The strongest soldier

Chapter 3098 Communication destroyed

Oil is a strategic material that all countries need very much. The best way to obtain oil from an oil-producing country is to cooperate with that country to develop it to ensure maximum benefits, rather than simply purchasing it. With Balu's commitment, Luo Zheng Dare to support Balu to take power. In this turbulent area, there is no stable political power. Whoever has the biggest fist has the final say, otherwise the Dark Church would not have set its sights here.

Now, Luo Zheng plans to follow the example of the Dark Church in supporting Balu of the grassland tribe. As long as he succeeds, not to mention controlling the surrounding countries in the region, he will at least be able to obtain a large amount of oil. This is in line with the country's strategic interests. As a soldier, Luo Zheng's every word and deed must be for The country considers that even if they die on the battlefield, now that Balu has agreed to cooperate and expressed enough sincerity, there will be no obstacles to anything. Luo Zheng naturally informed Shan Diao to lead Balu over as soon as possible. As for weapons and other things, a lot of them were seized here. , just let some domestic airdrops come back.

The enemy's sneak attack equipped with electronic invisibility cloaks was foiled, and more than a dozen samples were obtained. These samples were kept by Luo Zheng and classified as top secret. Even Jackson did not intend to notify him, knowing that the electronic invisibility cloak was seized. Everyone is his brother, so there is no need to worry about leaking secrets. However, the emergence of the electronic invisibility cloak made Luo Zheng know that the investment in the secret capture was huge and he was bound to win. All subsequent actions must be carefully considered.

After finishing the call with Shan Diao, Luo Zheng immediately informed Lan Xue of the situation and asked Lan Xue to arrange for an airdrop of weapons as soon as possible to equip Balu's people. Since everyone is cooperating, they must show enough sincerity and cooperate with Lan Xue. After Xue chatted in some details, Luo Zheng cut off the phone again and began to think quietly on the mountain alone.

The night breeze was blowing, bringing with it a chill. The temperature in the desert dropped sharply to more than ten degrees below zero at night, which was very uncomfortable. If it weren't for the extremely cold-proof combat uniform and bullet-proof armor on me, I wouldn't have been able to withstand the cold wind. First of all, , the second team was responsible for guarding the surroundings, and there was a precedent for enemies equipped with electronic invisibility cloaks to infiltrate. Everyone did not dare to be careless, and their cold eyes continued to search the surroundings, not letting go of any details.

Shi Qian and Xu Gang were talking in a low voice not far away. They glanced at Luo Zheng from time to time. After a while, Luo Zheng returned with a cold face, preparing to go back to the camp to rest. It was getting late and the time was getting late. Maybe tomorrow It will be a big battle, and you have to keep your spirits up. The dark guy's full participation in the war makes Luo Zheng feel unprecedented pressure, and he does not dare to take it lightly.

Walking to the entrance of the camp, Luo Zheng said hello to Shi Qian and Xu Gang. As soon as he stepped into the camp, a huge explosion suddenly sounded. In the calm night, the mountains were particularly abrupt. It was a bomb. Luo Zheng was shocked. He quickly turned his head and looked in the direction of the explosion. He saw a red light flashing in the night not far away, which was caused by the explosion of the bomb. Luo Zheng was shocked and asked: "What's going on?"

Not to mention that there is a position two thousand meters outside the camp to the east. It is heavily guarded and commanded by Shi Tao, who is experienced in defense. No one can easily infiltrate it. There are hidden sentries everywhere around the camp. No one can touch it unless they infiltrate. The people who came up were equipped with electronic invisibility cloaks.

"Remaining enemies?" Luo Zheng looked at the enemies who exploded in confusion. The place had returned to calm, and the thick night covered the light again. Luo Zheng asked in surprise: "What happened?"

Luo Zheng's answer was the screeching sound caused by the friction of more than a dozen artillery shells flying in the void at high speeds. It was very harsh and devastating. Luo Zheng's face was horrified when he looked at the whizzing shells. This was a mortar launch. The shells that came out, the whistling sound and the fire caused by the explosion were completely different from ordinary bombs. What happened?

"Dong dong dong -" Suddenly a series of explosions sounded. The bombs fell on the edge of the position, exploding into clouds of fire. They did not pose a threat to the camp. Luo Zheng was curious. The enemy's strength was not simple. Why did the bombs only fall on the camp? Periphery? Why not just infiltrate and attack the headquarters again?

If the enemy is equipped with an electronic invisibility cloak, it is not difficult to penetrate into the camp. It has been done before and it can be done this time. Why not do it? Luo Zheng looked at the explosion area and pondered curiously. A report from the frontline brothers came through the headset, saying that someone was firing in the darkness in front of him. Everyone could see the fire, but not the people, and every time it happened The locations are all different.

"Dong dong dong -" Another series of explosions sounded, and once again exploded into terrifying red flowers outside the camp, which were coquettish and strange, carrying an endless aura of death.

Suddenly, there was a rustling and harsh sound from the headset, and then there was no sound at all. Luo Zheng was shocked and quickly looked at the other people around him. Everyone looked at each other. Not knowing why, Luo Zheng looked towards the direction of the explosion with a surprised face. Suddenly After reacting, he roared: "Quick, give me an order to shut down all communication tools. It's a graphite bomb."

How could Shi Qian and Xu Gang not know the power of graphite bombs? Unexpectedly, the enemy ostensibly fired RPG rockets to confuse themselves, but secretly launched graphite bombs. After the graphite bomb exploded, it formed countless graphite powder. The graphite powder fluttered in the wind, eventually causing all electronic communication equipment to malfunction.

"Asshole." Luo Zheng roared angrily, took out the invisible headset and put it into his pocket. The use of graphite bombs further demonstrated the determination of the Dark Church. The explosion unfolded upwind, and the wind just blew the graphite powder over, within a certain range. Everyone's communication equipment failed, making this battle much more difficult. Even though Luo Zheng was calm, he couldn't help but curse.

"Boss, it's too late. The enemy's attack is very large and has a wide range. In addition, they have chosen the upper wind. Under the influence of the wind, the graphite powder attack range has greatly increased. Our communication equipment has been affected to varying degrees. I can't communicate normally, what should I do?" Shi Qian came forward with a solemn face and whispered.

The two stood near the entrance of the camp and looked at the area where the explosion occurred. They did not hear gunshots or shouts, and they didn't know what to do for a while. At this time, Xu Gang hurried up and whispered: "The situation Unfortunately, all our communication equipment was interfered with. In just a minute or so, the enemy dropped at least hundreds of bombs, and we don’t know how many graphite bombs there were.”

"Asshole, we used signal equipment to interfere in the past. Knowing that the signal equipment was useless to us, we just used graphite bombs. Without communication equipment, we can't communicate and communicate with the outside world. This battle will be difficult to fight." Shi Qian said in a low voice with a heavy face, Things were originally going to be good. Who would have thought that the enemy would directly use graphite bombs?

"It's really hard to fight without communication equipment. What should we do?" Xu Gang said in a deep voice, looking at Luo Zheng with a frown.

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