The strongest soldier

Chapter 269 Cover and Chase

Shan Hu watched the ghost team set up their attack formation and whizzed away. Luo Zheng acted as the arrow, leading the way, and the others followed behind. Each person stayed about ten meters away, forming an attack triangle. The overall look was as if there were hundreds of thousands of people. It was like launching a charge at the same time. I couldn't help but be stunned. Isn't this a frontal attack posture? It doesn't match the Ghost Team's combat style.

Thinking of this, Shan Hu observed carefully, only to find that the marching route of the people behind Luo Zheng was erratic and difficult to lock. The whole thing looked like a triangle, but the triangle fluctuated left and right. Even if he encountered a sniper, it would be difficult to grasp the pattern. Once the gun fired , the distance between people is enough for people to react, and everyone is as elusive as ghosts on the battlefield.

It proved that attack tactics were like ghosts. Shan Hu suddenly had some understanding, smiled, and was convinced.

Luo Zheng, who was leading the charge, didn't think so much. As he ran, he gestured to the people behind him to direct everyone's running route and rhythm. For the sake of communication equipment, Luo Zheng had no choice but to fight to the death. While running, Luo Zheng felt like he was walking on heaven and earth. The ghost of the snowfield, the messy footprints on the ground are the direction.

At this moment, Luo Zheng discovered the benefits of the vast snowfield and chased all the way. He found that the target was also evacuating northward at a very fast speed. Blood stains could often be seen on the snow. Half an hour later, a hillside appeared in front of him. It was chaotic, Luo Zheng signaled to the people behind him, and everyone immediately dispersed, formed a herringbone, and continued to rush forward like an eagle.

After walking forward for a while, Luo Zheng felt something was wrong. He raised his hand and made a standby gesture. He also lay down and used a sniper scope to search the hillside in front. His footprints went up the hillside. The hillside was condescending, so the enemy had no reason not to arrange it. If the sniper blocks it, you must not advance rashly.

After observing for a while, no suspicious target was found. Luo Zheng waited vigilantly for a while, and immediately raised his hands to make a few gestures. The two people on the left and right immediately circled around and ran quickly. Luo Zheng took the remaining two people to stay behind and press the formation. If the opponent has a sniper, as long as they fire, everyone will counter-snipe them immediately.

The people outflanking on both sides are decoys, luring the enemy to expose them, and even more so, if there are snipers, and if they don't shoot, the people outflanking them will be able to occupy favorable terrain, carry out counter-sniper attacks, and cover Luo Zheng and others as they rush forward. , the two sniper forces are like two alternating firepowers, no one can stay calm.

Soon, Luo Zheng saw a snow shadow disappearing on the hillside. It should be that the enemy snipers were retreating. Luo Zheng sneered and did not move. After his men rushed up the opposite hillside and seized the commanding heights, he decisively attacked. With the momentum, the two people behind him rushed forward, and he continued to snipe and cover.

The two people behind him rushed up the hillside. No suspicious target was found. They raised their hands to draw circles in the air. Luo Zheng rushed up and saw the messy footsteps in front of him. There was a single row next to him. It should be that the enemy snipers had just retreated. , with a solemn look on his face, he warned: "Advance with alternating cover tactics. You follow the footprints and rush over. The position of 300 meters is concealed and fire cover is provided."

"Understood." The two of them agreed in unison. One after another, they ran over and quickly seized the advantageous terrain to hide when they were 300 meters away. Luo Zheng immediately signaled to the brothers on the left and right, asking the other side to outflank him, and he also rushed forward. He went up, his face was as calm as iron, and his eyes were full of fighting spirit.

This alternating cover continued for about half an hour. The people on both sides were outflanking again and gesticulating desperately. An enemy figure appeared in front of him. Luo Zheng rushed up and hid on a hillside. There was a valley in front of him. There were people in the valley. Luo Zheng used a sniper scope to search carefully. There was only one person resting, and there were six or seven enemies. Where were the rest?

At this time, the resting people carried their luggage and retreated in a swagger. Luo Zheng became angry and made a gesture. Zhou Gang quickly ran up. Luo Zheng pointed to the hillside in front and said: "The hillside opposite is higher than ours. The hillsides are only five hundred meters apart. There must be an ambush on the opposite hillside. If you rush down, you won't dare to shoot until the enemy notices us. Once you reach the hillside below, you will immediately lurk and injure the man."

"Understood." Zhou Gang agreed, checked his weapon, took a deep breath, and rushed down the hillside like a cheetah. Three minutes later, no one fired on the opposite mountain. Zhou Gang breathed a sigh of relief, and jumped with a tiger leap. When he reached the ground, he calmly aimed at the two people who were resting just now.

Since the enemy is willing to sacrifice to lure him into being fooled, it would be a pity not to swallow such a big bait. As for the shotgun behind the bait, if you dare to fire it, the ghost team are all snipers. With Luo Zheng, Zhou Gang is not worried about his own comfort at all. The pleasure of strategizing and dominating the battlefield caused Zhou Gang's adrenaline to surge.

"Whoops!" The bullets whizzed away. The excited Zhou Gang showed his super long distance. It was more than 430 meters, the cold wind was level 4, and the light reflected in the snow made it difficult to aim effectively. Zhou Gang suddenly The gun hit the target's thigh and the target fell to the ground. Zhou Gang, thinking of Luo Zheng's instructions, retracted his head like a ghost.

"Whoops!" A bullet whizzed over, almost grazing Zhou Gang's helmet and sinking into the ground. Zhou Gang touched his helmet with lingering fear, secretly feeling lucky when he heard another sniper gunshot. The sound was completely different. Zhou Gang knew it was The man started to take action, and when he turned around, he saw a black shadow flying down from the hillside like a golden eagle. It was very fast and was hiding near him in an instant. It was Luo Zheng.

"Captain?" Zhou Gang pointed to the headset.

Luo Zheng was startled, and then he realized that he had put on Shan Hu's headset and had forgotten to use it. Living like a savage these days, coupled with the psychological concern for Lan Xue, he discovered the mistake unconsciously, but fortunately it didn't get brewed. It was a big mistake. I quickly opened it and heard everyone asking each other.

"Brothers, continue to advance with alternate cover. I have killed the opponent's sniper. Everyone, hurry up. Meng Zhu, go check the enemy's sniper to see if there is anything you need." Luo Zheng shouted in a low voice.

Meng Zhu agreed in the headset. Luo Zheng rushed to the injured target and found that the target had been seriously injured and his life was in danger. The reason why he was acting as a bait was to contribute his last bit of strength. For such a soldier who is not afraid of death, Luo Zheng showed respect, pulled out his pistol, killed the opponent with one shot, and then squatted down to search. There were no documents or communication equipment.

In desperation, Luo Zheng led the team to move forward. A few minutes later, Meng Zhu, who was going up in a detour, found the news. There was no gain. After a while, Liu Xun, who was going up in a detour, sent a message. The enemy was found in front. Luo Zheng looked up. , the terrain in front was flat and vast, and there was a small hillside two kilometers away, which should be where the enemy was hiding. He thought to himself: "Finally, I got a bite."

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