The strongest soldier

Chapter 2764 Luring the enemy with ghost hands

On the battlefield, Luo Zheng's words were orders. Once a counterattack was confirmed, no one would object. Everyone was already filled with anger and wanted to fight the enemy. The troops immediately took action. Half an hour later, the troops arrived. About three kilometers away from Tucheng, this place used to be the enemy's hidden sentry defense area. Luo Zheng estimated that the enemy would find him if he went further, so he immediately signaled his troops to stop advancing and spread out to hide.

Luo Zheng led his officers to hide behind a sand dune, and observed the surrounding terrain through a sniper scope. He soon discovered that there was a larger sand valley in front of him, like a long canyon, with tall sand ridges on both sides, which was conducive to an ambush. , suddenly thought of an idea, and immediately shrank back from the top of the sand dune.

The other officers also shrank back and looked at Luo Zheng, while pricking up their ears. Luo Zheng pondered for a moment and then said: "Did you see that sand valley? We will also set an ambush for the enemy. If the enemy does not enter the encirclement, , it means that their radar system has been restored and they know our position; otherwise, it means that our electromagnetic pulse missile has worked and the enemy has become blind and deaf."

"How?" Guishou asked in surprise.

Others pricked up their ears and did not dare to be distracted. Luo Zheng glanced at everyone and said in a deep voice: "I need a team to act as bait. They will pretend to be lost and move forward. Once discovered, they will fight and retreat, attracting The enemy pursues and leads the enemy into an ambush circle. The tactics are very simple, but the enemy does not know that we have come together unless their radar system returns to normal."

"It makes sense. It's okay to fight to see if the opponent's radar is useful. This is very important for our future battles. I will lead a small team there." Guishou agreed.

Luo Zheng thought for a while and realized that the smartest person around him was Gui Shou. Gui Shou was more capable of this task than anyone present, so he nodded and agreed: "Be careful, act according to the opportunity, don't force it."

"Understood." Guishou promised, quickly left with a small team, and trotted forward.

Luo Zheng did not dare to delay and quickly divided his troops into two. He ordered everyone to ambush on the sandy slopes on both sides of the sand valley and cover them with fine sand. The temperature of the fine sand in the morning was not high enough and could be used as cover. When the time came, At noon, when the temperature was as high as 67 degrees, the fine sand soup was so amazing that even if there was a bulletproof armor to block it, the scorching heat under the fine sand was enough to stop the heart and lungs.

Ten minutes later, the team was all hidden. They were originally wearing desert camouflage combat uniforms, but now they were covered with a layer of fine sand. Even if it was a thin layer, the camouflage effect was very good, and it was difficult to see through it without being in front of them. Luo Zheng also found a place to hide and waited patiently.

At this time, Guishou has led his troops slowly to a place only one kilometer away from Tucheng. Standing on the sand dunes, you can clearly see Tucheng. There are ruins and broken walls everywhere that were bombed, but there is not a single person in sight. Hand knew that his mission was to lure the enemy, so he was in no hurry to move forward. Instead, he stood alone on the sand dune and continued to watch, exposing his position.

The brothers who came with Guishou were scattered on the surrounding sand dunes, hiding themselves, staring at the surroundings vigilantly, not missing any details. After waiting for a few minutes, Guishou felt a hint of danger approaching, cold and solemn, and then It felt like he was being targeted by a poisonous snake. He felt very bad. He couldn't help being startled. He quickly lay down and pretended to be nervous. He quickly raised his gun and looked around through the sight.

Soon, Luo Zheng saw a head on the sand dune not far away disappearing. Then, a brother next to him shouted in a low voice: "Head, you have found the target, do you want to shoot?"

"We are here to lure the enemy. Of course, the noise must be loud. How about provoking the enemy to pursue? Shoot freely. If you see the enemy, I will beat them hard." Ghost Hand said murderously, aiming the gun tightly at the exposure just now position of the enemy, ready to shoot.

"Bang bang bang -" Suddenly, three gunshots rang out around them. It was the brothers who discovered the enemy's situation and opened fire first.

Guishou believed that his brother could do his best without command. He did not move and continued to aim at the target position and wait. The sound of gunshots in his ears became more intense. It was obvious that more and more enemies were exposed. After waiting for a minute, Guishou had an effect. Suddenly, my hand saw a head peeking out from behind the sand dune I was aiming at.

"Bang bang bang -" Ghost Hand opened fire without hesitation, and there was a series of strafing fire. The bullets whizzed away, with the ghost hand's endless killing intent, drawing precise lines of qi in the void. In the past, in the sight, Guishou keenly noticed that the target's body rolled to one side and disappeared, and he did not know whether he had hit it or not.

“Da da da—bang bang bang—”

At this time, there was loud gunfire all around. Seeing the target fall, Guishou took the opportunity to quickly glance at the battlefield and saw that there were about 20 people around him who were hiding behind the sand dunes to fight back. They fought very resolutely. , bullets flew randomly in the void, and the ghost hand quickly aimed at an enemy and fired at it.

"Bang bang bang -" Three bursts of fire, the bullets roared out of the chamber and rushed towards the target with endless killing intent.

"Ta-ta-ta--" The enemy was also fighting back hard. The bullets hit the sand dunes and sank into the depths, splashing up a little bit of fine sand and flying. The air between the two warring parties seemed to become cold and suffocating.

The battle became intense as soon as it started. Neither side gave in to the other. They fought very resolutely and decisively. Guishou did not order the troops to evacuate because there were too few enemies. They had prepared such a large table of dishes. If they were just twenty people, It's not worth it for people to eat.

The two sides exchanged fire for five or six minutes. Luo Zheng found that the enemy's firepower suddenly increased, and the two firepowers were fired at him in a targeted manner. Staying here meant waiting for death. He was startled, and rolled towards the top of the sand dune. Shapo climbed up and walked forward for a distance with his body hunched over. Then he looked forward and found that there were nearly thirty lines of enemy firepower, which meant that the enemy had increased its troops.

Thirty men was not the result Luo Zheng wanted. He loudly ordered his troops to continue fighting the enemy, pretending to be unyielding in actual combat, so as to attract more enemies. Five minutes later, Guishou felt that the enemy's strength had increased again. There were quite a few, and I couldn't help but count them carefully. There were about fifty people. I was immediately overjoyed, knowing that they were almost there. If I continued to fight, there would be more enemies, and I would be the one to suffer.

Thinking of this, Guishou's face darkened and he shouted: "Brothers, it's almost time, retreat!"

"Yes." Everyone roared immediately after hearing the order, turned their guns and retreated quickly. They quickly rushed down the sandy slope and rushed towards the sand valley. While running, Guishou looked back and saw that the enemy was chasing after them. , with an attitude of not giving up until the goal was achieved, he couldn't help but sneered, and commanded the troops to pretend to be panicked and speed up the evacuation. You have to act decently, right?

What Guishou didn't see was that the sand dunes behind him blocked nearly a hundred enemies, who were trying their best to come over.

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