The strongest soldier

Chapter 2549 Prepare to counterattack

The betrayal of a tentacle monster made Tie Diao hate the traitor. When he found out that his counterpart was suspected of being a traitor, Tie Diao struck out ruthlessly. He used a leg sweep to destroy one of the opponent's legs, and his big hands turned into sharp claws to grab the opponent's face. , almost scratched the opponent's face to pieces, and then smashed it out, invisibly tearing off the silicone mask on the opponent's face.

"You bastard, go to hell." Tie Diao found out that the other party was fake, which meant that the real person had been caught or killed. This made Tie Diao even more angry. When he saw the people in the car, he dodged and hit him. The person behind him quickly jumped off the bus. The iron eagle roared angrily, thrust out his big hand like lightning, and directly grabbed the opponent's throat.

The enemy thought that his reaction was very correct and his speed was already very fast. He never expected that Tie Diao was faster. He knew something was going to happen. Then he felt a sharp pain in his neck, and he didn't know anything. He directly crushed the opponent's neck and threw away the body with the drooping head. When he saw someone in the bus taking aim and shooting, he quickly dodged and moved away.

In his busy schedule, Tie Diao saw many people rushing out of the crowd not far away, each holding a pistol with a silencer in his hand, rushing towards him with murderous intent. Tie Diao fell to the ground, rolled under the bus, and was about to shoot. Seeing that they had lost their target, they had to give up and quickly catch up.

In the crowd, Tantaiyue's face turned gloomy when he saw this scene, and his dissatisfaction with Luo Zheng disappeared. He immediately said in a deep voice through the headset: "Sure enough, there was an ambush. The enemy thought we were going to run away, so they called in a large number of gunmen. Iron Eagle has It’s dangerous, I’m going to help.”

"Don't move, come back and see me immediately." Luo Zheng's voice sounded in the headset, extremely majestic.

"But?" Tantaiyue said worriedly. She looked forward and saw that the iron eagle came out from the other side of the bus and suddenly rushed into the air. It was a full five or six meters away and hit the driver hard in the heart with his knee. It was like a kite flying upside down with its string broken. The person was in the air, spurting out a mouthful of blood, and it was impossible to live again.

"No but, evacuate immediately. Brother Tie Diao has a way to escape." Luo Zheng's voice sounded in the headset.

Tan Taiyue was about to agree when she saw Tie Diao rushing over. As fast as lightning, he grabbed the driver who was still flying upside down in the air, groped for the driver's face, tore off a silicone mask, and threw it away at any time. , rushed forward, pulling out a black shadow in the void.

Those gunmen couldn't catch up at all, and their speed was unbelievable. Tantaiyue swore that she had never seen anyone move so fast. No wonder Luo Zheng didn't let him go up to help. With his own ability, going up would only be a burden. He couldn't help but sigh in relief. Retreat quickly.

The sudden gun battle startled the people around. The scene suddenly became chaotic and scattered. Tan Taiyue mixed in the crowd and left quickly. While getting in touch with Luo Zheng, he quickly went over after confirming Luo Zheng's location. Not long after, Tantaiyue came to the door of the cafe, calmed down her emotions, and then slowly walked inside.

There were more customers in the cafe. The power was out and there was nowhere to go. Some men and women liked the romantic atmosphere of the cafe with candles and came in to have a drink to kill time. Tan Taiyue quickly found Luo Zheng's location and left. He went up, sat down next to Liu Qingqing, and looked at Luo Zheng with an embarrassed look.

The docking person was arranged by the National Security Bureau. As the main person in charge, Tantaiyue had the responsibility to determine the true identity of the two docking persons. Now that something happened, this responsibility naturally fell to Tantaiyue. This made the proud Tantaiyue feel ashamed. Luo Zheng looked around and made sure no one was paying attention to his side, then whispered: "It's not your fault. These two people pretended so well that even we were deceived."

"I have a different opinion." Liu Qingqing suddenly whispered. Seeing Luo Zheng and Tantai Yue looking over curiously, she lowered her voice and continued her analysis: "If the two of them had problems from the beginning, they could have ambushed them at the meeting point. We, or after we get in the car, can ambush us anywhere on the road, a mine can protect us all, and the concentration in the car will be more conducive to the attack."

Luo Zheng nodded approvingly and lowered his voice and said: "This is also what I am confused about. You are right. The person who responded to us before was fine. It must have been someone who changed the package later and we were all exposed. Why can't the two of them Exposed? I was careless, and I bear the responsibility."

"No, it's because I didn't do a good job in logistics support." Tantaiyue whispered in shame.

"Now is not the time for accountability. Let your superiors decide whether you are right or wrong when you go back. The top priority is the situation at hand. Since the enemy wants to play, let's just play bigger. Whether it is a tentacle monster or a white star, they must be in the hotel at this moment. Stay still, they will never think that we will come back with a killing blow." Luo Zheng analyzed in a cold low voice.

"Yes, I think it's feasible, but with so many police officers, how can we do it?" Liu Qingqing asked excitedly in a low voice, with an attitude of fearing that the world would not be in chaos. As a recruit, Liu Qingqing, who is bold and bold, certainly likes big scenes. Only in this way can we have the opportunity to make meritorious deeds.

"You go ahead and I'll listen to you." Tantaiyue pondered for a moment and agreed firmly.

"The hotel police are not the problem. It can be solved by moving the tiger away from the mountain. The problem is that the target cannot be locked." Luo Zheng whispered, thought for a while, and asked through the headset: "Sister-in-law, is there any progress?"

"The power is out, and the hotel network and surveillance are also down, making it difficult to locate the target." Xue Lian said helplessly.

A power outage is a double-edged sword. It can conceal everyone's evacuation, but it will also cut off monitoring, affecting Snow Lotus's ability to find the tentacle monster and Bai Xing. Luo Zheng smiled bitterly in understanding, and suddenly had an idea. He looked at Tantaiyue and whispered: " The power outage is only temporary, aren’t there three more daisy groups?”

"Yes, they are in groups of three, waiting nearby, what do you mean?" Tantai Yue quickly replied.

"That's right, you take the three of them to destroy the power supply equipment. My sister-in-law cutting off the power through the network can only be temporary. It is not a physical damage. It will be restored soon. I want this city to have a power outage for one night. Can you do it? ?" Seeing that Tantai Yue had guessed his intention, Luo Zheng nodded and asked in a low voice.

"No problem." Tantaiyue responded in a low voice.

"Go ahead, I'll give you half an hour." Luo Zheng whispered.

Tan Taiyue nodded, said nothing more, and walked outside. Liu Qingqing watched Tan Taiyue leave. He looked around and saw that everyone was talking in low voices. He couldn't hear clearly, and no one paid attention here, so he looked around. Xiang Luozheng continued: "You have entrusted such a big matter to a few women. Do you have a bigger plan? Can you tell me?"

"What do you think?" Luo Zheng asked, taking out some cash and throwing it on the table. Before setting off, Luo Zheng specially prepared some spares. It was very inconvenient to carry out such a task without money. He looked at Liu Qingqing who looked depressed. Said: "I have stayed here for too long, let's go, let's talk about it after leaving here."

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