The strongest soldier

Chapter 2631 Horrible Donkey Wolf

Under the moonlight, on the open mountains, the sudden thunder-like braying of a donkey was full of weirdness. It suppressed the braying of other strange creatures that were attacking, as if a tyrannical general was expressing his dissatisfaction with the attack of his troops. Legend has it that They were far away, and as soon as the sound rang out, the other strange creatures attacking suddenly became more violent, screamed, and launched more ferocious attacks.

Luo Zheng turned around and saw that on the hillside not far away, a strange creature that was more than two meters tall was holding its head high. There were several equally majestic and sturdy strange creatures standing around it. He couldn't help being furious and shouted in a deep voice: "Brothers, that's the leader of these beasts, come with me and kill him to relieve the siege."

"That makes sense. We will form a triangle attack formation. I will take the lead, Ye Tong and Tie Diao will protect the two sides, and the others will be in the center to provide fire cover. Kill—" Xu Gang roared in a deep voice and rushed forward with a gun in hand.

The others also pursued them hard. Seeing that Xu Gang had already launched an attack, Luo Zheng saw that it was not appropriate for the team to change their attack tactics. Moreover, the current situation was that a triangle attack formation was the most suitable attack, so he had no objection. He quickly raised his gun on his shoulder and bowed his body. He lowered his head, put his eyes in the sniper scope and aimed forward. When he found the target, he quickly pulled the trigger without hesitation.

At a critical moment of life and death, any hesitation will bring fatal trouble to oneself. Others also understood this truth and opened fire to hunt down the strange creatures rushing around. Everyone's weapons had been equipped with silencers, and the sound of bullets coming out of the barrel was very weak, and there was no arouse more suspicion.

After a while, the team advanced more than 20 meters. At this time, more strange creatures around them discovered everyone and started to attack them with strange cries. Luo Zheng found that one of them was running wildly with its head lowered and its mouth wide open. It looks like a demon emerging from hell. It is very fast and would have been difficult to hit unless everyone had good marksmanship.

"Quick, charge up." Xu Gang, who was leading the team from the front, shouted in a deep voice.

Time is everything on the battlefield. Everyone understands this truth and runs faster. Luo Zheng ignored the strange creatures that came up. He emptied the bullets in one breath and quickly changed a magazine. The new magazine was full of burning Bulleting, Luo Zheng quickly aimed at the strange creature leader standing proudly in front of him.

To capture the thief first, Luo Zheng estimated the distance. It was only thirty or forty meters away. The wind was strong and the vision was blurry. However, in the sight with the thermal imaging function, the target was very clear. Luo Zheng quickly determined the sniper point. The target has a strong body, and the incendiary bomb is different from ordinary bombs. It is still deadly without hitting the fatal spot.

"Phew -" Luo Zheng fired, and an incendiary bomb roared out of the gun with Luo Zheng's endless anger and expectation, drawing a terrifying stream of light in the night sky, as if it accelerated in an instant, and hit the mad man instantly. The arrogant leader, with Luo Zheng's terrifying sniping ability, there was nothing he could dodge within thirty meters, let alone a standing beast.

The incendiary bomb exploded instantly, countless incendiary agents ignited the target, and a fire broke out. Perhaps the leader of the strange creatures did not expect such a powerful weapon, and he screamed suddenly. The shrill sound rang in the night sky and spread far away. All the strange creatures that were attacking heard this clearly and stopped their attacks one after another and looked back.

At this time, the leader of the weird creatures screamed again as he was burned by the scorching heat. The burning agent moved forward. How could a mere flesh and blood body resist it? The shrill voice was tragic and unwilling, and the strange creatures guarding the surroundings gathered around and screamed something violently.

Luo Zheng was overjoyed when he saw this scene and shouted: "Charge up and kill it."

"Kill -" Xu Gang and others shouted excitedly, constantly aiming at the strange creatures around them and firing. The strange creatures seemed to realize everyone's purpose. In order to protect their leader, they also launched crazy attacks. The one in front fell down and the one behind Keep up, the speed is so fast that after firing a magazine, everyone has no time to change it. They have to retreat and form a circle, unable to pursue the injured leader of the unknown creature.

"Draw the sword!" Luo Zheng shouted in a deep voice.

"Stab--" With a sound, everyone quickly pulled out the Dragon Fang Saber, standing back to back, staring eagerly at the strange creature rushing in front of them.

"Uh--" Another shrill donkey brayed, and the strange-eared creature that besieged Luo Zheng and others suddenly stopped attacking and looked sideways. Luo Zheng and others also took the opportunity to turn their heads forward and found that The strange creature leader who was hit rolled violently on the ground, and the incendiary agent on his body ignited the surrounding dead grass and shrubs.

Suddenly, all the weird creatures screamed wildly, turned around and ran away, as if they had encountered something terrible. In the blink of an eye, all the weird creatures on the scene ran away. The ground was covered with beaten corpses, and the air was filled with... The thick smell of blood is nauseating.

Everyone looked at this scene in surprise and did not dare to move. Luo Zheng said in a deep voice: "Replace the ammunition and be careful."

"Understood." Everyone said in a deep voice. The bullets were empty just now, and everyone had no time to replace them. They had to form a circle and draw their swords to continue fighting. Now the unknown creatures have run away. Who knows whether they will besiege them again. Take advantage of the air strike as soon as possible. Changing ammo is a wise move.

"Boss, is that you?" At this time, a surprised voice came from the top of the mountain.

When Luo Zheng heard that it was ghost hands, he shouted in a deep voice: "It's us, are brothers okay?"

"It's okay, it'll be great if you guys come back." Guishou replied loudly and excitedly.

"Let's go, let's meet up with the troops." Luo Zheng glanced in the direction of the leader of the strange creature and saw that the leader had been scorched and the fire was spreading around him, he couldn't help but said in a deep voice.

Everyone quickly dispersed and moved forward in single file. Their eyes were like torches, staring at the surroundings to prevent a sudden attack by strange creatures. Luo Zheng came to a strange creature and squatted down to check. He saw that this creature was one meter tall. About five years old, he has a strong build, his head looks like a donkey, his body and limbs look like a wolf, his tail is long and slender, and his fur is gray-white. No wonder he makes a donkey sound, but his attacks and behavior are the same as those of a wolf. He can't help but be suspicious. He asked loudly: "Brothers, who knows what this is?"

Everyone gathered around and observed the strange creature curiously. Suddenly, a brother said in surprise: "Zhitan, this creature looks like a donkey wolf. There is also a name in the scientific community called Shaguang. I heard that someone has discovered something similar in Shenlongjia. Biology, but after the scientific expedition team went to the Shenlong Shek to look for it, they couldn't find the shadow. I didn't expect it to be there. I've read relevant reports, and it's not wrong."

"Donkey Wolf? Sha Ruang?" Luo Zheng looked solemn in thought.

"Whatever, as long as you can kill it, don't be afraid. By the way, is this thing a prehistoric animal?" Tie Diao asked curiously.

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