The strongest soldier

Chapter 2622 Speculated reasons

Under the sun, in an open area of ​​rubble on the top of the vast island, a team looked quietly at the young man standing on a boulder, their eyes full of longing and expectation. Standing on the boulder was the meditating Luo Zheng. , Facing the weird natural phenomenon just now, Luo Zheng felt that he had grasped the clues, but was unable to focus. This feeling made Luo Zheng very irritated, and he had to relax, only to find that everyone was looking at him.

Tie Diao thought Luo Zheng had already thought of the reason, and asked in surprise: "What happened just now?"

"Yes, this is unheard of. Do you know what's going on?" Xu Gang also asked.

"Huh?" Luo Zheng was startled, and smiled awkwardly. His mind was in chaos, and he couldn't grasp some clues. He was irritated, but he didn't expect that everyone was waiting for his answer. He opened his mouth to say that he didn't know anything. , Huo Ran noticed the hopeful looks in everyone's eyes. If they said they didn't know, everyone would be very disappointed, and it might affect the morale of the military. This is definitely inappropriate, what should I do?

"The scorching light beams just gathered together and didn't scatter. It's so weird. What's going on? Did it fall from the sky?" Tie Diao asked curiously.

"Gather? Scatter?" Luo Zheng was startled, and suddenly an idea came to him. There seemed to be a flash of lightning in his mind that dispersed all the fog. The clues that had just flashed back suddenly came back. Luo Zheng followed the clues and thought about it carefully. He couldn't help but smile and looked towards Everyone said in a deep voice: "Brothers, don't worry, this is not a strange incident, it is a normal natural phenomenon."

"Is this normal?" Xu Gang asked in surprise.

"Yes, did you think of something?" Tie Diao also asked curiously.

Others looked at Luo Zheng with a brighter look. The phenomenon that everyone thought was abnormal and incomprehensible turned out to be normal when it came to Luo Zheng. This is the gap in thinking. Luo Zheng glanced at everyone, He smiled and said, "Yes, it's a normal phenomenon, but you didn't expect it. Let's all think about it carefully. Does the vortex just now look like a super concave mirror?"

"Concave mirror?" Everyone was surprised and looked at Luo Zheng with doubts in their eyes. They didn't react for a moment, but they all started thinking along Luo Zheng's train of thought.

"Hahaha, it seems to make sense. Concave mirrors can reflect light, and the hot light beam should be reflected. When the vortex is gone, the hot light beam will be gone." Tie Diao shouted excitedly.

"It shouldn't be that simple, think tank, tell everyone." Xu Gang said in a deep voice.

"Yes, tell everyone what happened just now. I feel uneasy if I don't understand." Tie Diao said with a smile.

"In fact, it's not complicated. The vortex is just a huge concave mirror. But there are several conditions needed to form the hot beam just now. One is the sun. It will definitely not work without the sun. The other is the angle. The angle is not even close enough. It cannot effectively focus light. Think about it carefully. Was the angle between the sun and the vortex just now between 60 and 70 degrees? This angle is just right for focusing light. As the earth rotates, the angle shifts and the sunlight cannot be focused. So the light beam disappeared naturally." Luo Zheng explained seriously.

Everyone knew some physics and optics knowledge, and they all showed a look of surprise. Xu Gang smiled with relief and said: "It's just a natural phenomenon. I thought there were some supernatural creatures, such as aliens and the like, whirlpools." It forms a super concave mirror effect, focusing and reflecting sunlight to form a beam. The temperature of the beam is at least tens of thousands of degrees. If an airplane passes by, it will definitely vaporize directly. Do you think there will be an incident such as the sudden disappearance of the airplane in this sea area? Is it related to this?"

"It's hard to say. The larger the diameter of the vortex, the higher the temperature. Whether an airplane or a ship passes by, it may melt or explode. If such a large vortex is formed at night, although the vortex cannot focus light, the vortex rotates too fast. , the already chaotic magnetic field will become even more chaotic, causing the magnetic compass and other navigation instruments to malfunction, causing aircraft and ships to lose control and sink to the bottom of the sea." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"It makes sense, that should be it." Guishou said in a deep voice.

"It seems that we have found the cause of the strange phenomena in the Bermuda Triangle?" Snow Leopard said in surprise.

"Not necessarily, this is just our speculation, and there is not much scientific basis. At least we cannot explain the formation of the vortex. We can say that several ocean airflows merge to form a hurricane, or it can be said that it is caused by the collision of tides from different directions. Just like the movement of the earth's crust, different ocean tides are like plates, which will form whirlpools after collision, or there may be volcanic eruptions on the seabed, who knows?" Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"There are too many reasons to trace. Maybe a seaspout can sweep away planes and ships. I heard that seaspouts can sweep seawater hundreds or thousands of meters into the sky. When encountering this strange phenomenon, nothing can be done. However, there are too many reasons for strange phenomena that we cannot understand. One thing is certain, this island is fine." The mountain eagle suddenly reminded in a deep voice.

"Yes, as long as the island is okay, we will be safe, but what is our mission?" Tie Diao looked at Luo Zheng and said, his solemn expression became much more relaxed. As long as the island is okay and everyone is safe, the mission will have a chance to be completed.

At this time, the sea gradually returned to calm. There were no whirlpools, no light beams, no storms, and everything gradually disappeared. One-foot-high waves surged on the sea surface, and there were splashes everywhere. The water on the island also gradually receded. The beach appeared in front of everyone again, as if nothing had happened before. If it weren't for the mess on the beach, everyone would doubt everything they just saw.

"The sea water has receded." Everyone whispered in surprise and smiled. All this was enough to show that the island under their feet was temporarily safe, and everyone no longer had to worry about being buried in the sea.

"Brother, now that the weather is calm, what should we do next?" Tie Diao asked in a low voice.

"There's no rush, let's take a rest first and regain our emotions before talking." Luo Zheng responded in a low voice. The experience just now made everyone highly nervous and they needed time to relax.

"Okay." Tie Diao agreed in a low voice and glanced at Xu Gang. Xu Gang nodded knowingly and arranged for his action team members to disperse and be on guard.

Luo Zheng motioned for his teammates to sit down and rest, and eat something to regain their strength. Ten minutes later, suddenly a member of the action team of the Veterans Club shouted: "There is a situation at sea."

"Huh?" Everyone was surprised. They all stood up and looked around, and found three ships vaguely visible on the sea. They raised their sights to observe, and they were able to distinguish two destroyers and a salvage ship. They couldn't help but be startled. They all showed excited smiles and looked at Luo Zheng.

Luo Zheng was worried that he couldn't find his opponent, but he didn't expect his opponent to come back. He was overjoyed and laughed, and an invisible fighting spirit burst out.

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