The strongest soldier

Chapter 3099 Sharp Sneak Attack

Communication is a conventional equipment in modern warfare, and it is also a vital equipment. It is related to the issuance of orders, the command of the troops has contacted the outside world to obtain intelligence, etc. Without communication equipment, the commander cannot effectively communicate with his own troops and cannot communicate with the outside world. After contacting and obtaining support, he became deaf and mute. Luo Zheng knew the importance of communication equipment very well, and his face became solemn when he looked at the battlefield upwind.

The enemy was still using RPGs to launch rockets, with unknown amounts of graphite bombs mixed in between. The rockets were used to cover the graphite bombs for sneak attacks. It was a very covert tactic. Luo Zheng was caught off guard. He became wary of the enemy commander again and said in a deep voice. : "There are not many enemies attacking, just a few dozen. Our troops are hiding well. We can't move rashly now, otherwise our position will be exposed. You two lead people up and kill them."

"Understood." Shi Qian and Xu Gang agreed and hurried away with their troops.

"The communication is out of order. There is a sneak attack. Can I take people up?" A voice came from a distance.

Luo Zheng looked back and saw that it was Guishou, running up quickly, so he waved, and when Guishou got close, he pointed around and said: "The enemy is sneaking up on the east perimeter. It's not a big problem if Shi Tao leads people to block it. They can't come up." , the brothers in the camp are well hidden, a rash attack will expose their position, let’s take a look first, Shi Qian and Xu Gang are up.”

"They have good fighting power, but their numbers are small, can they do it?" Gui Shou said worriedly.

"There are dozens of enemies in the sneak attack, and they are constantly changing positions. They are just firing shells from a distance, with no intention of rushing up. However, we do not rule out that more enemies are lurking in the night, and we cannot rush out." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice, although I am very angry that the enemy destroyed everyone's communication equipment, but the situation is unfavorable and the troops cannot act rashly.

Guishou quickly calmed down and said bitterly: "These beasts, it is difficult for us to fight without communication equipment. We must fight back, otherwise we will be even more passive."

"Well, please arrange it. Ten helicopters are dispatched at the same time, carrying graphite bombs. They attack our communication equipment. We can also attack theirs. Everyone has no communication. I want to see what they do? Remember, all the people around The reinforcements must attack, and each helicopter is responsible for one reinforcement and must attack at the same time, otherwise it will be difficult to be effective." Luo Zheng said with a gloomy face.

"Understood." Guishou became excited, agreed, turned around and left.

"Wait a minute." Luo Zheng shouted, his ghost hands stopped and looked at Luo Zheng in confusion. Luo Zheng's eyes tightened and he groaned, as if he couldn't make up his mind, but soon his face became firm and he warned in a deep voice. : "There must be many enemies lurking under the surrounding night, waiting for the opportunity to make a sneak attack, allowing helicopters to carry submunitions."

"Cluster bombs?" Guishou was startled, and immediately agreed: "Understood, but we don't have many cluster bombs. Each enemy can only allocate about one round."

Cluster bombs are also called cluster bombs. They blow up a large area. Luo Zheng originally planned to save them for use at critical moments, such as when the enemy gathered to launch a group charge. Guishou specifically told Guishou to take good care of these bombs. Guishou did not expect that Luo Zheng would now I was a little confused when I activated it, but after seeing Luo Zheng's resolute face, I suddenly realized that there were unknown threats lurking around. Directly attacking the enemy camp was called to surround Wei and rescue Zhao, so I agreed and left.

Luo Zheng also knew the importance of cluster bombs to him. They were a weapon that could destroy enemies on a large scale. Especially when the communication equipment was destroyed and it was impossible to call the headquarters to airdrop a batch of spares, the rash use of cluster bombs would not guarantee the subsequent battle. But Luo Zheng had a vague feeling that something was wrong with tonight's enemy.

The enemy first equipped a group of enemies with electronic invisibility cloaks to infiltrate. The purpose must be to destroy the headquarters. The behavior of someone infiltrating into the headquarters is enough to illustrate this point. Then they used graphite bombs to destroy the communication equipment. Assume that the headquarters and communications were all destroyed. , there is no need to fight this one, you will definitely lose. When the enemy charges on a large scale, no one can escape.

Thinking of this, Luo Zheng raised his telescope without warning and looked around. No one could be seen in the dark wilderness, and he didn't know how many enemies were hidden around him? After the graphite bomb attack, the enemy will definitely mobilize a force to attack the positions on the east and west sides, right? Immediately afterwards, all the troops came on, right?

After a while, the roar of propellers came to his ears. Luo Zheng turned around and saw that his helicopter had taken off. The enemy used graphite bombs to attack his communication equipment, and he also used graphite bombs to attack the enemy's communication equipment. This is called changing hands. , in order to prevent the entire enemy army from pressing forward, Luo Zheng was cruel and used cluster bombs. Although there were a few less, it was enough to prevent the enemy from attacking later.

The helicopters quickly dispersed and rushed towards their respective targets, roaring like the God of Death in the night. With Luo Zheng's expectation and anger, the enemy's sneak attack tactics were very sharp, destroying the headquarters, knocking out communication equipment, and then the entire army , this tactic has a very high success rate under the cover of night, and is deadly. Without helicopters, Luo Zheng has no choice but to lead his troops to evacuate, otherwise he will surely die.

The sharp tactics are more like conspiracy. He knows what will happen next but has no way to break it. This makes Luo Zheng a little more wary of the enemy's command ability. As he was thinking about it, he suddenly saw several anti-aircraft missiles emerging from the night in the east. The missile came and headed straight for a helicopter.

Luo Zheng was shocked. He quickly raised his telescope and saw that the missile looked like Sam's Sidewinder portable air defense missile. This portable launcher is also called a shoulder-fired anti-aircraft missile. It is a light surface-to-air missile that can be carried and launched by one person alone. , usually using infrared guidance to attack low-flying aircraft and helicopters.

The helicopter knew how powerful it was, so it quickly evaded and fired back, trying to explode the pursuing missiles. However, the missiles were too fast. The helicopter dodged the first two missiles, but was unable to dodge the third one. It was hit by the missile and exploded instantly. Open up and create a large orange-red cloud in the void.

"Bastard!" Luo Zheng was shocked and roared. It didn't matter that the helicopter was destroyed. There was a brother inside. Luo Zheng shouted in a deep voice: "Ghost hands, Snow Leopard."

"The ghost hand is going to command the helicopter." A voice came from not far away.

Luo Zheng looked back and saw that it was a snow leopard running towards him in a hurry. Luo Zheng was startled, calmed down, and vaguely guessed something. He shuddered and said with a gloomy face: "The enemy indeed has an ambush in the east, use RPG to cover it." Graphite bombs launch an attack, and then they ambush another group of air defense personnel. If all our helicopters rush to support and hunt them down, they will be attacked by the ambushed air defense personnel. What a ruthless calculation and tactic."

"That's true. Are you going to fight back?" Snow Leopard shouted angrily.

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