The strongest soldier

Chapter 2632 Mosquitoes Attack

Since landing on this weird and mysterious island, everyone has seen too many weird creatures, flying in the sky, crawling on the ground, and drilling underground. Without exception, they are all prehistoric creatures. Now there are fierce donkeys and wolves, iron Diao De asked everyone's curiosity. The brother who answered the question before thought for a moment and answered seriously: "I remember it was reported in the news that he lived between 4.5 million and 7 million years ago. The specifics are There is also a lack of strong evidence and it is just speculation. It is hard to say whether it is a prehistoric creature or not."

"It existed millions of years ago. It's not just prehistoric but it's also an ancient creature. Who cares, can it be eaten? Our food is limited. If these things can be eaten, it will solve our biggest problem." Tie Diao didn't know. Concerned, he continued to ask.

"It's hard to say." The other party replied in a deep voice.

This is the first time for everyone to see this weird creature. Who knows if it can be eaten? Tie Diao also understood this truth and couldn't help but look ahead. When he saw Ghost Hand running towards him excitedly, he ran up to meet him and said with a smile: "Hahaha, you guys have caught up with such a big battle, you must be really happy, right?"

"I have to thank you for your rescue, otherwise we would be in trouble." Guishou smiled gratefully.

"It's hypocritical for us to talk about this." Guishou said dissatisfied.

"Is everything okay?" Luo Zheng walked up and confirmed again.

"Everything is fine, but the ammunition consumption is very high. These beasts come suddenly, in large numbers, and move quickly. What's more terrible is that they are fast enough. It often takes several bullets to hit one. To kill one, you need two bullets." The above is enough, unless it hits a fatal location." Guishou explained with a solemn expression.

"How many are left?" Luo Zheng asked. Without ammunition in this terrifying forest, everyone's survivability would be reduced rapidly, and the consequences would be unimaginable.

"One person can have at most one base number." Gui Shou replied seriously.

No one was equipped with three bases of ammunition for this operation, and one battle actually consumed two bases. Luo Zheng's face became serious. Everyone also knew how terrible it was to have no ammunition. There were too many unknown creatures on this island, and there were no ammunition. How to survive? They all looked at Luo Zheng with solemn expressions, waiting for Luo Zheng's decision.

Luo Zheng thought for a while and said in a deep voice: "The situation is complicated. Let's go up and make a total first."

Everyone agreed and walked up one after another to the pile of rocks. When the brothers saw that Luo Zheng was coming back with someone, they all showed excited smiles, as if they had suddenly found their backbone, and stood up one after another and saluted Luo Zheng. After solemnly saluting everyone, he said: "Brothers, thank you for your hard work. The unknown creature that came here may be a donkey wolf, also called Shaguang. It has a head like a donkey and a body like a wolf. It is as ruthless and ferocious as a wolf. It’s not unfamiliar to everyone. As long as their leader is killed and the attack collapses, they will be busy going back to fight for the new leader and will not launch an attack. Once the new leader is determined, they may attack again, so everyone should be vigilant.”

"Yes." Everyone responded in a deep voice. Wolves were no stranger to everyone. The strange creature they heard was a donkey wolf. Everyone felt confident and confident, and knew how to deal with it.

Before, I didn’t know what kind of creature I had to fight to save my life. Now I know what it is. There are suddenly more defensive tactics. The mountain eagle immediately arranged for four people to disperse to four directions to seize the commanding heights. If there is another donkey wolf attack, the first Killing the alpha wolf in no time is not difficult if you have a sniper rifle in hand.

Luo Zheng took a look at everyone. They were all full of energy and not frightened. He secretly breathed a sigh of relief and immediately called all the officers to a meeting in the open space among the rocks. Everyone gathered around, either fighting or sitting. Luo Zheng briefly recounted his experience, and finally added: "Brothers, the opponent has no communication attack, and all electronic equipment is broken. We must stick to the hillside and wait for rescue. Tell us, what should we do next?"

When everyone heard that the experience of Luo Zheng and others was so dangerous, although the inspection of the ship on the sea went smoothly, the mosquitoes in the forest were so terrifying that their scalps were numb. They instinctively observed the surroundings, fearing that there were also mosquitoes around. At this time , suddenly a man trotted up, looked at Luo Zheng and said eagerly: "Head, I found something abnormal."

When everyone heard that there was a situation, they immediately became alert and pulled the bolts of their guns to prepare for battle. Luo Zheng looked at the other party and asked: "What's the situation? Let me have a look." After saying that, he stood up, postponed the meeting, and rushed forward with the other party. , others followed closely.

After everyone walked forward for a while, they heard a noisy buzzing sound coming from the front. The sound was very familiar. Luo Zheng's face changed drastically. He quickly raised his sniper scope to observe, and found that a lot of black flying objects suddenly appeared in the night sky ahead. The thing is those weird mosquitoes.

Mosquitoes gathered together like dark clouds. No one knows how many of them came, flapping their wings together and making a buzzing sound. The sounds were intertwined and could be heard from afar. Luo Zheng was shocked and shouted in a deep voice: "It's mosquitoes. Quick, wrap your face with a scarf, put on tactical goggles, don’t expose any skin, don’t use a gun, use a knife.”

"Quickly - wrap everything up and draw the knife." Xu Gang and others who had experience also saw that it was a mosquito and urged them quickly. Everyone did not hesitate, took out the scarves from their backpacks and quickly wrapped their faces , put on the tactical goggles, not daring to expose any part to the outside, while pulling out the dragon tooth sword.

The black mosquitoes gathered together and flew over. The fighter jets with countless methods were fierce and chilling. Most of the people present had never seen such strange creatures. They all became nervous and stared at the dark clouds that came over them. The Mosquito Legion's palms holding the Dragon Tooth Saber were covered in cold sweat.

"Don't panic, everyone. We have bulletproof armor to protect our body. Mosquitoes can't do anything about it. Just protect your face from being bitten. Once bitten, it is highly contagious. Don't come into contact with other brothers to prevent infection. I understand. "?" Luo Zheng said in a deep voice, with a cold murderous intent in his words.

These words are a bit cold and heartless, but letting everyone know the consequences is the most correct way to deal with it to avoid the spread of infection. As a commander, Luo Zheng not only needs to consider personal life and death, but also the life and death of the whole. When necessary, We can only give up a few, which is very painful, but we must do it. Everyone understands the reason and stares at the flying mosquitoes with solemn faces, without answering, without flinching, and without blaming.

"Mosquitoes are afraid of fire and smoke. Do we need fire prevention?" Tie Diao said in a deep voice beside him.

"It's too late. Everyone, just be sure to protect your face, neck and other parts that are easily attacked. They are just mosquitoes. If you chop them in half with a knife, there is no need to worry. Tell me, who are you?" Luo Zheng shouted in a deep voice. , to boost the morale of the team.

"We are fearless warriors." Everyone roared in a deep voice, holding the dragon's tooth sword tightly, their eyes became sharp. Since there is no way to avoid it, let's fight.

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