The strongest soldier

Chapter 2548 Setting up a trap to test

Luo Zheng couldn't help but look solemn when he heard Shi Qian's words, and the worry in his heart became more serious. With Shi Qian's ability, he can definitely find things as long as they are in the room. As for the bodyguards in the room, with the methods of Ji Wu, Gongsun Wu and others , it is not difficult to eliminate. If there is a conspiracy, why does Bai Xing's room only have five bodyguards? Why is there no follow-up manpower to follow? Is it because Bai Xing and the tentacle monster didn't join forces? Or do they not care about the guest rooms at all and use all their manpower elsewhere?

In addition, Shirahoshi and the tentacle monster have joined forces. The tentacle monster must have thought that he would go to the guest room to find Shirahoshi and arrange a trap in the guest room. Why not? Luo Zheng realized that something was weird and immediately said in a deep voice through the headset: "Quick, evacuate quickly and cancel the arson plan."

"Yes." The voices of Shi Qian and others sounded in the headset.

At this time, suddenly the lights in the cafe went out. The idle proprietress lit a candle and asked the waiter to bring one over. She placed it on the corner of the table by the window and said a few words of apology. Liu Qingqing signaled that it didn't matter and asked the waiter to After leaving, Luo Zheng watched the scene calmly, and after the waiter left, he continued to whisper through the headset: "Tantaiyue, heard the reply."

"I heard that we have broken out of the encirclement. What are your instructions?" Tantaiyue's dissatisfied voice sounded in the headset. Luo Zheng suspected that someone in the Juhua group had betrayed him, which made Tantaiyue feel very uncomfortable.

Luo Zheng ignored Tan Taiyue's attitude, but said in a deep voice: "Find a way to call the bus driver and inform them to pick them up at the entrance of the amusement park. Remember, keep it confidential and don't let anyone from the Chrysanthemum Group get close to the amusement park."

"I understand. Do you doubt them both?" Tantaiyue replied in surprise.

"Isn't it possible? You can find a way to observe around the amusement park alone to see if there are any abnormalities. Then you will know what is going on." Luo Zheng warned coldly.

"Yes." Tantaiyue said nothing more and agreed.

Although mobile phones and other electronic communication equipment have been destroyed, Luo Zheng believes that Tantaiyue has a way to get in touch with the driver. This exposure is too weird. Luo Zheng must ensure one thing. Is there any internal problem? Tantaiyue can be trusted. But what about everyone else? In view of this, Luo Zheng decided to inspect the driver and the other person he was connecting with first.

"Brother Tie Diao, you should also go there. I hope I have thought more. If there is really a problem, we must ensure the safety of the collapse." Luo Zheng looked at Tie Diao and warned in a deep voice. With Tie Diao's skill and strength, , no one can stop it, the past can not only serve as a witness, but also protect Tantaiyue's safety.

"Understood." Tie Diao replied in a deep voice. Looking around, the old white lady was watching TV boredly, the waiter was cleaning the table, and the guests at the three tables were all chatting in low voices. No one paid attention here, so they stood up. Leaving quickly, as for the road to the playground, Snow Lotus provides global GPS navigation, so Tie Diao is not worried at all.

After Liu Qingqing watched Tie Diao leave, she looked at Luo Zheng and whispered: "Will arranging a bus to pick him up at this time arouse his opponent's suspicion?"

"It only took about ten minutes for the accident in the hotel. At this time, everyone escaped safely and immediately called the bus to pick them up. Everything is in line with common sense. The enemy will come even if they are suspicious. Of course, the premise is that the two people who are docking really have a problem. If nothing happens, it will be just right. We can leave by bus." Luo Zheng explained in a deep voice.

Liu Qingqing thought it made sense and stopped asking any more questions. Seeing Luo Zheng's face thinking about something thoughtfully, she also thought about the whole thing. The more she thought about it, the more sinister it was. Once the police enforced martial law and the murderer took the opportunity to secretly assassinate, then Everyone was passive. Also, if Luo Zheng hadn't ordered everyone to retreat when he found out about the assassination, they might all be blocked in the hotel by the police, which would have been a big trouble.

Thinking of this, Liu Qingqing admired Luo Zheng's temporary decision-making and commanding abilities.

Tie Diao also thought of this. If the two people in charge of the connection really betrayed everyone, Tie Diao would never show mercy and hurried towards the playground. The streets were dark. The street lights may not be the same power supply system as the houses. , illuminated the road, a large number of citizens and hotel tourists rushed out, asking each other for news on the roadside, and no one paid attention to the iron sculpture mixed in the crowd.

The playground is not very far away. It only takes ten minutes to walk. The iron sculpture did not get close to the playground. Instead, it was hidden in an inconspicuous corner on the periphery. It chatted casually with the people around it and quickly became one with it without moving. Observing the surroundings sensually.

Not long after, the bus that went to greet everyone on the desert road slowly drove over and stopped by the road at the gate of the amusement park. The driver didn't know where to start. The woman got out of the car, holding a travel agency certificate in her hand. The flag continues to play the role of tour guide.

This was just a game for Luo Zheng to test his opponent. Naturally, Tie Diao would not run over, but continued to mix in the crowd and observe the surroundings. Not long after, Tie Diao found some suspicious people appearing. These people pretended to chat with the people around them, and from time to time Take a look at the direction of the bus.

When Tie Diao saw this scene, his face darkened, and he quietly moved closer to one of them, thinking at the same time, these people might be sent by his opponent, or maybe they weren't. How to be sure? Suddenly, Tie Diao saw Tantai Yue, mixed in the crowd, chatting with a local aunt. Suddenly, he had an idea and walked towards the bus.

Soon, the talented and bold iron eagle came near the bus. The female pick-up person looked at the iron eagle in surprise and asked, "Are you the only one? Where are the others?"

"Don't ask any more questions, let's go." Tie Diao said in a deep voice, and quickly got on the bus. Suddenly, he saw people coming out from under several seats of the bus. Each of them was holding a pistol with a silencer, and they were filled with murderous intent. Tie Diao saw that this was indeed the case. , well prepared, his body exploded out and fell heavily to the ground.

"Puff, puff, puff -" Several gunshots were fired, the sound was very weak, but they hit the windshield of the bus, the glass shattered and made a crashing sound. The iron sculpture that fell to the ground had a cold look on its face, and its eyes widened. Seeing the driver jumping out of the car from the driver's door, the female counterpart also pulled out a pistol equipped with a silencer, raised her hand to shoot, and moved very quickly.

"Sure enough, it's you." Tie Diao was furious, his body twisted strangely, and he swiped a whip leg fiercely, knocking the female counterpart who was about to shoot to the ground. The gunshot still rang out, but the bullet missed.

How powerful is the iron eagle's attack with hatred? Just hearing a click, the female partner's calf bone was broken, and she screamed. How could the iron eagle miss such a good opportunity? With a big hand, it looked like a sharp eagle claw and grabbed the opponent's face. Seeing the bus The enemy rushed down and was about to shoot. Tie Diao took advantage of the situation and smashed the person towards the door of the car. Suddenly he felt something on his hand. He couldn't help but was surprised. He quickly looked and saw that it was a silicone mask. The opponent was a fake.

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