The strongest soldier

Chapter 2785 Found doubts

The night was hazy, with cold stars twinkling in the vast night sky, dark clouds covering the moon, and the cold wind blowing slowly over the vast desert, bringing up a cloud of dust that flew up into the night sky and suddenly dissipated. An earthen city stood quietly on the complex sand dunes. In the meantime, it was as if a wild beast was silent and motionless. It was pitch black inside the earth city, and no light could be seen. The ruins and broken walls formed by the missile attacks were everywhere, dilapidated and dilapidated.

The dark and silent Tucheng was as quiet as death, but there was an oppressive atmosphere, which was daunting and strange. Behind a sand dune thousands of meters away from Tucheng, Luo Zheng was quietly lying on the sand slope with a sniper Observing through the sniper scope, the night was hazy and the visibility was very low. The sight of the sniper scope was limited and only the outline of the Tucheng could be vaguely seen.

Surrounded by the brothers from the Veterans Club, they all dispersed and hid. Xu Gang and Tie Diao sat under the sand dunes to rest. Everyone had infiltrated here ten minutes ago. According to Tie Diao's wishes, the troops could continue to infiltrate, but Luo Zheng insisted on observing here before talking, and everyone had to obey Luo Zheng's decision.

After observing for ten minutes, they found nothing. Xu Gang and Tie Diao were a little impatient, so they simply sat down to rest. Luo Zheng saw that they really couldn't see anything interesting and didn't encounter any enemies along the way. Xu Gang and Tie Diao whispered, "Let's do this. I'll take the lead, and you guys will lead the team to follow up. Go up in a straight line."

We didn't have communication equipment, and the troops were too scattered for command. At least they could follow up in a straight line and send messages back and forth. Luo Zheng had no choice but to arrange it this way. When Tie Diao next to him heard that something was about to take action, he suddenly became excited and said eagerly: "You are the commander-in-chief." Commander, how can I be used as a vanguard? I am fast, I will explore the way."

Luo Zheng wanted to say something else, but Xu Gang said in a deep voice: "Let's just decide. Be careful."

"Okay, be careful. We will keep a distance of twenty meters behind you. Let's arrange for someone to go with the iron sculpture. There will be support behind us." Seeing that Xu Gang also agreed to get on the iron sculpture, Luo Zheng did not insist anymore. , suggested.

"Let Scud Ye Tong come up." Xu Gang warned.

"Okay." Tie Diao agreed nonchalantly, and immediately asked Ye Tong to give him some instructions. He quickly moved forward, hunched his body, and kept using the surrounding undulating sand dunes as cover. In the blink of an eye, he was already more than ten meters away. Tong followed quickly and followed the traces of the iron eagle to avoid landmines. Secondly, the marching route chosen by the iron eagle was the most suitable for hiding his body and would not be easily exposed.

Soon, the two of them rushed out for dozens of meters. Luo Zheng and Xu Gang led the others to follow quickly, forming a long snake formation, following the route of the people in front. Xu Gang walked in front, Luo Zheng followed closely. After following Xu Gang for some distance, Luo Zheng suddenly found Ye Tong turning back. Luo Zheng was shocked and quickly made a gesture, and the team immediately hid on the spot without making any sound.

Soon, Ye Tong came to Luo Zheng, squatted down and whispered: "I found suspicious clues ahead. Brother Tie Diao asked me to tell you, please go up and have a look."

"Huh? Let's go and have a look." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice, motioning for Ye Tong to lead the way, and gave a few gestures to the troops behind him to indicate that everyone would stay where they were, and then he and Xu Gang hurried forward with their bodies hunched over. .

Along the way, he used the surrounding undulating sand dunes to cover his sneak. Soon he saw the iron eagle lurking behind the sand dunes in front of him. He was lying tightly on the sand slope and looking forward. Luo Zheng signaled Xu Gang and Ye Tong to spread out to cover, while he hunched over He ran up quickly, threw himself next to the iron eagle and asked in a low voice, "What's going on?"

"It's hard to say. At one o'clock, behind the sand pile about 500 meters away, my gun is using a sight. I can't see very far. Use your sniper scope to take a look." Tie Diao also lowered his voice and said.

Luo Zheng was startled, and quickly removed the sniper scope and looked in the direction given by the iron sculpture while adjusting the focus. Soon, the target in front became clear. There was nothing abnormal in the sniper scope except for the sand pile. The ground above the sand pile was about 1 It is about 3 meters wide and about 3 meters wide. This kind of sand pile is caused by the wind blowing the sand. It is the power of nature, not man-made. It is impossible for man-made sand piles to have such a flat ground.

"What did you see?" Tie Diao asked in a low voice in surprise.

"There's nothing to see except piles of sand." Luo Zheng responded in a low voice.

"I mean, is it possible to ambush a sniper or a hidden whistle?" Tie Diao asked in a low voice.

"It's hard to say, I'll keep an eye on it." Luo Zheng responded in a low voice and continued to stare at the surroundings to observe carefully. The topography of the sand piles, the flatness of the sand surface, etc., it seems that they are all sand piles formed by nature. It doesn't seem to be caused by it, and there are no traces of an ambush. If there are snipers, hidden sentries, etc., they will at least observe the surroundings, right? Luo Zheng observed the person for a while, and then said helplessly in a low voice: "I don't see the reputation."

"Can't you even see it?" Tie Diao shrank down and began to ponder in surprise.

Luo Zheng observed for a few times, but found nothing. He also shrank down from the sand dune, leaned his back on the sand dune, looked at the iron eagle and asked in surprise: "What did you find?"

"I can't see anything, it just feels weird." Tie Diao said in a deep voice.

The perception of martial arts practitioners is very keen, and they can sense dangers that ordinary people cannot sense. Luo Zheng believed in Tie Diao's senses, and his face became serious. He held the sniper rifle and pondered for a moment before saying: "In this way, I will cover here. , you can find a way to go up and have a look, maybe you are wearing an invisibility suit, so you can't see it."

"That's right. If it's really a stealth suit, even if your sniper scope has a thermal imaging function, it won't work. Okay, I'll do as you say. I'll go up and have a look." Tie Diao replied in a low voice, looking around cautiously. He quickly planned a route to infiltrate, pushed the bullet up, exchanged glances with the iron eagle, and then kicked hard with his feet. His arched body was like an arrow leaving the string, and he flew more than ten meters away, tumbling. Hiding behind a sand dune, he rolled over and disappeared.

Luo Zheng saw the iron eagle infiltrating quickly and making full use of the surrounding sand dune terrain. He was worthy of being a god-level veteran with excellent concealment skills. He couldn't help but look over and found that apart from the undulating sand dunes, there were no iron eagles at all. The shadow of this guy actually penetrated the ground like a python, it was amazing.

Thinking of this, Luo Zheng gave Xu Gang and Ye Tong a fire cover gesture, then put the sniper scope back on the sniper rifle, quickly set it up and aimed at it. The gun body was camouflaged in the desert, almost the same color as the fine sand, and it was difficult to see with the naked eye. After identifying it, Luo Zheng put his eyes on the sniper scope and observed carefully, not daring to be careless at all.

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