The strongest soldier

Chapter 2784 Arrangements before departure

Everyone has their own position on the battlefield. The sniper has the position of the sniper, the fireman has the position of the fireman, the squad leader has the position of the squad leader, and the commander-in-chief naturally also has the position of the center commander, which is to provide support from the center. If the dispatch and command are misaligned, the entire command system will be in chaos. If the troops are in chaos, how can we fight this battle? Lan Xue's worry was not unreasonable, but Luo Zheng had his own considerations. He looked at Lan Xue apologetically and said, "Don't worry, I will be careful and don't look at me to see if I feel uneasy."

"You'd better not go. Just tell us what you need to observe and we'll pay attention." Xu Gang suggested.

"That's right. Are you still worried about our work?" Tie Diao also consoled him in a deep voice.

Lan Xue knew Luo Zheng best and knew that once Luo Zheng decided, no one could change it. She said helplessly in a deep voice: "Okay, be careful." Then she looked at Tie Diao and Xu Gang and added: "You two Brother, he only needs you and me, so don’t let anything happen."

"This?" Seeing Lan Xue suddenly change his mind, Xu Gang and Tie Diao hesitated helplessly and exchanged glances. Tie Diao knew that further persuasion was useless, so he couldn't help but solemnly said: "Don't worry, leave it to us. "

Lan Xue knew what Tie Diao and Xu Gang were capable of. When Xu Gang nodded solemnly, he said with some relief: "You two should also be careful. Don't retreat immediately. Don't force yourself. If he dares to force himself, knock him unconscious." The bottom line is, I won’t blame you, and the brothers will only be grateful to you.”

"With your words, I feel relieved." Tie Diao chuckled.

Luo Zheng knew that Lan Xue was worried about him, so he didn't say anything. He just looked at Lan Xue deeply, his heart filled with warmth. He then looked at Jackson and said, "Old friend, I will hand over the command to her. Do you have any objection?"

"No problem, I've experienced her skills before. You are the commander-in-chief and you have the final say." Jackson said simply. There are about 150 Chinese troops here, accounting for an absolute numerical advantage. Luo Zheng also He was the commander-in-chief, and it was reasonable to propose that Lan Xue be given command. Jackson had nothing to say.

Of course, the more important thing is that the weapons in the hands of the Chinese soldiers can penetrate the enemy's bulletproof armor, and they are the absolute main force in attacking the enemy head-on. Without Luo Zheng, no one except Lan Xue is more suitable to command this army. Jackson does not think that the Chinese soldiers The national soldiers will obey their orders and naturally agree readily.

"That's good. The troops are led by Xue'er and assisted by Jackson. Everyone cooperates. We must guard the camp and beware of enemy sneak attacks, especially the radiation from the sky stone. We must be careful. Although we have counterattack equipment, we must arrange for someone to watch it. Guishou, I don't trust others, please take care of this equipment yourself." Luo Zheng warned.

"Understood." Guishou solemnly agreed.

"Although there are hidden sentries on the outside, the enemy has stealth suits and must be on guard. Each team must arrange for people to take turns keeping watch. Each team will make its own arrangements." Jackson said as he glanced at everyone, stood up, and looked towards the direction of Tucheng. After pondering, others also stood up and pondered their thoughts.

After a while, Luo Zheng looked at Xu Gang and Tie Diao and said: "You have five minutes to prepare and go into battle lightly. Jackson, have you negotiated the troop command method?" Without communication tools, the troops are scattered far apart, and command is a big problem. , we must find other ways to solve it.

"It has been agreed that flare guns will be used, with different colors representing different units. One red flare represents the artillery unit's readiness to attack. Where the flare hits represents where the artillery will hit. Two rounds represent attack. White represents the heavy firepower group and orange represents the bombing group. , the principle is the same as shelling." Jackson quickly explained.

Upon hearing this, Luo Zheng nodded knowingly and said, "This is a good idea. Everyone has nothing else to do. Let's break up the meeting."

Everyone nodded knowingly and returned to their respective posts. Soon Lan Xue and Luo Zheng were left. Lan Xue watched uneasily as Luo Zheng hesitated to speak. Finally, he sighed secretly and did not try to persuade him again. He was concerned. He warned: "Be careful and bring all the weapons you can carry. I'll leave this place to you. Don't worry."

"Well, I am most assured of your ability. If it weren't for your wish to fulfill me, with your qualifications and abilities, I can only be your deputy. It's mine to meet such an outstanding woman like you in this life. Fufen, I won’t be content if I don’t marry you, so I will live well until that day, don’t worry.”

"Remember your words." Lan Xue said affectionately, helping Luo Zheng adjust his combat uniform and fix the monocular on his helmet. She was like a wife who sent her husband to the battlefield, virtuous, considerate, tender, but With some firm strength, Luo Zheng was so drunk when he saw it.

"Can the camera function of the tactical helmet still be used?" Lan Xue asked softly.

"It can't be used anymore. I don't know what kind of jamming equipment these people are using. But all electronic products can't be used anymore. Be careful yourself." Luo Zheng looked around to make sure he didn't overhear the conversation between the two and lowered his voice. The voice said: "If Jackson doesn't cooperate, it will be broken. Don't hesitate. I will bear it if the sky falls. Also, be careful of the special operations teams sent by various countries. Although there is nothing suspicious at the moment, don't be too suspicious. "

"Are you saying that someone has been bribed by the Dark Church?" Lan Xue asked in a surprised voice.

"It's important to be on guard against others. Don't forget about the leak of the last meeting. Is that Mexican guy here too? Who knows if there are others. Anyway, just be careful." Luo Zheng warned.

"Understood, I will ask the mountain eagle to arrange for some people to pay attention." Lan Xue agreed.

The two of them were chatting while making preparations for the battle. The backpack was too heavy to be carried into battle. Luo Zheng only carried a sniper rifle, enough ammunition, a tiger-tooth military dagger, and a dragon-tooth military knife. Five minutes were up when the time came. , Luo Zheng said goodbye to Lan Xue, and quickly walked toward Tucheng with Xu Gang, Tie Diao and others. Along the way, the brothers didn't know what they were going to do. They all stood and watched curiously, but no one asked around.

Soon, Luo Zheng led everyone out of the camp and headed straight for Tucheng. A dozen people dispersed and moved forward in a search formation. Luo Zheng was in the middle, and Xu Gang and Tie Diao kept ten meters away from each other. , this distance allows everyone enough time to react when attacked by the enemy.

The cold wind was howling, the moonlight was hazy, and the visibility ahead was very low. Luo Zheng put on the tactical goggles, and everyone else followed suit. Under the tactical goggles, the front was green, and the visibility suddenly became much wider. Everyone raised their guns and moved forward cautiously. No one dares to be careless.

If the enemy doesn't have a stealth suit or a laser gun that shoots silently, we won't have much to worry about, and the advance speed will be much faster. However, the enemy's two high-end weapons are like invisible swords hanging above our heads, and they will fall down and kill people at any time. Have to guard against it.

The team moved further and further away, disappearing into the thick night, as silently as ghosts.

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