The strongest soldier

Chapter 2763 Troops Converge

An hour later, everyone came to a sandy valley area. Luo Zheng asked the troops to enter the sandy valley to hide and rest. The mountain eagle was responsible for the vigilance. Luo Zheng found several people who led the team to understand the situation and learned about the strength of the chasing troops behind him. There are many of them around, and if everyone hadn't reacted quickly and escaped from the weak link before they were surrounded, they would have definitely been surrounded.

Luo Zheng is not afraid of being surrounded, nor is he afraid of fighting a tough battle with the enemy. However, if the enemy's situation is unknown, a hasty counterattack will only make him passive and cause casualties to the troops. Imagine that when the troops are fighting fiercely with the enemy, a poisonous snake suddenly appears next to him. , what kind of threat is this? Although everyone has serum, it is still troublesome.

The enemy's fierce pursuit made Luo Zheng suspicious. He couldn't understand what his opponent was trying to do. Was he trying to win in a short time? Or do you have other intentions? Seeing that Luo Zheng suddenly had no intention of speaking, Gui Shou next to him made a gesture, and the leaders of each team quickly dispersed and returned to their posts. Even during the break, each team still needs someone to lead them to avoid the enemy's sneak attack. The troops lost command.

After a while, Luo Zheng looked at Guishou and said, "The enemy is eager to fight. What is the purpose?"

"Perhaps the enemy commander is eager to prove his ability? Or is the enemy worried that it will be disadvantageous to them over time? Maybe, they want to take advantage of our unstable footing and chase us to fight, which is more beneficial to them. No matter which way it is, They are all bad for us, what are your plans?" Ghost Hand asked in a low voice.

"The more the enemy wants to fight, the less we can fight them. Tell me, how did the enemy find us? Did their radar recover? Or did they use Cobra to find us?" Luo Zheng whispered worriedly.

"The latter is more likely." Guishou said in a deep voice.

"Reason?" Luo Zheng asked curiously.

"If their radar is restored, with Sister-in-law Xuelian's ability, she can completely penetrate into their system, and then contact us through their signals. Secondly, during the previous sneak attack, the enemy also shouted something, but unfortunately they didn't understand. Just imagine, if their signal returns to normal, the communication equipment will definitely work, why are they still shouting so loudly?" Guishou analyzed seriously.

In the previous battle, Luo Zheng rushed forward and didn't know this situation. He thought about it and said in a deep voice: "Your analysis makes sense. If they can find us once through the cobra, they can find us twice. Maybe they will come back later. Now It’s night and the temperature is low, which is suitable for cobras to go out.”

"It shouldn't be possible, right? In the battle just now, only one of our brothers suffered a penetrating injury when he was attacked by a sneak attack. No one was injured after that. On the contrary, we killed several of them. They were unsuccessful in making such a big move. There is no need. Do it again, unless the opposing commander is a fool, but didn't you say he is very smart? A smart person will repeat useless efforts?" Guishou asked in a low voice in surprise.

Luo Zheng thought for a moment and let Ghost Hands rest. With the mountain eagle personally leading the team on guard, he didn't have to worry about the enemy sneaking up on him again. Luo Zheng also used the breathing method passed down from his family to regulate his breathing. He was on the battlefield and always maintained a good mental state. It is very necessary to seize every moment to rest.

In a daze, Luo Zheng was woken up by a slight noise. When he opened his eyes, he saw a red sun in the east that dyed most of the sky red. The sky was bright. Luo Zheng looked around. Brothers. They were eating dry food, some were checking their weapons, and some were continuing to sleep.

Luo Zheng looked at his watch and saw that it was already past six o'clock in the morning. He also got up and opened the kettle and took a few sips. Jing Guishou and Zhou Gang came hand in hand, said hello, took out the compressed biscuits and ate them, while asking: "What's going on?"

"Nothing happened. The mountain eagle just went to bed. He stayed on guard all night last night." Guishou said.

"It's okay." Luo Zheng mused while eating. The enemy did not attack again. It was definitely not because the Cobra couldn't find everyone, but because he didn't want to do useless work. This gave Luo Zheng a deeper understanding of the enemy commander, and he was shrewd. , ruthless, decisive, such people are not easy to deal with.

Guishou and Zhou Gang also sat down, and everyone chatted while eating. After a while, everyone stopped after eating half full and took care of their weapons. Luo Zheng saw that the team was in good spirits, and the brother who had suffered the penetration was already With an anti-inflammatory bandage, you'll be fine as long as you don't use any force on your arm. It's not life-threatening, but your combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced.

After resting for about half an hour, everyone was ready. The brothers who were keeping watch at night were also woken up. The team quickly set off to the east. There was a designated logistics camp there. Although Jackson had not brought the logistics over yet, everyone knew the location. , without communication tools, without GPS, we can only rely on approximate directions to find.

It was Luo Zheng's decision to rush to the designated logistics camp location. Several battles with the enemy made Luo Zheng realize the lack of troops. Now there is an advantage to heading east. He can collect troops along the way. If he arrives in advance, he can also stabilize other directions. The morale of the brothers' troops, the enemy jamming satellites, and blocking signals completely disrupted Luo Zheng's original deployment, and he had to regroup his troops and readjust his tactics.

After walking all the way east for about an hour, the vanguard discovered the Snow Leopard. This made Luo Zheng very happy. He quickly led everyone up. From a distance, he saw the Snow Leopard chatting with the leader of the vanguard Wu Yuan. He saw Luo Zheng coming over. , the snow leopard was also very excited and hurried to greet him.

"Why are you here? Are the brothers okay?" Luo Zheng asked in surprise.

"The communication equipment lost contact. I guessed that something was wrong with you, and I heard an explosion in the direction inside, so I brought people over to see if I could meet you. Unexpectedly, I did. I gathered two teams. They are all my troops, everyone is fine, what happened?" Snow Leopard said quickly.

At this time, Luo Zheng saw two team captains running excitedly. They were brothers from the Snow Leopard Brigade. He secretly breathed a sigh of relief. The team suddenly had three more teams, which meant that there were thirty more people. There were nearly a hundred people, and this strength was enough to fight the enemy. Luo Zheng did not answer Snow Leopard's question immediately, but thought about a counterattack strategy.

Snow Leopard was too familiar with Luo Zheng. When he saw Luo Zheng's deep eyes flashing, he knew he was thinking of an idea. He waited patiently and signaled the two team captains who came up to stop talking. Ghost Hand and Mountain Eagle were also holding back their anger, eager to fight back. , seeing Luo Zheng deep in thought, he also reacted and waited patiently beside him.

Not long after, Luo Zheng suddenly sneered, looked at everyone and said murderously: "Brothers, there are nearly a hundred of us. It is daytime again, the sky is high and the clouds are clear, and the breeze is gentle, suitable for fighting. It is time to fight back."

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