The strongest soldier

Chapter 2534 National Security Invitation

Normally, the cash in the hotel's vault should not be insured. Unexpectedly, this hotel was not only insured, but also highly insured. The cash inside was indeed burned by someone, and more importantly, the hotel's firewood Normally, no one dares to touch the Childe family. This means that they are enemies of the entire Dark Church. This is so strange. Could it be that the President of Sam Country is secretly operating to attack the Childe family?

Luo Zheng soon put this idea aside. There were many ways to attack Childe. There was no need to use this. You must know that the cash in the vault was highly insured. Wouldn't this give the opponent an advantage? With the power of the President of Sam State, he can naturally find out the insurance issue. There is absolutely no reason to do so. But, who else could he be if he were not the President of Sam State?

Luo Zheng thought about it for a long time but couldn't figure it out. Before he knew it, it was time to eat. Luo Zheng came to the cafeteria. Like everyone else, he took a plate and queued up to eat. He didn't make anything special. This would help to shorten the distance between him and his brothers. , to improve cohesion, Luo Zheng will come to the cafeteria to have a meal with everyone as long as there is nothing special.

There were quite a few people in line. Everyone was used to Luo Zheng's presence and did not give up their seats. After waiting for a long time, Luo Zheng grabbed some food and found an empty seat to sit down. Then he saw Shi Qian hurried over with food in hand, a look on his face. He looked nervously, looked around, and lowered his voice and said: "Head, the news has been released, but the other party has not taken the initiative to contact me. It seems that something has happened or is running away, and I am temporarily unavailable."

"Well, it's understandable. Anyone who has done such a big deal has to run away. It's not easy to avoid tracing. Keep in touch. Once contacted, ask for the truth." Luo Zheng warned.

"Understood." Shi Qian whispered. He looked around and saw that no one was paying attention. He lowered his voice and continued: "This thing seems very strange. The other party successfully penetrated into the vault and burned the cash and then evacuated quickly. Ordinarily It would alarm anyone, but I didn’t expect that there were many local police waiting outside. If these guys hadn’t been careful and arranged a secret sentry outside to watch the wind and learn the truth in advance, they would have been caught red-handed. This shows that Someone didn’t want them to come out alive.”

"You mean the people who hired them?" Luo Zheng asked in surprise.

"Yes, the person who hired them must have leaked the information to the police. Otherwise, how could the police arrive so coincidentally? In order to kill people and silence them, I don't know why." Shi Qian deduced.

"Your analysis is very reasonable. Hiring people to burn down the treasury is not a trivial matter. You have to face the wrath of the Childe family. Killing these people with the help of the police can not only kill people but also save a lot of hiring fees. It was a shrewd calculation, but it's a pity that someone got away, and this matter has become interesting." Luo Zheng said in a low voice, and started to eat.

Shi Qian thought for a while, said nothing more, and lowered his head to eat. At this time, Gui Shou and others came over one after another with food and sat beside them to chat. Luo Zheng and Shi Qian both tacitly put things aside for the time being. After eating, Luo Zheng returned to his office, made a cup of tea and sat down to rest. He continued to think about the burning of cash at the Childe Family Hotel. It was so weird and completely inconsistent with common sense.

If someone else's hotel cash was lost, Luo Zheng wouldn't be interested at all, but Childe is an old rival, and any move is related to him. In addition, the tentacle monster also went to the casino for unknown purposes, so the matter became complicated. To get more subtle, Luo Zheng was thinking about it when Lan Xue knocked on the door and came in.

"Here we come, sit down and rest for a while." Luo Zheng stood up to greet him enthusiastically and poured tea for Lan Xue.

Lan Xue casually found a seat and sat down and said: "I just received a contact call from the National Security Bureau, saying that there is a meeting for you to attend. I confirmed it with the above. Grandpa said that the National Security Bureau mentioned it to him. , I have something important to discuss, and I want you to come over and take a look, and help if you can. He didn’t say what it was exactly.”

"Guoan? Why are you calling me?" Luo Zheng asked curiously.

"I don't know. I should be in trouble and want to consult with you. Just go and take a look. They have helped us a lot. We need their help this time to release the Holy Son. As the person in charge, you should go over and express your gratitude. Yes." Lan Xue explained with a smile.

"Okay, what should I pay attention to?" Luo Zheng agreed.

"No need, it's not that complicated. Just go empty-handed and return empty-handed. Don't accept gifts from anyone in any form. The time is almost up. Go ahead." Lan Xue knew that Luo Zheng was not very familiar with officialdom and quickly reminded him Tao said, accepting gifts is equivalent to accepting bribes. This is a big deal and must not be careless.

Luo Zheng thought for a while, picked up the relevant documents and the gun and put them away, took the car keys and left the office, drove quickly away from the base and went straight to the National Security Bureau. There was some traffic jam along the way. Normally, the 20-minute drive would take more than 30 minutes. I arrived a few minutes later, and there was someone waiting at the gate. I knew Luo Zheng, it was the secretary of the minister.

The secretary also recognized Luo Zheng and immediately let the guard pass. Luo Zheng drove in, parked the car in the empty parking space at the door, got out of the car, locked the door, looked at the secretary who came up and said hello: "Hello!"

"Hello, please follow me." The secretary greeted Luo Zheng politely, using his honorific title, and motioned for Luo Zheng to follow him and walked toward the lobby of the main office building.

The two came to the lobby and took the elevator upstairs. Luo Zheng saw that the other party was silent along the way and was too lazy to talk nonsense. The two soon arrived at the door of conference room No. 1. The secretary knocked on the door. After receiving permission, he pushed the door open and said respectfully. : "Minister, the guests are here."

"Soon, please come in." A majestic voice sounded from inside.

As soon as Luo Zheng heard the voice, he knew it was the minister he had met once before. He was not polite and walked in directly. He found that there were more than a dozen people sitting around the conference table, both men and women. They all looked impressive and the projector was on. A recent portrait of a person was frozen on the projection screen. He was a strange middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes, wearing a pair of sunglasses and short hair. He looked extraordinary.

"Here we come, come on, please take a seat." The minister pointed to an empty seat and said enthusiastically.

Luo Zheng glanced at everyone in the venue, and everyone looked at him in shock. Obviously, they didn't know that he was coming. Luo Zheng didn't know what kind of meeting it was. Curiously, he walked to an empty seat and sat down. He looked at the minister and nodded with a smile. : "Hello, Minister, do you have any questions for me?"

"It's easy to talk about." The minister smiled, glanced at the people in the meeting, and explained: "Comrades, I specially invited this person, and his name is confidential. Xiaofan, please briefly explain the situation again, and let this comrade Get familiar with the situation and just pick out the important things."

"Yes." A young and capable man responded in a deep voice, looking at Luo Zheng curiously.

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