly beside a table, holding a cup of coffee and drinking it slowly. Suddenly, his face changed drastically, and the coffee in his hand fell to the ground with a crisp crackling sound. The coffee spilled all over the floor, and Lan Xing didn't bother to clean it. , rushing into his own small glass compartment like the wind.

With Blue Star's status, he naturally has an independent office, which is separated by bulletproof glass. The bulletproof door is locked with a password and fingerprint. No one can enter except Blue Star himself. Blue Star ignores the surprised looks of others and quickly Sitting in front of his computer, he typed the keyboard quickly and said in a deep voice: "Sister-in-law Xuelian, this is a secret communication channel. Something happened over there, boss. Can you come over here?"

Soon, Xue Lian rushed out from the separate compartment next door and walked quickly into Lan Xing's room. She was surprised. Lan Xing signaled Xue Lian to close the door and said quickly: "I just received the information that something happened over there. The enemy is preparing to send out a plane." , this is the surveillance picture, come and see."

Xuelian came to Lanxing and took a look. A military airport appeared on the computer screen. The lights in the airport were bright, and ground staff were refueling two fighter jets. Xuelian had long known that Luo Zheng was attacking the oil fields. Seeing this scene, she didn't know where to go. What's going on? No wonder Blue Star is panicking. If the fighter jet takes off successfully, it will arrive at the oil field in less than five minutes, and no one can escape by then.

"What the boss means is that we must stop the fighter plane from taking off at all costs. It will take them at least twenty minutes to resolve the battle. We must not lose the fruits we have gained. This battle is very critical. We must win without losing." Blue Star said quickly, with an eager expression on his face. Standing up, the two fighter jets were no small matter, which reminded Blue Star of a town that was completely destroyed.

"Electronic destruction, don't give it a chance to take off." Xuelian said in a deep voice.

"I don't know which satellite they used. We only have one chance. If something goes wrong, it will be too late." Blue Star said quickly, with several suspicious satellites above his head. It will take time to invade satellites and then invade the airport to destroy electronically. Once invaded, If you choose the wrong satellite, you will have no chance to start over.

Xuelian is a master of information. She understood the pros and cons as soon as she heard it. Her face darkened and she became nervous. Blue Star also stared at the screen nervously. The enemy fighter planes were about to finish refueling. If it was too late, it would be too late. The invisible pressure made Blue Star feel heavy on his forehead. Breaking into a cold sweat.

Suddenly, Xuelian said in a deep voice: "You are responsible for invading their power grid and creating a short circuit. Let me try it. Use the data flow to attack the fighter system, causing high load calculation of electronic data, overload and crash, and unable to start normally. Quick." As he said, Xuelian left in a hurry and ran into her room.

Tie Diao, who was in a daze at the door, noticed what was going on. He quickly walked in and asked a brother to clean up the spilled coffee. He hurried to the door of Lan Xing's office and saw Lan Xing busy with a nervous look on his face. Without disturbing him, he came to his office. At the door of her lover, I saw Xuelian also busy and nervous. Knowing that something had happened, I wanted to go up and ask, but I was afraid of delaying Xuelian's time, so I gritted my teeth and waited patiently at the door.

"Brother Tie Diao, we found a suspicious person at the door. Do you want to go and have a look?" A voice sounded in the headset.

"Don't move, wait for my order." Tie Diao was shocked. A suspicious person appeared at this time. There must be something not simple here. Tie Diao quickly rushed into the next room. The room was a monitoring room with many monitoring equipment. Tie Diao indicated that he was checking. One of the monitoring brothers got out of the way, and he sat on it and called up the surveillance video at the gate.

In the picture, a man who looked like a courier was leaving with fast steps. Tie Diao asked in a deep voice: "What is this man doing?"

"The person who delivered the package took two packages to another floor. The package was not ours, but this person looked not simple and did not look like the person who delivered the package. I noticed that this person had calluses on his lips. He must have been scratched all year round. Gunman, do you want to do an interrogation?" A brother said in a deep voice.

"Don't worry, let me think about it." Tie Diao began to ponder in surprise. The scene of Lan Xing and Xuelian being busy flashed in his mind. Both of them were calm people. They must have encountered something big. At this time, an abnormal person suddenly appeared in the headquarters. Is there a relationship here? If there is a relationship, what is their purpose?

"Information communication, remote support and command?" Tie Diao suddenly thought of the functions of the command center. Blue Star and Xuelian were dealing with emergencies. Could the suspicious person be here to stop them? If this is the case, how will the other party deal with it? Thinking of this iron eagle, his face darkened, and he quickly said: "Go and catch the other person personally, and let the others track it down for me. See where the other person put the package? Focus on the power distribution room."

The power distribution room is the core area of ​​power supply. If it is bombed, the entire building will lose power. Without Blue Star and Snow Lotus, it will be impossible to contact the outside world. How smart is the iron eagle? At this time, a suspicious person appears to destroy the power supply. , is there any way to stop Blue Star and Snow Lotus?

With an order, the third team responsible for internal security took action quickly. Tie Diao ordered other security personnel to take their positions through the headset. In addition to the third team and other members responsible for the safety of the command center, they rushed towards the command center, where was Absolutely no suspicious people are allowed to come near.

The monitoring room and command center were right next door. Tie Diao rushed over in one breath. Seeing that everyone in the command center was busy and there was nothing unusual, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Seeing three familiar guards coming over, he immediately said: "You guys Keep an eye on the fire escape and don't allow anyone to come up. Anyone who disobeys will be shot."

"Yes." The three of them agreed and hurried away.

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