The strongest soldier

Chapter 2540 Can’t bear to scold

People are in the air, and there are not many others who can help. Everyone has a parachute. Being close will interfere with each other, which is not conducive to parachute landing. Only one person can get out first. Tie Diao agreed knowingly, quickly controlled the parachute to accelerate the fall, and passed by The headset shouted: "Brothers, get ready."

"Understood." The people from the action team agreed solemnly.

Luo Zheng looked at Liu Qingqing, who was still in a coma, and was so worried that his intestines turned green. He vowed to check it carefully when he went back. It was clear that there was no problem with the parachute during training, so why was there such a big mistake this time? Is there something wrong with the training base assessment? This is no small matter.

Not long after, the members of the Chrysanthemum Team landed successfully. Everyone quickly put away their parachutes. Sanji and others also jumped down, followed closely by the people from the Action Team. As soon as the members of the Action Team hit the ground, they immediately rolled to relieve the slight momentum and pulled out the paratroopers. The knife quickly cut the parachute and released the binding rope. It only took a few seconds, and the speed was astonishing.

The team leader released the bonds and shouted in a deep voice: "Everyone listen to my orders and move closer to me."

"Yes!" Five members of the action team responded in a deep voice and rushed over one after another.

"Stack the three parachutes together, quickly." The team leader shouted urgently.

"Yes." Everyone agreed in a deep voice and quickly spread the parachutes flat and stacked them together.

At this time, members of Sanji, Gongsun Wu, Ji Wu and Juhua also reacted and rushed to help. Everyone formed a circle, grabbed the edge of the parachute and pulled it apart. Then they all looked up and saw the iron sculpture landing. Liu Qingqing was about to land. Everyone held on to the parachute tightly and ran towards Liu Qingqing's landing point.

Soon, everyone arrived at Liu Qingqing's landing point. Seeing that Liu Qingqing was no more than ten meters tall, the team leader looked at the people in front and shouted in a deep voice: "You guys, lower down, form a slope to offset the momentum, hurry up."

"Understood." Everyone agreed knowingly. The straight parachute quickly formed a 30-degree slope. As soon as Liu Qingqing finished doing this, she fell down, hit the highest point of the parachute heavily, and rolled down the slope for two seconds. Circle, the body bounces up after receiving force.

At this time, Tie Diao was freed from the restraints and rushed forward to help. He hugged Liu Qingqing who was flying away. He rolled his body to the ground and rolled twice. After losing the momentum, he stabilized himself. He placed Liu Qingqing on the ground and immediately checked. When he got up, he found that he had passed out due to lack of oxygen, and quickly shouted: "Tantaiyue, come here, artificial respiration." After all, Liu Qingqing was a girl, and there were women around her, so Tie Diao chose to avoid suspicion.

"Understood." Tantai Yue rushed forward with a quick stride.

For senior agents, first aid is also a basic skill, and everyone is very good at it. Another person rushed up to help compress the chest, while Tan Taiyue pinched Liu Qingqing's chin and blew it up. No one gathered around to avoid blocking the air circulation. People watching from a short distance looked eager.

At this time, Luo Zheng also jumped down, released his restraints, and rushed up. He looked at Liu Qingqing who was being rescued with a heavy face, and his eyes were full of worry. Tie Diao came up, patted Luo Zheng's shoulder and said in a deep voice. : "It's just a temporary lack of oxygen. It's no problem. Don't worry. This girl can't parachute?"

Luo Zheng didn't know how to answer this question, so he looked at Tie Diao gratefully and said, "Thank you just now."

"Do we still need to be polite to each other?" Tie Diao said nonchalantly. Seeing that Luo Zheng didn't answer his question directly, he didn't bother to ask more questions.

Liu Qingqing was quickly revived and coughed for a while. After drinking some water, she felt much better. She sat on the ground with her head lowered, not daring to look at everyone. Luo Zheng motioned for everyone to go away, and went forward alone, squatting down. Liu Qingqing stepped forward, unhooked and turned off the headset, and also took off Liu Qingqing's headset. After turning it off, she asked in a low voice: "Tell me, what is going on? Why is this happening?"

"Me?" Liu Qingqing hesitated, her face turning red.

Luo Zheng looked at Liu Qingqing without saying a word, controlling his anger and waiting patiently. Liu Qingqing knew that he could not avoid this problem and quickly adjusted his mood, but still did not dare to look at Luo Zheng and said softly: "My menstrual cycle is coming. I felt uncomfortable. When I jumped down, I suddenly felt dizzy and tingling, and then I didn’t know anything. I didn’t feel like this before, and I didn’t know it would happen.”

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?" Luo Zheng said in a deep voice, holding back his anger.

"I'm afraid you won't let me participate in this operation." Liu Qingqing explained hesitantly.

"You -" Luo Zheng didn't know what to say. What a good soldier. He ignored his own safety for the sake of the mission. Can such a soldier still have the heart to scold him? Luo Zheng's anger gradually subsided and he cursed angrily: "You, you didn't know how dangerous it was just now. If Brother Tie Diao hadn't been fast enough to help you open your parachute in time, you would have been doomed. Go back and write a review."

"Yes." Liu Qingqing quickly agreed. She secretly looked up at Luo Zheng and saw that Luo Zheng was looking around with a heavy face. With the eyes of Liu Qingqing, a behavioral expert, he could naturally see that Luo Zheng was not angry with herself anymore. Dading stuck out his tongue and said: "Sir, don't be angry. At best, I won't make this kind of mistake next time."

"Do you still want a next time?" Luo Zheng cursed angrily, handed the headset to Liu Qingqing, put on his own, stood up, looked at the vast desert and the gray sky around him, and couldn't help but said in a deep voice: " Everyone, clean up immediately to avoid being exposed."

"Understood." Everyone responded in a deep voice and packed up their parachutes.

At this time, Tantaiyue trotted up, glanced at Liu Qingqing curiously, then looked at Luo Zheng and said: "The bus to greet us is already in place. We must get there as soon as possible. It will be dawn soon."

"Okay, let's go. You can help me take care of her." Luo Zheng promised in a deep voice, pointing at Liu Qingqing. Seeing Liu Qingqing sticking out her tongue and making a face, she cursed angrily: "Please calm down. , tell her if you have anything, you are both women, it is more convenient."

"I know." Liu Qingqing immediately agreed obediently.

Luo Zheng glared at Liu Qingqing dissatisfiedly, feeling too angry to express his anger. Liu Qingqing was not good at all, but he risked his life for the mission. How could he blame such a person?

The moon was hazy, the morning star hung high in the sky, and the surroundings were quiet. There was only the sound of sand blown by the wind. It was going to be dawn soon. Luo Zheng urged everyone to move quickly. Soon, everyone brought everything with them and identified them. After finding a good direction, they walked forward, pulling out a long queue in the gray moonlit sky.

Half an hour later, a desert road appeared in front of him. A tourist bus was parked beside the road, with its lights on. Luo Zheng smiled when he saw the bus. He felt relieved, clenched his fists, and looked in the direction of the casino. There was a fighting spirit in his eyes. No matter how big the conspiracy and traps were in the casino, he would never look back.

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