The strongest soldier

Chapter 3158 Attack in advance

There is a saying in the art of war: Use the right combination to win by surprise. There are thousands of surprises, but the core lies in concealment and suddenness. To put it simply, no matter what surprise attack tactics are used, it must ensure that it is not discovered by the enemy. Once the enemy discovers it, it will be achieved. Without the effect of a surprise attack, Luo Zheng decided to make a surprise attack at night because he saw the advantage of the enemy not knowing about it.

Balu's attack by a large force was a "perfect fit", and Xu Gang's sneak attack was a "wonderful victory." Luo Zheng might not be at ease if it were the mountain eagle leading his troops to infiltrate the enemy camp. Movement with a large number of people would easily expose him, not to mention that there were still people in the enemy camp. There are strong men such as the Holy Warriors and the Dark Guards, but Xu Gang's second team is different. They are all god-level soldiers. They are powerful and there is absolutely no problem in arriving at the designated location quietly.

Ten minutes later, all the members of the second team were in place. Everyone was staring at a room. The room was either a rebel or a member of the Dark Guard. No one was exposed. The situation was immediately reported to Luo Zheng. Luo Zheng was overjoyed and immediately The order was: "Shi Qian, go up with your infiltration and prepare to meet Xu Gang and the others. Shan Diao, lead your men forward, infiltrate to the enemy camp 200 meters away, spread out, and give me fire to block the east side."

"Yes." Shi Qian and Shan Diao's deep voices sounded in the headset.

"Snow Leopard, after the battle starts, your people will be responsible for clearing out the peripheral patrols. Balu, let your troops attack. Be careful and move!" Luo Zheng continued to warn.

"Understood." Snow Leopard and Balu agreed.

In the darkness, countless soldiers moved secretly, and then rushed to the designated position under cover of night. An invisible murderous aura filled the night sky. Everyone was a veteran of hundreds of battles. They were experienced and knew what to do and how to do it. Luo Zheng did not move and continued. Standing on the hillside looking at the oil field, his face was filled with a confident expression of command.

Time passed by, and Luo Zheng stood still, like a god of war waiting for the time to attack, with eager eyes. After a while, the tentacle monster sitting on the ground next to him suddenly exclaimed: "No, the monitor heard A phone call, from an unknown source, notifying the enemy that our actions were exposed.”

"What?" Luo Zheng was shocked, and his face became heavy. He was still a little bit close. If he had given him a few minutes, everything would have been easier. It's a pity, but there was no turning back when he opened the bow, so he had to fight.

"Maybe the enemy satellite discovered the anomaly and notified the enemy camp." The tentacle monster explained in a deep voice.

Luo Zheng waved his hand to show that he understood, and said in a deep voice through the headset: "Mountain Eagle, turn on the signal jammer, Xu Gang, brother of the second team, take action, Shi Qian, rush forward."

"Yes!" Those whose names were called responded one after another.

Immediately afterwards, Luo Zheng saw an explosion coming from the enemy camp, and knew that it was Xu Gang's second team who took action. His resolute face showed no expression, and he continued to drink in a deep voice: "Balu, speed up, charge forward!"

"Understood." Balu's voice rang in the headset.

"Mountain Eagle, Snow Leopard, act as planned, kill!" Luo Zheng continued to order coldly. Since the action has been exposed, we can't wait any longer. It's a pity. If given another five minutes, Balu's troops can Once in position, he would have enough troops to launch an attack. Luo Zheng was confident of annihilating all the enemies, but now he could only resign himself to fate.

"The enemy's communications have been interfered with and cannot communicate normally." The tentacle monster said in a deep voice beside him.

"Very good." Luo Zheng's resolute face relaxed a little. Without communication, the enemy became a headless fly. The soldiers could not find the generals, and the generals could not find the soldiers. The next battle would be easier to fight.

"Report, all communication rooms have been blown up."

"Report, all Dark Guards have been blown up."

"Report, all holy warriors have been blown up."

Reports came through the headsets one after another. The signal shielding equipment of the tentacle monster is special. It can block the enemy's signals, but it will not block everyone's headset communication. Luo Zheng heard the reports one after another, and his tense nerves relaxed. As long as there are no Dark Guards, no ammunition, and the enemies are all sleeping, it will take a few minutes to get up to understand the situation. With the initiative in hand, the chance of winning this battle will increase by several percent.

Seeing the enemy camp burst into flames and the sound of explosions coming continuously, Luo Zheng smiled, looked at the tentacle monster and said, "What do you think the chances of winning are now?"

The tentacle monster had asked Luo Zheng the same question before. When he heard the question, he gave the same answer with a smile: "What do you think?" The two looked at each other and smiled in unison.

"The next step depends on Balu. Balu, what's going on now?" Luo Zheng asked in a deep voice.

"We have reached a distance of one thousand meters and are sprinting at full speed." Balu's voice rang in the headset, accompanied by gasps and commanding shouts, showing a bit of eagerness and excitement.

Luo Zheng smiled. Although Balu had to attack in advance before he reached the designated position, and there would be a lot of sacrifices, he had the initiative. Without the Dark Guard and the communication equipment, the chance of winning this battle was greater. Luo Zheng Zheng Fangfu saw the mad charge of four thousand camel cavalry, and saw the dazed expression of the rebels crawling out of the barracks. He sneered and continued through the headset: "The entire second team is here to harass me in secret. Give me a hard beating." fry."

"Understood." The member of the second team responded solemnly.

Although the communications and people from the Dark Church were blown up, there were too many enemies and the threat still existed. Xu Gang and others successfully infiltrated into the enemy camp, which was undoubtedly the best weapon to create chaos. How could Luo Zheng leave it alone? As for Xu Gang Luo Zheng is not worried about the safety of the others at all. Without the Dark Guard and the Holy Warriors, the rebels cannot pose a threat to Xu Gang and others.

"Brothers, let me continue to blow up the barracks, block them, and don't give them a chance to come out. Wait for the large forces to attack." Xu Gang's voice roared in the headset, penetrating the sound of the explosion and clearly conveying it to the audience. In the ears of every soldier.

Luo Zheng laughed when he heard the roar, and shouted with murderous intent: "Snow leopard, move quickly! Mountain eagle, lead your people to rush up, seize the roof, and kill me——!"

"Yes." Snow leopards and mountain eagles quickly agreed upon hearing the order and ordered the troops to speed up their actions.

A cool mountain breeze blew, making Luo Zheng's camouflage uniform flutter, but it could not calm down the fighting spirit surging in Luo Zheng's heart. This battle is related to the development of the situation. Victory is not allowed, and victory will completely disrupt the deployment of the Dark Church. If you seize the strategic initiative and fail, everything will be lost.

Is it life or death? Is it victory or defeat? Luo Zheng stared in the direction of the battlefield, looking at the fire soaring into the sky. Hearing the explosions and shouts of killing, he became nervous and clenched his fists involuntarily.

"No, there's something strange happening at the local government military airport." The tentacle monster next to him suddenly exclaimed.

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