The flat wasteland is not conducive to retreat at all. Perhaps the enemy has also thought of this and simply stopped escaping. He will seize the favorable terrain and fight. Of course Luo Zheng will not object. Time is life. The sooner he can seize the communication equipment, the better he will be. Having contacted Lan Xue early, he was less dangerous. He shouted coldly through the headset: "Brothers, spread out and surround us. Don't forget that you are ghosts. Your tactics must be erratic. Don't stay in one place for more than a minute. Stand by at a distance of 800 meters and wait for my news."

"Understood." Everyone immediately dispersed and moved up the hillside to surround them.

A few minutes later, everyone took cover at a position of 800 meters, calmly observing the hillside in front, while reporting to Luo Zheng how they were in place and everything they saw. Luo Zheng was also hiding in the snow, observing through the sniper scope. The snow reflected light, and the wind was strong, making it difficult to aim. No one was sure of this distance, so it was considered a safe line.

After observing for a while, Luo Zheng asked in a low voice: "Brothers, how many snipers are there in the enemy?"

"There are two known ones." Zhou Gang was the first to answer. After Luo Zheng and others confirmed, his cold eyes continued to observe the hillside in front through the sniper scope. The hillside was not big, and it was the highest in the surrounding area, but the hidden There is still no problem for a few people. It is a piece of desperate land. Luo Zheng said coldly: "The enemy is going to die to survive. We are ghosts. Show your sharp claws and tear the enemy into pieces. It turns out that Free sniping.”

"Yes." Everyone shouted in unison. Everyone was unsure about the distance of 800 meters, but Luo Zheng gave the order and everyone carried it out without hesitation. No one objected. Luo Zheng also aimed at a target. Only half of his head was exposed, which was not easy to aim at. But still He decisively pulled the trigger.

"Whoops!" The bullet whizzed away and disappeared instantly.

Luo Zheng knew that the shot could not hit the target, so he was not discouraged and continued to aim at the target. After finding no target, he crawled ten meters forward and continued to search for the target. He found half a head again. Luo Zheng continued to shoot, but still failed to hit the target. After frightening the opponent to retreat, Luo Zheng said through the headset: "Brothers, shoot when you find the target. It doesn't matter if you don't hit. Let's scare them to death. If there is no target, crawl forward, with ten meters as the boundary, one by one. Assault up, and stand by at 500 meters."

"Understood." Everyone reacted immediately, aiming at the target and firing. After the target retreated in fear, everyone crawled forward ten meters, and then continued to shoot. Repeatedly, and unknowingly reached the 500-meter line, and everyone stopped. Come down and wait for orders.

At this time, Luo Zheng had already reached the 500-meter line. Luo Zheng was confident about this distance. After observing the wind speed, it should be level 5. With such strong winds, the arc of the bullet would be larger, so precise calculations were needed. The advance calculation was not good and he could not hit the target at all. For the sake of communication equipment, Luo Zheng was ready to give it a try.

"Brothers, the enemy's presence of snipers is unknown, so be careful and proceed with tentative attacks, not exceeding the 300-meter line." Luo Zheng whispered through the headset.

"Understood." Everyone agreed and crawled forward while fighting. As snipers, everyone had enough patience and endurance to strictly implement Luo Zheng's tactics.

When Luo Zheng climbed to a distance of 400 meters, a person appeared in the scope. The person was lying on the ground, with the muzzle of the gun facing forward, revealing most of his helmet. Luo Zheng took aim without hesitation, measured the wind speed, and determined He fired decisively after measuring in advance. The bullet drew an arc, and the sound was masked by the wind.

Luo Zheng, who was lying motionless on the ground, raised his gun and found through the sniper scope that the bullet had hit the opponent's side. The advance was definitely enough. Luo Zheng was very confident in himself. He looked at the snowflakes blown by the wind in the sniper scope, which were flying in the air. I rolled the gun, thinking that the irregular movement of the wind might have changed the flight path of the bullet. I calmed down, aimed at the target, and continued shooting.

"Whoosh!" The three bullets lined up in a line and whizzed away, releasing three life-threatening talismans. Luo Zheng's face was as resolute as iron, his eyes were cold, and his body was motionless, like a piece of wood, observing calmly. Looking at the sniper scope, he saw a bullet hit his helmet and spattered a bloody arrow, and the corner of his mouth curved.

"Ta-ta-ta!" The enemies on the hillside could no longer keep their composure and started shooting wildly in front of them. However, the distance was too far, the wind was too strong, and the light reflected by the snow made people misjudge, and the bullets were not accurate at all. It can be said that it is flying everywhere.

Luo Zheng watched this scene coldly, unmoved. His body was like a sculpture, and the hand holding the gun was motionless. He lay quietly on the snow and locked onto a target again. He killed the target just now. , Luo Zheng used four rounds of bullets and calculated accurately to succeed. Luo Zheng didn't care at all about the enemy's random shooting.

Aiming, calculating the wind speed, advance the amount, and keeping calm, Luo Zheng slowly pressed the trigger with his index finger. In the sniper scope, a target was lying on the ground and shooting wildly. Only half of his head was exposed. The bullets were like tongues of fire, constantly shooting out. Spitting bullets and looking fierce, Luo Zheng patiently waited for the opportunity.

After a while, the opponent still had no intention of getting up or moving, and continued to fire. Luo Zheng got angry and absolutely forced the opponent to come out. He adjusted the sniper rifle to single-shot mode, aimed again at the target and fired decisively. The bullet hit the opponent directly in front. , the opponent was so frightened that he put away his gun, got up and ran away.

"Huh?" Exposing one's body on the battlefield means death. Everyone who has been on the battlefield knows that, is it a recruit's egg? Luo Zheng thought doubtfully, but the gun in his hand did not stop, quickly locking on the target's lower back. The lower back has a large area, a high hit rate, and it will not directly kill people, so it can create panic.

"Whoops!" The bullet whizzed away, its powerful kinetic energy tore through the space barrier, and made a shuddering sonic boom. It sank into the target in an instant, but the location where it was shot was somewhat unexpected.

Luo Zheng looked through the sniper scope at the moment the target fell to the ground and covered his butt with his hand. He couldn't help but secretly wonder, did he hit the target in the butt? He was obviously aiming at the midfielder, but with this irregular wind, Luo Zheng was a little dumbfounded. He took a good shot and ended up blowing out the opponent's anus. What does this mean?

"Ta-ta-ta!" More and denser gunshots rang out on the hillside. Luo Zheng quickly collected his emotions and treated him sternly. The chrysanthemums will be chrysanthemums. It was not intentional. In the sniper scope, a target had an angry face. Kneeling down to shoot, Luo Zheng suddenly became angry. He actually exposed his body. Isn't it too arrogant? If you are looking for death, then I will help you.

Aiming at the heart, Luo Zheng's firm face was full of anger. The arm holding the sniper rifle remained motionless. Seeing most of the opponent's bullets flying towards him, his index finger quickly touched the trigger, his eyes full of murderous intent.

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