The strongest soldier

Chapter 2593 Arrangement of suspended animation

On the way to evacuate quickly, Luo Zheng started thinking while running, but he didn't expect that the trap turned out to be a powerful bomb. Not only did this bomb almost kill everyone, but it also blew up all traces of the ancestral home. Such a cruel method, so meticulous. Such a plan, such an opponent is unusual, I can't help but think about the whole story, eager to find the opponent's shortcomings and flaws, but unfortunately I can't think of anything.

While running, Luo Zheng glanced at the completely deformed smart laser gun in his hand. The surface had vaporized, and he felt a little more relieved. Although the operation ended in a disastrous failure, there was still a consolation prize. If this smart laser gun It can be restored after being taken back, and the principle of its use can be studied from it. It is best to imitate it. This will greatly improve the country's combat effectiveness and the force of the Secret Bureau.

Not long after, everyone took a detour back to the previous room. After closing the door, they all collapsed on the ground and gasped for air. Everyone had tried their best to run before, which involved internal injuries. Everyone was very tired, and some people were even more tired. He coughed up blood and his face turned sallow and ugly.

Luo Zheng's face became serious when he saw this scene. He asked about the situation after the explosion. He was moved by the loyalty of his brothers. He dismissed Jackson who escaped from the battle and frowned in thought. Liu Qingqing next to him heard about the whole incident. He asked in a deep voice: "Boss, are you really okay? What should you do next?"

Childe's ancestral home was bombed, and the authorities have dispatched a large number of police. It is obvious that they have been prepared for it. Maybe they have been bribed by Childe. There will definitely be a large-scale search and arrest next. If you stay here, you will be waiting for death. However, you can continue to evacuate. It was very dangerous. Not to mention the possibility of arrest, the internal injuries of the brothers alone were a big problem.

The aftermath of the explosion is no joke. If everyone hadn't been strong enough to bear it, they would have been useless even if they didn't die. In addition, when retreating with injuries, internal injuries may be caused while running, causing secondary trauma. If the evacuation continues, it will definitely deepen again. The injury caused three traumas and would leave sequelae. Thinking of this, Luo Zheng couldn't help but look at Tie Diao.

Tie Diao also knew the consequences of three traumas. He might not be able to go to the battlefield again for the rest of his life. This was fatal to everyone and was unacceptable. Tie Diao thought for a while and said in a deep voice: "Let's go. After three times of income, we can still return it." You have a life, and if you stay and be taken over by the enemy, no one can escape, and you will undoubtedly be waiting for death." There was hesitation in his words, and anyone could tell that he didn't want to leave, he was just taking care of Luo Zheng.

Luo Zheng nodded in understanding and did not issue an evacuation order. Instead, he looked around at everyone. Their faces were very ugly and they were unable to run anymore. Luo Zheng thought for a while and said in a deep voice: "We are not leaving, stay here. Even if we are arrested, we will admit it. As long as everyone recovers from their injuries, brothers, no matter how strong the prison is, we will just run out when the time comes. Don't worry, everyone."

Everyone looked at each other and nodded silently in agreement. Tie Diao nodded gratefully to Luo Zheng and said nothing more. Death is not terrible, and being captured is not terrible. Everyone is afraid that they will not be able to go to the battlefield. Luo Zheng's understanding makes Tie Diao He was so moved that he said in a deep voice: "Brothers, seize the time to heal your wounds."

"Yes." Everyone responded in a deep voice, sitting cross-legged one after another, using the exclusive secret method of regulating their breath to heal their injuries.

Luo Zheng glanced at everyone and signaled to Sanji and others to do exercises to heal their injuries. He immediately took out his mobile phone and found that the mobile phone had been soaked in water and could no longer be used. The headset was still usable. Luo Zheng was surprised and quickly passed the headset. He warned in a deep voice: "Sister-in-law Xuelian?"

"Online, if you have anything to say, just say it." Xuelian said in a deep voice. The iron eagle was not out of danger yet, and Xuelian felt very heavy.

Luo Zheng warned with understanding: "Sister-in-law Xuelian, please give the local government false information and guide them to hunt elsewhere. It is best to hunt down that bastard Jackson."

"Understood, that bastard Jackson destroyed the headset you gave him and cannot lock the location. I will give the local government a false target, but it can only delay it for a day or two. I estimate that your injuries will take more than three days." Stay steady, it will take more than five days to fully recover." Xue Lian quickly reminded.

Luo Zheng didn't know much about the recovery speed of Tie Diao and other action teams. After hearing Xue Lian's reminder, he couldn't help but think deeply. After thinking about it, he said in a deep voice: "Let it take as long as it takes. In addition, in the past few days, large-scale Spread rumors and announce Childe’s death, saying that he was killed by Jackson.”

"Why?" Xuelian asked in surprise.

"This bastard must have thought I was dead, so he escaped. Let's pour dirty water on him. He will think we are retaliating for his escape, and he will even think that I am dead. This news will definitely not be kept. Don't forget him. There are still some followers around me, and these followers may not keep secrets. As long as the news of my death spreads, the Dark Church will definitely know, and it will be beneficial to us at that time." Luo Zheng warned in a deep voice.

"It makes sense. As long as dirty water is poured on Jackson, the Dark Church may give up on chasing you after learning that we are dead. This is a good idea. I will do it right away. Don't worry, everyone will take good care of themselves during this period. It's best not to use any communication equipment to avoid exposing your whereabouts," Xue Lian reminded.

"Understood." Luo Zheng agreed in a deep voice, thought for a while, and continued to ask: "Headquarters?"

"I'm here, how are you?" Lan Xue's voice sounded in the headset, showing deep concern.

"I'm fine. Don't worry. Inform Blue Star to cooperate with Sister-in-law Xue Lian and let Hong Meihua spread the news of my death through special channels. Remind him to do it more secretly. Deliberately leaking secrets will make it easier for others to suspect. She is good at this. I want the Dark Church to even More people know about the death." Luo Zheng warned in a deep voice.

"You want to blow him up?" Lan Xue asked in surprise.

"That's right, Childe would never have thought that I could survive such a big explosion. Even I couldn't have imagined that the previous explosion was really thrilling. As long as the opponents know that I'm 'dead', they will relax their vigilance, and we can There are many plans implemented in secret." Luo Zheng warned in a deep voice.

"Okay, I will make it clear. With Hong Meihua's ability, I can definitely make this play realistic. But, how should I explain it?" Lan Xue quickly agreed.

"There is no need to hide anything from above. Let me inform my superiors that my trophy this time is a laser gun, an epoch-making weapon. Although it was deformed by the bomb, it still looks like it. It may have epoch-making significance for our weapon upgrade. I didn't expect that the Dark Church has already researched it." The laser gun came out, with a range of about four to five hundred meters, and it disappeared in a flash and silently, making it difficult to judge the specific distance." Luo Zheng warned in a deep voice.

"Understood." Lan Xue warned with concern: "Although the things are good, you should be careful and don't fight too hard. This sneak attack is very weird. I thought about it carefully just now. It should be a trap designed by an expert to trap you." Every move is calculated, a very powerful opponent cannot be careless.”

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