The strongest soldier

Chapter 2594 The base was attacked

In the early morning of the next day, before it was fully light, Luo Zheng was sleeping in a daze when he heard a rapid knock on the door from outside. Luo Zheng woke up, thinking he was in danger, so he quickly got out of bed and dressed, signaling for the door to knock. The doorman came in, but he didn't know that the person who came in was Liu Qingqing, with an anxious expression on his face. Luo Zheng asked in a deep voice while putting on his clothes: "What's going on? Is your opponent coming to kill you?"

"No." Liu Qingqing saw Luo Zheng getting dressed, she said shyly and turned away. After all, she was a young girl with a tender skin. She thought of something, her face darkened, and she quickly explained: "Boss, something big happened at home. We were attacked by unknown persons and they took away the Sky Stone.”

"Ah? What's going on?" Luo Zheng quickly put on his clothes, picked up the phone next to him and saw that it was out of battery. He was too tired last night and forgot to charge it. The headset was lying next to him, so he quickly picked it up and put it on, turning on the signal. Before connecting to the satellite, he looked at Liu Qingqing and asked: "What happened when he fell to the ground?"

"I'm not surprised either. My sister-in-law couldn't contact you, so she asked me to come find you." Liu Qingqing quickly explained.

Luo Zheng's face darkened, and he felt something was wrong. Who dares to grab the sky stone? Who else has the ability to break into the base and steal the Sky Stone? At this time, the headset was connected to the satellite, and there was noise. Many people were talking. Luo Zheng asked in a deep voice: "It's me, who will report the situation?"

"Finally I found you." Lan Xue's voice sounded urgently in the headset: "Around four o'clock in the morning, a group of unknown people stormed the base with ferocity and speed. More importantly, bullets can't kill them. Never Judging from their strength, they should be Knights of the Round Table, much stronger than the Holy Warriors. There were twenty of them in total, and they went straight to the R\u0026D office and stole the Sky Stone."

"Dark Church?" Luo Zheng asked in a deep voice, a surge of anger surged up. This group of people actually dared to break into his base, and even took away the sky stone. This is unbearable, damn it, Luo Zheng He asked coldly: "How is the damage to the base?"

"We killed all twenty Knights of the Round Table, but they were assisted by helicopters and some used RPGs.

The air defense prevented our air pursuit, and the Tianshi was taken away by them. Our side suffered considerable damage, with more than fifty people injured and more than thirty people killed. The damage was heavy. "At the end of her words, Lan Xue's voice became deeper, revealing deep guilt and self-blame.

As the commander of the Secret Bureau and the person in charge of security, Lan Xue has to bear the main responsibility for such a major incident. Luo Zheng comforted him with understanding: "The fighting power of the twenty Knights of the Round Table is too terrifying. The incident happened suddenly, and no one in the base can stop it. We can withstand their attacks and close combat is no match for them. It would be great to be able to do this. Please report it truthfully. I will rush back as soon as possible. Don’t blame yourself too much. The top priority is to find out the truth. With so many people infiltrated, there are important Weapons, helicopters, I don’t believe there is no one behind it. No matter who it is, shoot to death. Anyone who kills my brother will be killed. Notify Hongmeihua, release all intelligence personnel to investigate, and let the knives on the road also investigate. "

"Understood." Lan Xue agreed in a choked voice.

"Are you okay?" Luo Zheng asked with concern.

"It's a small injury, it's not a problem." Lan Xue responded solemnly.

"Injured? Where is it?" Luo Zheng was anxious and asked quickly.

"Don't make people laugh by being surprised. It's just a minor injury. I can handle it myself. Okay, I'm going to deal with the aftermath. Be careful yourself. It seems that the Dark Church is jumping over the wall in a hurry and risking the loss of twenty round table members. There must be a reason behind the risk of the knights doing this. The Knights of the Round Table are not holy warriors. It is not easy to produce one. If one dies, one will be missing." Lan Xue reminded in a deep voice.

"Your analysis is correct. There must be a reason. It's the Sky Stone. These bastards took such a big risk to rob the Sky Stone. There must be a reason. Help me contact the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and ask the local embassy to send a car to pick us up and leave here. , arrange a flight to take us back as soon as possible." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"Okay." Lan Xue quickly agreed.

After cutting off the call, Luo Zheng immediately called everyone and briefly explained the situation. As soon as everyone heard that someone had taken care of the house, their lungs were filled with anger. Everyone looked very ugly. Liu Qingqing pondered for a moment and then suddenly said: "My head , the situation is very strange, we sneak attack Child's ancestral home, they attacked our base, no wonder Child's ancestral home has no defense, only a smart laser gun and a bomb, obviously deliberately used the ancestral home to attract us Attention, use all your strength to sneak attack our base, this bastard."

"It makes sense, but their target is the Sky Stone. Is there something special about it?" Shi Qian reminded.

"There must be something special about it. The Sky Stone is an important sacred object of the Dark Church. There are seven of them in total. They are enshrined in various bases on the seven continents for believers to worship. You snatched one, and there are six more in their hands. Now take this one Take it away, maybe there is a bigger conspiracy behind it." Tie Diao analyzed in a deep voice.

"Last time we divided our troops into several groups, and the brothers who went to attack other strongholds of the Dark Church didn't find the Sky Stone?" Luo Zheng asked in a deep voice, his eyebrows furrowed, and a deep uneasiness rolled in his heart, as if he sensed a huge conspiracy. It was rushing towards him.

"No, I asked specifically afterward, and they all said that they didn't find it. Don't forget that the sky stone has radiation effect. Brothers can feel it when they are close. It seems that they have secretly taken away the sky stone. Otherwise, brothers, How can we easily destroy several other bases?" Tie Diao explained in a deep voice.

The sky stone has a powerful radiation effect. Luo Zheng knows this very well and has experienced it. If the sky stone is still in the base, the members of the action team will definitely encounter it when they go to destroy the Dark Church base. It is not easy to complete the task. Even if they succeed, they will have to After paying a certain price, however, the brothers all successfully completed their missions and came back. At that time, Luo Zheng was busy dealing with the battlefield in Myanmar and didn't notice. Looking back now, it was obvious that the Tianshi was taken away.

"Why did they gather the Sky Stones together? There are seven in total, and one of them is in our hands. Now they are taking this one away from us at any cost. There is obviously a huge conspiracy, and this conspiracy is indispensable for the Sky Stone. Is it possible? It takes seven heavenly stones to launch this conspiracy?" Liu Qingqing analyzed in a deep voice.

When everyone heard that it made sense, they all looked at Luo Zheng. Luo Zheng thought seriously for a moment and felt that Liu Qingqing's analysis was reasonable, so he said in a deep voice: "Brothers, it seems that we can't rest here anymore, we have to go back. There are two choices, one is to come with me, the other is you stay and continue to recover, and I will go alone first."

"I'm not hurt, I can go with you." Liu Qingqing said in a deep voice.

"My injury is not serious, let's go together." Shi Qian said solemnly. He hid in the pool during the explosion and was not hit by the shock wave. Shi Qian, like Luo Zheng, was not injured.

"And us." Ji Wu, Gongsun Wu and Sang Ji also said in a deep voice.

"Don't talk about it. We are advancing together and retreating together. If your base is in trouble, how can we, the brothers in the Veterans Club, stand by and watch? Let's go back together and talk about it. After a night of rest, everyone's injuries have basically stabilized. As long as it is not strenuous exercise, there is nothing to worry about. "Tie Diao said in a deep voice.

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