The strongest soldier

Chapter 2623 The enemy lands ashore

The sky is clear and the sun is shining brightly.

The vast sea is rippling and extremely quiet. The sea water reflects the sun and looks sparkling. Several seabirds chase the waves and make a few cheerful screams from time to time. Some even swish directly into the sea from high altitude. However, he quickly came out and flew into the sky with a twisting fish in his mouth. The seabird flapped its wings and flew to the nearby island, disappearing into the woods without a trace.

On the calm sea, two destroyers were escorting a salvage ship slowly. There were no signs indicating nationality or identity on the ship, and there was no one on board the destroyers. They just came slowly and slowly approached the island. Until then, some heavily armed people rushed out of the cabin and quickly seized advantageous terrain, aiming their guns in the direction of the island. Several officers and people who looked like officers also came out and gathered together to discuss something in low voices.

Not long after, the two destroyers stopped, and the salvage ship also parked. Many fully armed people on the destroyers jumped directly onto the salvage ship, and some large boxes were also moved to the salvage ship with slings. It took about ten minutes, and people and The items were piled up on the salvage boat, and the salvage boat slowly moved closer to the coast.

Destroyers can only dock in deep water areas, and the only way to land is by salvage ships. Compared with destroyers, salvage ships have a much shallower draft. They found a cliff similar to a deep-water dock to dock, but they still cannot dock directly. The salvage ships The heavily armed people on it jumped into the sea one after another. The boxes containing items were tied to floating objects such as tires and thrown into the sea, and were dragged upstream by the armed men.

The armed men seemed to be very strong. One person dragged ashore only three or five boxes that ordinary people could move. There were many items. In half an hour, all the items were moved to the island and stacked in an open area. These people were not idle. Come down, but continue to move the items to the top of a mountain.

On another mountain peak in the distance, a group of people held up scopes and observed this scene curiously. No one said a word. They were all confused by the actions of this group of people. On the boulder, a man was lying on his stomach, with his eyes set on a sniper. Observing this scene carefully in the mirror, his face was extremely solemn and his body was motionless. It was none other than Luo Zheng.

From the moment the destroyer and salvage ship approached the island, Luo Zheng noticed that the speed of the ship was very slow and the situation was a bit strange, so he decided to wait and see what would happen. Unexpectedly, after the ship docked, the people on top came ashore with supplies and equipment. , and walking up to the mountains, looking like he has lived there forever, what is this?

After a while, the iron eagle standing bored next to the boulder said in a deep voice: "Brother, couldn't it be that these bastards' ships were damaged and they had to find a safe place to rest? The seawater didn't attack the height of the mountain just now. It’s considered safe.”

"Did they encounter the whirlpool just now?" Xu Gang whispered in surprise.

At this time, Gui Shou, Snow Leopard and Mountain Eagle came together and stood near the boulder. Gui Shou whispered: "Boss, the opponent seems to be looking for a place to set up camp. This is going to be a protracted war. Could it be that their ship Something happened to the ship? Could it be that there was something wrong with their communication equipment and they were unable to communicate with the outside world?"

"It's possible. Look, the salvage ship went to the destroyer to pick up a group of people." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

Everyone was startled and raised their sights to observe. They found that a group of people emerged from the two destroyers again and jumped onto the salvage ship. Some of them were wearing casual clothes. They looked a bit old and were not very convenient to move. Someone directly carried these people on their backs and jumped onto the salvage ship. Some officers and people who looked like officers also jumped on the salvage ship, and more boxes were moved to the salvage ship.

For ten minutes, the salvage boat once again approached the coast. When it stopped where it could no longer continue, some of the people wearing it jumped into the sea, while others dropped their belongings and asked their companions to drag them ashore. The older ones People also jumped into the sea and were carried ashore on their backs.

"Those are the experts in kidnapping from the Dark Church?" Guishou said in surprise.

"Yes, it should be. There are more than a dozen people, all in their early sixties. These bastards are really good at it. They come here to take risks at such an old age. Something is wrong. Don't you mean one hundred holy warriors and twenty knights of the round table? From Judging from the number of people who have been exposed, there are about a hundred more people." Tie Diao reminded in a deep voice.

"The extra one hundred people are probably the officers and soldiers on the destroyer, responsible for driving the destroyer and other tasks. This group of people has limited combat power and is not a concern. The focus is still on the one hundred holy warriors and twenty knights of the Round Table. What should we do next? ?" Xu Gang whispered in surprise.

"Yes, they have already started to set up camp and build fortifications. Once they are well prepared and it is not good for us, why not take advantage of their unstable footing?" Guishou suggested.

"This is a good suggestion, I like it." Tie Diao chuckled.

"A sneak attack is fine, but you don't need too many people. A small team goes up, takes one bite and retreats. If they retreat, bring them to the ambush circle, and the remaining people can find a place to ambush." ​​Snow Leopard suggested.

"Okay, everyone, don't worry, listen to me, brother." Xu Gang reminded.

Everyone looked at Luo Zheng, only to find that Luo Zheng continued to observe something with a solemn face and had no intention of attacking. They were startled and raised their sights again to observe. Apart from people and various objects, there was no one there. There was something unusual. The personnel looked very impressive, and they were all covered in thick oil paint. Since they were far away and couldn't see their faces, everyone gave up on looking for the tentacle monster.

After waiting for a while, Luo Zheng suddenly rolled down from the boulder, patted the dust on his body, straightened his combat uniform, took out his water bottle and drank two gulps, and said in a deep voice: "We can't fight now. It seems that the enemy doesn't know we are here." This island, so I found a similar island to settle down. I did not search or take defensive measures. I just moved things to the island without fear of anyone on the island. Is their communication equipment really broken? On the destroyer The radar is also broken?"

"What do you mean?" Xu Gang and Tie Diao asked almost simultaneously.

"We must first confirm whether their communication equipment is broken. It is noon now. Let's take a good rest and move at night to find out the situation of their communication equipment. If it is not broken, we will destroy it. Everyone will not be able to contact the outside world. We Let's have a good fight on this island, they have no reinforcements, we may have a chance to kill them and rescue those experts." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"It's a good idea. Since they can't contact the outside world, they only have a few people. We have at least a 60% chance of winning. We can do it. What are the specific tactics?" Tie Diao asked with appreciation. Others also looked at Luo Zheng. Showing a strong fighting spirit.

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