The strongest soldier

Chapter 2539 Thrilling Airborne Landing

With the ability of the tentacle monster, it is natural to guess that everyone has gone back to the past. This is an unchangeable fact. They can only act according to the situation. The two chatted about the method of infiltration. Diplomatic channels are indeed good, but they will expose their identities and infiltrate into the destination. The best way was to parachute. Luo Zheng immediately contacted Tantai Yue and was relieved to learn that all the members of the Chrysanthemum Team could parachute at high altitudes, and confirmed the plan.

Lan Xue immediately contacted the aviation bureau and learned that there was a cargo plane going to Sam Country the next day and that it needed to pass through the skies outside the casino. It was the best choice. Luo Zheng immediately confirmed the flight and informed Tie Diao and Dan of the specific time. Taiyue, and made an appointment to meet at a place.

Considering that you need to wear casual clothes to enter the casino, logistics must be arranged. This issue is handed over to the national security. They have safe houses in the casino, as well as intelligence personnel whose identities can be disclosed. The Chrysanthemum Group organized Tan Taiyue to take charge of the logistics arrangements. , so Luo Zheng doesn’t have to worry.

After the mission was finalized, Luo Zheng and Lan Xue discussed some details, and Lan Xue submitted an action report. The mission was classified as top secret, which meant that non-operation personnel did not know the specific situation.

The next morning, Luo Zheng drove away from the base with Shi Qian and Liu Qingqing. As for Ji Wu, Gongsun Wu and Sang Ji, they took a helicopter from the secret training base to the airport to meet up. Lan Xue drove everyone off, and everyone had a lot of fun along the way. They were talking and laughing, and no one mentioned the mission, so as not to affect their mood.

Not long after, everyone arrived at the international airport. The green channel went directly into the airport. They parked their car next to a cargo plane. Sanji, Ji Wu, Gongsun Wu, members of the Juhua team and the action team were all waiting. The man was handsome and free-spirited. The woman was colorful and looked pleasing to the eye. I had to admit that a bunch of beauties together were a sight to behold. The escorting helicopter had already left, with the driver and airport police accompanying them. Everyone said goodbye to Lan Xue and boarded the plane.

Luo Zheng looked at Lan Xue, and Lan Xue nodded knowingly. There was no solemn instruction. One look showed that each other's minds were connected, but it was better than a thousand words. The two nodded in tacit understanding, saying nothing, but knowing everything. Luo Zheng turned around and left, walking towards the plane. Lan Xue started the car and left without looking back. No one saw the reluctance and concern in the other's eyes. A soldier must leave his family for the sake of his country.

The plane quickly took off. The cargo plane was filled with all kinds of cargo, but a special space was made for everyone. Parachutes and water and food were also prepared. Luo Zheng asked everyone to introduce themselves to each other, and then chatted. They were tired. You can sleep, eat something when you're hungry, and feel free, but not lonely.

Around five o'clock in the morning the next day, before dawn, the plane arrived at its intended destination. Everyone put on their parachutes skillfully and checked each other to make sure everything was ready. After everything was ready, a window opened below the flight, and the person in the chrysanthemum group jumped first. , if there is any problem, the people behind you can still help.

The Chrysanthemum Team is worthy of being a heroine. They jumped down one by one skillfully without even frowning. Their movements were extremely standard and they were obviously well-trained. Luo Zheng was secretly relieved to see them, followed by Sang Ji, Liu Qingqing, Gongsun Wu and Ji Wu and the three of them were forced to practice parachuting at the training base, but just to be sure, Luo Zheng asked the four of them to continue jumping.

Then came the action team led by Tie Diao. Everyone jumped down skillfully without any hesitation. After Luo Zheng waited for everyone to jump down, he also jumped down. The air flow in the air was very strong, and his body was swaying unsteadily and it was difficult to control. Luo Zheng Zheng rolled a few times vigorously, gradually controlled the center, jumped down with his head down and his feet up.

When people were in the air, Luo Zheng found that everyone had basically controlled their center and falling postures. Only Liu Qingqing was still rolling. He was horrified and quickly twisted his body to change direction and chased after Liu Qingqing. People were falling from high altitude. When jumping down, the heavier the weight, the faster the fall. If the posture is correct enough, the speed will be faster.

Luo Zheng found that Liu Qingqing's posture was wrong and her body was still rolling uncontrollably. If not handled in time, she would become dizzy and lose judgment, and even forget to open the parachute. This was not a good thing, so he eagerly shouted through the headset: " Qingqing, stabilize your body quickly, don’t forget to take a breath and stabilize yourself.”

Everyone heard Luo Zheng's shout and looked around one after another. The one who had jumped even looked back. Soon they saw Liu Qingqing who was still rolling. Their expressions changed greatly. Tie Diao said in a deep voice: "I'll go." help."

"Everyone, take care of yourselves and pay attention to your posture and height." Luo Zheng reminded loudly that parachuting from high altitudes is no child's play. The airflow is strong, the air is thin, the speed is fast, and the visibility is low at night. If you are not careful, you will be in catastrophe.

Luo Zheng tensed his body, straightened his arms and legs, as if a big gun was being thrown downwards. The strong buzzing sound of the air made Luo Zheng's ears ring, but he could no longer care about this in such an emergency. Luo Zheng was stunned. Staring at Liu Qingqing, her heart was full of anxiety. Unexpectedly, Liu Qingqing could not control herself.

Luo Zheng had reviewed the usual training results. It was okay for Liu Qingqing to land in the air, otherwise he wouldn't have brought him here. In his hurry, Luo Zheng ignored the distance at high altitude and tried his best to control his speed to catch up. Suddenly he saw a person next to him. He caught up with him like a shooting star. He couldn't help but turn around and saw that it was an iron sculpture.

Luo Zheng immediately signaled to Tie Diao, and chased Liu Qingqing from left to right, and soon caught up with Liu Qingqing who was still rolling. The two of them quickly took action, grabbing Liu Qingqing's arms from left to right. He led Liu Qingqing to fall downwards, which invisibly helped Liu Qingqing stabilize his body.

Soon, Luo Zheng found that Liu Qingqing was in a daze. He quickly gestured to Tie Diao, indicating that Liu Qingqing was in danger, and asked Tie Diao to let go. However, Tie Diao asked Luo Zheng to let go, indicating that he could handle it. Luo Zheng knew that Tie Diao His strength far surpassed his own, and he had a better chance of winning by leaving it to Tie Diao. He nodded, released his grip on Liu Qingqing's arm, twisted his body and flew to one side, distanced himself from Tie Diao.

At this time, Luo Zheng found that the members of the Chrysanthemum Group below had opened their parachutes, and their descent slowed down. Then Sanji and others also pulled out their parachutes. Luo Zheng quickly looked at the iron eagle and found that the iron eagle had already pulled Liu Qingqing down. Hugging her, she quickly groped for something with one hand. Soon, Liu Qingqing's parachute was pulled open.

After the parachute was fully opened, Liu Qingqing's descent slowed down a lot. Tie Diao also opened his parachute. Luo Zheng also quickly opened the parachute, controlled the speed, and kept a certain distance from Liu Qingqing, so that he could rescue him when necessary. , while shouting through the headset: "Is everyone okay? Qingqing, heard the reply."

"It's okay." Everyone replied one after another, but Liu Qingqing did not answer, with his head hanging down, as if he was fainted. This situation made Luo Zheng worried, and he immediately shouted urgently through the headset: "Brother Tiediao, you go down first, Be prepared to respond.”

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